Evidence for a soul?


In search of Immortality
Valued Senior Member
I thought this article published in South Florida shows an example of how poor science can encourage gullible people to believe what they want to hear. Following comments and critique are by a less gullible real scientist.



Mind continues after brain dies, scientist says

By Sarah Tippit
June 28, 2001

LOS ANGELES -- A British scientist studying heart attack patients
says he is finding evidence that suggests that consciousness may
continue after the brain has stopped functioning and a patient is
clinically dead.

The research, presented to scientists last week at the California
Institute of Technology, resurrects the debate over whether there
is life after death and whether there is such a thing as the
human soul.

``The studies are very significant in that we have a group of
people with no brain function ... who have well-structured, lucid
thought processes with reasoning and memory formation at a time
when their brains are shown not to function,'' Sam Parnia, one of
two doctors from Southampton General Hospital in England who have
been studying so-called near-death experiences (NDEs), told
Reuters in an interview.

``We need to do much larger-scale studies, but the possibility is
certainly there'' to suggest that consciousness, or the soul,
keeps thinking and reasoning even if a person's heart has
stopped, he is not breathing and his brain activity is nil,
Parnia said.

He said he and colleagues conducted an initial year-long study,
the results of which appeared in the February issue of the
journal Resuscitation. The study was so promising the doctors
formed a foundation to fund further research and continue
collecting data.

During the initial study, Parnia said, 63 heart attack patients
who were deemed clinically dead but were later revived were
interviewed within a week of their experiences.

Of those, 56 said they had no recollection of the time they were
unconscious and seven reported having memories. Of those, four
were labeled NDEs in that they reported lucid memories of
thinking, reasoning, moving about and communicating with others
after doctors determined their brains were not functioning.

Among other things, the patients reported remembering feelings of
peace, joy and harmony. For some, time sped up, senses heightened
and they lost awareness of their bodies.

The patients also reported seeing a bright light, entering
another realm and communicating with dead relatives. One, who
called himself a lapsed Catholic and Pagan, reported a close
encounter with a mystical being.

Near-death experiences have been reported for centuries but in
Parnia's study none of the patients were found to have received
low oxygen levels, which some skeptics believe may contribute to
the phenomenon.

When the brain is deprived of oxygen people become totally
confused, thrash around and usually have no memories at all,
Parnia said.

``Here you have a severe insult to the brain but perfect

Skeptics have also suggested that patients' memories occurred in
the moments they were leaving or returning to consciousness. But
Parnia said when a brain is traumatized by a seizure or car wreck
a patient generally does not remember moments just before or
after losing consciousness.

Rather, there is usually a memory lapse of hours or days.

''Talk to them. They'll tell you something like: 'I just remember
seeing the car and the next thing I knew I was in the
hospital,''' he said.

``With cardiac arrest, the insult to the brain is so severe it
stops the brain completely. Therefore, I would expect profound
memory loss before and after the incident,'' he added.

Since the initial experiment, Parnia and his colleagues have
found more than 3,500 people with lucid memories that apparently
occurred at times they were thought to be clinically dead. Many
of the patients, he said, were reluctant to share their
experiences fearing they would be thought crazy.

``When you damage the brain or lose some of the aspects of mind
or personality, that doesn't necessarily mean the mind is being
produced by the brain. All it shows is that the apparatus is
damaged,'' Parnia said, adding that further research might reveal
the existence of a soul.

``When these people are having experiences they say, 'I had this
intense pain in my chest and suddenly I was drifting in the
corner of my room and I was so happy, so comfortable. I looked
down and realized I was seeing my body and doctors all around me
trying to save me and I didn't want to go back.

``The point is they are describing seeing this thing in the room,
which is their body. Nobody ever says, 'I had this pain and the
next thing I knew my soul left me.' ''

Copyright © 2001, South Florida Sun-Sentinel


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 17:45:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Randal Koene <randalk@marina.psych.mcgill.ca>
Subject: Re: Fw: [BEM-F] Mind Continues After Death?

Hi all,

Well, well, another case of clear-cut evidence brought about through the
scientific method. Sarcasm aside, where in this entire article is there
actually any *evidence*??? I found none. If someone could point out some
evidence, that would be interesting. I can give you similar articles that
go on at length about interviews in which 6 out of 60 persons reported
weird memories such as alien abduction or out-of-body experiences and
flying. So, are the aliens here too?

I thought we were just getting to the point where it is becoming more and
more clear just how much human memory is *not* a video replay of events,
but rather a compilation of *plausible* reconstructions - that are also
very susceptible to suggestion. Remember all that child witness stuff?
And the vast scales of satanic rituals on children humbug?

No, you really need a lot more than these interviews.

Anyhow, a few comments on the stuff below:

> LOS ANGELES -- A British scientist studying heart attack patients
> says he is finding evidence that suggests that consciousness may

I wish he would have mentioned the *evidence*.

> ``The studies are very significant in that we have a group of
> people with no brain function ... who have well-structured, lucid
> thought processes with reasoning and memory formation at a time
> when their brains are shown not to function,'' Sam Parnia, one of

Wrong! Should be: "Here we have a group of people who had no apparent
brain function and now *claim* to have had thoughts at the time."

> ``We need to do much larger-scale studies, but the possibility is
> certainly there'' to suggest that consciousness, or the soul,

The possibility to suggest something is always there. Suggestions fact do
not make.

> When the brain is deprived of oxygen people become totally
> confused, thrash around and usually have no memories at all,
> Parnia said.

I see no contradiction there. If you are confused, it is quite possible
that you may recall memories of events that did not happen, i.e. memories
that are not actually memories of the time involved.

> ``Here you have a severe insult to the brain but perfect
> memory.''

Funny, I would have drawn the opposite conclusion. The 56 who reported
nothing appear to have normal memory function. Those who believe they
remember the time when they had no brain activity are probably suffering
from trauma induced mental confusion.

> Skeptics have also suggested that patients' memories occurred in
> the moments they were leaving or returning to consciousness. But
> Parnia said when a brain is traumatized by a seizure or car wreck
> a patient generally does not remember moments just before or
> after losing consciousness.
> Rather, there is usually a memory lapse of hours or days.

And this general case does appear to hold true for the majority of the
patients who were interviewed.

> ``The point is they are describing seeing this thing in the room,
> which is their body. Nobody ever says, 'I had this pain and the
> next thing I knew my soul left me.' ''

Meaningless, since our experiences are always subjective.


Neural Modeling Lab, Department of Psychology - McGill University
randalk@marina.psych.mcgill.ca, (514)-398-4319
minduploading.org, www.psych.mcgill.ca/perpg/stds/rk/
Yes Cris, I heard about this as well. My view is that even if the brain does still function, though someone is clinically dead it does not prove that there is a soul. I think this because the brain is going to decay anyway, and therefore, if you come to the conlcusion from this evidence that there is a soul, then that soul will most likely be non-eternal.

I guess you could cal it bad-science, because it assumes too much. It should have remained a hypothesis. Until more evidence comes out.
Do you believe in a life energy force? Maybe that's where the consciousness leaves (the brain). who knows. But how do you explain thing like life and what holds all the mollecules together?

I didnt read the entire article but if the believe that humans do have souls then they are very good scientists.

What do you mean by a life energy force? How is it measured?

What do you mean by consciousness leaves the brain?

The interractivity of neurons within the brain seems to adequately explain things like mind and consciousness, e.g. Mind=Consciousness=Brain.

If the brain is damaged or is destroyed, then the associated mind or consciousness is similarly damaged or destroyed. We know from numerous clinical studies that the mind cannot function correctly when the brain suffers significant damage. Destruction is simply ultimate damage. So if the brain is destroyed then it follows that the mind will cease to exist also.

Life appears to be animated matter. What holds the molecules together? The same thing that holds the moecules together in a piece of plastic - try nuclear forces.

If they can prove that souls exist then they are very good scientists, but if they only believe that souls exist but cannot prove their claim then they are very bad scientists.

From reading the first post that cris placed here, I have come to a conclusion over the possibility of what occurs in such events. Of course I guess people will ask for evidence, for which I have none, but I know if I could get the funding and the cooperation of particular people within certain communities, then an understanding could be found.

Of course the main problem is that if I was to do what I believe possible, I'm not too sure that the information could be fully released to the public because it might cause pandamonium among the general populous if it undermined beliefs and ways of life.

I a few years ago theorised into creating a device that could send information back through time, I of course haven't built such a device as I've been so busy theorising the action and it's consequences (and the fact that my qualifications would seem laughable)

I realised the main problem of having such a information device was the Obituaries (especially if it was your own death, as you might try to work a way to cheat it or worse it might effect the way you live the rest of your life up to your demise.)

The point is though that Obituaries are found in newspapers, and newspapers could find their way into such systems, and the death of a person to some might seem morbid or someone might pay their respects, but to particular fields of research that obituary would become an invite.

I'm sure you've heard of Wigner's Assistant, Cris. (For the rest that's the human version of Schrodingers Cat Experiment) from the human version there is a lot of questioning about "Wave function collapses", these are caused when a single timespace is split into parallels and the wavefunctions that are present decide which parallel to exist within. It means that entire brain functions would be lost within these parallels or frequency. So a person would continue thinking, while their actual brain activity appears to be nil. (because it's beyond the range of that measureing equipment).

This added to a possibility that particular peoples would try to act as humane as possible by removing any continued pain, and createing such illusions to perhaps satisfy one last question (of fantasy) that they would never had answered within life, because their life had been cut short.

I wish I could explain this in more detail, but I think the jist has been mentioned and it's far easier answering questions than writing an entire essay/paper. :D
Nope Cris,

what do I mean? well go back to the beggining, DNA egg and sperm yadiyada make baby it grows, do they know the origins of life or how it happens? nope, the best scientific way to explain it would be in something like a life energy force. I dont think even small amounts of radiation would be beneficial to humans or any other form of life when it is created. I dont want to continue this conversation, just wanted to get my 2 cents in. Call it whatever you want. I've turned non believers into believers quite a few times but it takes work. I have to spoonfeed the evidence and right now I have barely enough energy to type. My advice; just try to think about it from my POV and the possibilities. Wheres your hardcore proof that I'm wrong or something like that doesnt exist?
I´d say something like:
The soul is the user. The brain is the interface.

Turn off the brain and the user is cut off from this realitytunnel and back in its own domain. Excistance is a closed system based on the hardware running it.
Try explaining to your comp what´s going on when you turn it off :)
*Originally posted by Cris
What do you mean by a life energy force? How is it measured?

He probably refers to the thing that makes the difference between a living person and a corpse.

It's measured using the same scale by which those scientists determine clinical death.

*What do you mean by consciousness leaves the brain?*

He probably means "dies."

*If they can prove that souls exist then they are very good scientists, but if they only believe that souls exist but cannot prove their claim then they are very bad scientists.*

The existence of souls is easy to prove.
Just look in a mirror.
What you see is your soul, otherwise known as yourself.

You may be thinking of "spirits."
Their existence is a little more difficult to prove.

*Originally posted by Stryderunknown
I'm not too sure that the information could be fully released to the public because it might cause pandamonium among the general populous if it undermined beliefs and ways of life.

Oh yeah, you know the one thing that will completely destroy civilization as we know it.


When God is proven the soul is proven. Now to prove God; there was never nothingness, for if there were it would not exist for it in itself would be nothing and nothing would come of it for nothingness would not exist and therefore would be infinite having no existence in itself (an infinite realm of nothingness). Now that we know this, we must now look at the fact that physicality does not come with existence, it is created into it. For what came first the place or the physicality? The reason for this is proven by a question, the question is, "if there was no space would existence be an infinitude body of physical matter"? No, for this body of physicality is a thing, space is infinite because it is a place confined by no thing. For if there were an infinite large body of physicality how is it suspended, where is it suspended; this infinite physical body is the place? You see the place and physicality are two separate things. The physicality is not existent unless there is space, thus there is nothingness without space. You may say, "Well what came first God or the place"? I say to that, "Without God would there be a place, for God is infinite". He did not come into this place as physicality, He just "is". The difference between God always existing and physicality always existing is that God is infinite without ending and is "not physical". On the other hand, physicality is not infinite having structure in itself, being confined (obviously). Therefore God is impossible to have come into this existence, for from where does an infinite being come, He must have always been for a thing which is infinite cannot be created. This infinite thing must have no beginning; an infinite thing has no beginning, for it is infinite in size having no limits, no beginnings and no endings. It is impossible that a thing would be existent and “grow to the size of infinite”, it is impossible also that an infinite thing would “come to exist” having never existed before.

Also, if you believe in the "BIG BANG" then you must understand for one thing, that this explosion would have never occurred if it had been building up for all eternity having no beginning it would have no ending, thus remaining the same. And the other of many things you must know of the "BIG BANG" and its falsehood is, since we know that the explosion is not infinite for it would have never exploded, we must now understand that physicality has a beginning being finite, for we know it would have never exploded if it were infinite. A thing, which is not infinite in size, must have a beginning, for it would only be a partisan of existence being confined within. And the last point of it, which is not the last but one of many points, is that from an explosion there is no product unless this explosion collides with something. Being this explosion supposedly exploded into infinite space having no friction for there is no air, it (explosion) would have no product. Neither would this explosion break into swirling galaxies for there is no air friction in space, therefore this explosion would never slow, it would remain constant having no product, flowing into endless eternity.

So I conclude:

#1 God was not created for He is infinite and "is" the creator of all existence.

#2 There was never nothingness.

#3 The place came before the physicality.

#4 The physicality has not always been, for it has a source being finite.

#5 Nothing can exist from nothingness.

#6 No "BIG BANG"

#7 God exists!!!!!!! (He says we have a soul) Existence!!!!!!!

Truth, Jonathan
Re: Soul


This forum was originally in the science category and my topic starter was intended to demonstrate poor science. Whether gods or souls exist is a matter for the religion forum. However, I suspect I can demonstrate your poor logic, which was after all the method used by alleged scientists in my opening post.

When God is proven the soul is proven.

Why? To which god are you referring? There are many thousands of currently recognized gods. I can easily imagine a scenario with a god and people who have no souls.

there was never nothingness, for if there were it would not exist for it in itself would be nothing and nothing would come of it for nothingness would not exist and therefore would be infinite having no existence in itself (an infinite realm of nothingness).

The wording could have been simpler but essentially I agree that something must have always existed.

we must now look at the fact that physicality does not come with existence, it is created into it. For what came first the place or the physicality?

This is a little problematic. What do you mean by ‘existence’ and what do you mean by ‘physicality’? We have no knowledge pertaining to anything that is not physical so your statement makes no sense. I believe the current state of physics shows that nothing is ever created or destroyed it is simply transformed into one form or another. This implies that everything that currently exists has always existed in one form or another.

Place or physicality? You have not made a case that something non-physical can exist, so your question has no meaning. If something exists then it must be observable and measurable in which case it must be contained within a place, even if that place is the entire universe. We have already agreed that ‘something’ has always existed. It follows then that the place in which this something exists must always also have existed. In essence we cannot divorce the two. We can also deduce from this that if ‘something’ always existed in a place that always existed then the universe must have always existed. Here we have a case for an infinite universe.

If the universe had no beginning then it could not have been created. Here the concept of a creator god begins to breakdown irretrievably.

"if there was no space would existence be an infinitude body of physical matter"? No, for this body of physicality is a thing, space is infinite because it is a place confined by no thing. For if there were an infinite large body of physicality how is it suspended, where is it suspended; this infinite physical body is the place? You see the place and physicality are two separate things. The physicality is not existent unless there is space, thus there is nothingness without space.

I can only guess at what you are trying to say here. I think the conclusion is that space is infinite and that anything physical must be contained within this space.

But you seem to be implying that something physical cannot also be infinite. But I see no problem with something physical being infinite. Remember infinity is not a numeric value and makes no reference to density. Infinity is something that has no boundaries.

Note also that it is impossible to prove that something is infinite since you will never be able to test far enough to show whether any boundaries exist.

You may say, "Well what came first God or the place"? I say to that, "Without God would there be a place, for God is infinite". He did not come into this place as physicality, He just "is". The difference between God always existing and physicality always existing is that God is infinite without ending and is "not physical". On the other hand, physicality is not infinite having structure in itself, being confined (obviously).

You have now completely departed from logic and are simply making unsubstantiated assertions.

Define what you mean by a god and describe accurately its characteristics, also show your proofs and evidence that support your claims. We have already agreed that the place has always existed so the question of which came first has no meaning, since something infinite has no beginning.

If this god has no substance and ‘just is’; then you need to define how something without substance can be said to exist. In other words you need to define the term ‘existence’ for this special case.

Please show how something physical can be spontaneously created or destroyed? Since this would be required if physicality is not infinite. You will also need to show why the currently accepted laws of conservation of matter and energy have not always existed. At this time only in the laboratories of high-energy physics can we see subatomic particles being created and destroyed, but the overall net gain or loss of matter or energy always remains zero.

Therefore God is impossible to have come into this existence, for from where does an infinite being come, He must have always been for a thing which is infinite cannot be created. This infinite thing must have no beginning; an infinite thing has no beginning, for it is infinite in size having no limits, no beginnings and no endings. It is impossible that a thing would be existent and “grow to the size of infinite”, it is impossible also that an infinite thing would “come to exist” having never existed before.

Well Ok that’s a nice description of something that has the property of infinity, but your dialogue contains no evidence or proofs that such a thing exists. And since we have already agreed that the universe is infinite and by your own definition here, such an infinite universe could not have been created, then what need is there of gods? According to your definitions they seem to be redundant.

Also, if you believe in the "BIG BANG" then you must understand for one thing, that this explosion would have never occurred if it had been building up for all eternity having no beginning it would have no ending, thus remaining the same. And the other of many things you must know of the "BIG BANG" and its falsehood is, since we know that the explosion is not infinite for it would have never exploded, we must now understand that physicality has a beginning being finite, for we know it would have never exploded if it were infinite.

You seem to be making many unsubstantiated assumptions here. Why do you think the big bang is a falsehood? Current scientific evidence is overwhelming that a big bang did occur. And we also cannot conclude that physicality had a beginning with a big bang. We do not know that the big bang was the only big bang and we don’t know if other big bangs are occurring elsewhere in the universe. I.e. this big bang has created just a small bubble that we call the observed universe but most of the real universe lies outside this bubble.

In short we cannot as yet make any conclusions about what came before the current big bang or the size of the universe, or whether there is matter or energy elsewhere.

A thing, which is not infinite in size, must have a beginning, for it would only be a partisan of existence being confined within.

No, all evidence so far shows that anything that is created comes from other materials. There is no net loss or gain of anything.

And the last point of it, which is not the last but one of many points, is that from an explosion there is no product unless this explosion collides with something. Being this explosion supposedly exploded into infinite space having no friction for there is no air, it (explosion) would have no product. Neither would this explosion break into swirling galaxies for there is no air friction in space, therefore this explosion would never slow, it would remain constant having no product, flowing into endless eternity.

I’ll assume that is a joke, and is certainly not worthy of a serious comment.

So I conclude:

#1 God was not created for He is infinite and "is" the creator of all existence.

An unsubstantiated and baseless assertion. You have shown no evidence or proof.

#2 There was never nothingness.

This cannot be proved, but I feel it is a useful hypothesis.

#3 The place came before the physicality.

Baseless assertion.

#4 The physicality has not always been, for it has a source being finite.

This would defy currently accepted laws of conservation and you have not shown that these have not always been true.

#5 Nothing can exist from nothingness.

A meaningless statement.

#6 No "BIG BANG".

Overwhelming scientific evidence says otherwise.

#7 God exists!!!!!!! (He says we have a soul) Existence!!!!!!!

Your comments referring to an undefined entity labeled ‘god’ were not accompanied by any evidence or proofs. And the imaginative hypothesis was introduced without explaining why such an object need to or should exist. Also giving this non-physical imaginary object the ability to speak in order to describe souls is also difficult to understand since to speak, the object, would need to be physical and you have stated that physicality is not infinite but this object is infinite. You appear to have contradicted yourself.


Or rather very far-fetched gibberish.

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Re: Re: Soul

Originally posted by Cris

. If something exists then it must be observable and measurable in which case it must be contained within a place, even if that place is the entire universe. Cris


understatement of the year!.Observable?what do you mean?do you mean that anything which is observed or measured is existent????
you can measure, observe anything inside virtual reality,does that mean it exists?
that means my NOTEPAD, My media player is existent!:D:D:D:Dwe know that it isnt.

dreams:when you observe something in dreams,for that stateyou feel that it is real,you can observe,even measure it.
halucinations:in this case too you can measure observe what you see,but it doesnt mean it is existent.
think about it Cris.

Re: Re: Re: Soul


understatement of the year!.Observable?what do you mean?do you mean that anything which is observed or measured is existent????
If you cannot observe and/or measure something how do you know it exists? If you make a claim for something but cannot observe and/or measure it then it remains just an imaginary object. Much like the characters in a fiction novel. This does not say they do not exist but you have no way to show that.

you can measure, observe anything inside virtual reality, does that mean it exists?
Of course it does. But this depends on how you define ‘existence’ which was part of my response to Jonathan. As an object composed of electrons and photons and light images then clearly virtual objects have that physical basis for existence. You are confusing images (which exist) with the objects they represent (which do not exist).

that means my NOTEPAD, My media player is existent!:D:D:D:Dwe know that it isnt.
You are joking, right? Are you trying to imply that software doesn’t exist? If you examine the patterns of electrons inside your computer when running these programs then you will be able to determine what combinations comprise which program, i.e. their existence is measurable and on screen they are observable. Clearly these things exist.

dreams:when you observe something in dreams,for that stateyou feel that it is real,you can observe,even measure it.
halucinations:in this case too you can measure observe what you see,but it doesnt mean it is existent.
Again you are confusing images with real objects. Dreams and hallucinations exist as forms of particular neural stimulations. Those patterns of activity that can be measured clearly exist. The images exist and are measurable, but again, the objects represented by the images are imaginary.

In the case of objects labeled as gods, these cannot be observed or measured; they exist only as objects of imagination. Now if neuroscience could progress a little further we should at some point perhaps be able to isolate which pattern of neuron firings represent the idea of a god. Clearly that pattern would exist but the object imagined (a god) would still not exist, or rather would remain imaginary.

think about it Cris.
It really isn’t an issue. Try again.

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The Forest and the Tree....

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear or see it, did it really happen??

Interesting ideal...

Concerning the Brain and its functions. Its my opinion the brain is like the radio, the signal is still there, even if the equipment is damaged so to speak!

Cris ...

Re. "If you cannot observe and/or measure something how do you know it exists?"

By inference ... ex. black matter.

Take care ;)

Inference is based on other facts, i.e. this comes under the category of measurement. It would be the x in an algebraic formula.

Probably the best example is the discovery of the outer planets. Their existence had been calculated mathematically before they were directly observed.

For all practical purposes these were measurements.


Cris ...

"If you make a claim for something but cannot observe and/or measure
it then it remains just an imaginary object."

Agree only if you modify 'it' to: it or its effect on other things.


Take care ;)
God is not a "something" to "test"

If you want to test to see if God is real, then go to a Christian revival where there are hundreds of healings. Go there to also hear people speak in a language they have never spoken in before as God's spirit gives them utterance in proving His power is within the person. God there to see demons cast out of people. If you want to test to see if God is real you must first believe to understand. I believe it was St. Augustine who said, "I first believe that I may understand". And besides, proving God's existence does prove the soul. For instance God says in the Bible that the body is dead without the spirit.

Ok so you say there are other religions attempting to imitate God's true religion, but these religions follow teachings of devils of the kingdom of satan. Well God warns us of this in the Bible. Deuteronomy 32:17, "They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not". These other gods are not gods at all; they are fallen angels, which have fallen from heaven in rebelling against God. The only way to God is through His son, for the Father and the Son are one, but man has a sinful nature, for this Jesus (the Son) gave us an option by dying on the cross having no sin of His own taking all of our sin upon Him and making a shew of the kingdom of darkness by overcoming it. All other religions are against Jesus, and those that believe in Jesus other than Christianity, contradict what is written in the Bible (for example: mormanism, catholicism, etc.). If you would like proof of the authenticity of the Bible I will also write of it.

P.S. All other gods are devils making their own image to man.

Proving God, proves the soul, Jonathan


"If you make a claim for something but cannot observe and/or measure
it then it remains just an imaginary object."

Agree only if you modify 'it' to: it or its effect on other things.


Ha ha, OK, I think I need to be a little more precise, how about this –

1. Something exists if it can be observed and/or measured.

2. If something can be inferred to exist through indirect observation or measurement then that represents a theory.

3. Where there is no direct or indirect observation or measurement then the subject is imaginary.

What ya reckon?

Re: God is not a "something" to "test"

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for coming back. Welcome to sciforums by the way.

I am concerned that this thread is becoming religious so I might move it to the religion forum if we continue to pursue this.

If you want to test to see if God is real, then go to a Christian revival where there are hundreds of healings. Go there to also hear people speak in a language they have never spoken in before as God's spirit gives them utterance in proving His power is within the person. God there to see demons cast out of people.
Staying with the issues of proof, evidence, and logic, for the moment: If these phenomenon are real (a big assumption) then that does not provide proof that a god exists or is the source of the events. The complete functioning of the human brain is still largely beyond our ability to understand it. But we do know that through positive thinking and/or hypnotism people can achieve remarkable feats. Casting out demons is of course pure conjecture and an archaic notion.

When a truth is established there is always only a SINGLE explanation. All the time we can offer alternative explanations then truth has not been established.

Asserting that a supernatural entity caused certain phenomena does not provide a proof. You need to show the evidence that provides a link from the phenomena to a supernatural source rather than simply making assertions.

The rest of your post is emotional religious rhetoric and not relevant to this topic.
