Everything you need to know about the NWO

Hehe...I love conspiracy theorists. The whole "red dot, blue dot" on the mailbox to indicate who's a subversive, and who's not is just funny. I guess they never realized they were put there by the newspaper delivery guys, to indicate week-day or sunday-only delivery. :rolleyes:
Yea, time will tell, buddie. You appologize in due time

You said they were occuring RIGHT NOW.

They aren't.

Indeed, the world is healthier, with better overall access to clean water, food, energy and education then ever before.

Which is why life expectancy continues to climb on a global basis.

But that goes against your claims.

So how about correcting your totally misleading statements?
You said they were occuring RIGHT NOW.

They aren't.

Indeed, the world is healthier, with better overall access to clean water, food, energy and education then ever before.

Which is why life expectancy continues to climb on a global basis.

But that goes against your claims.

So how about correcting your totally misleading statements?

That's the thing about the kooks who buy into this kind of paranoia. They are timid little people who are easily frightened by their own shadows. Once they think they can identify something that appears to bear some vague semblance to what they fear, it's, "See!!! It's happening RIGHT NOW, just like I told you!!!"

It's all bunk! Pure, unadulterated bunk!
99% of the population is oppressed by 1% of it. I'd like some opinoins on the topic, please.

How do I know which group I'm in?

I inherited nothing, yet based on home and lifestyle I'm pretty well off.

But I've had to work my whole life to accomplish that.

I have to get up everyday of the week and go to work just like almost everyone else I know.

I have no tax loopholes and pay taxes based on my salary and earnings from my investments that aren't in my 401k.

I only take one long vacation each year, and usually spend it with family at a rented beach house. We cook about half our meals and eat out the rest.

I drive an old truck and still have a mortgage and shop sales for food and clothes. I do own a nice 32ft Cabin Cruiser that I keep on the local waterway and I do pay someone to handle most of the yard work and major home maintenance.

I've got good friends, a great family and enjoy my life and don't feel at all oppressed.

So again, what group am I in again?

Lack of trees on the planet should adversely effect water supply. Corporations are sucking the Earth dry, of course they don't give a God damn, so God damn them. What kind of life do you lead, Spidey? Just curious.

WE are sucking the earth dry. Look at the lawns and swimming pools of Phoenix. Those aren't corporations, those are the 99% of people you claim are oppressed.

Will you damn them, since they don't give a damn either?
If they dont give a damn about their planet, and don't heed the warnings they damn themselves. 1% shoves usles crap down 99% throat, the opresion is in the way we treat on another, chivalry is dead.
Tell me you don't see the way the younger is being brought up in this world. Wait until you see what our culture is like 20 years from now.

Funny thing...people have been saying that about every generation. :rolleyes:

50's guy: "These darn kids today..with their slicked back hair and rock and roll...just wait and see what our culture is like in 20 years!"

60's guy: "These darn kids today...with their hippie music and long hair...just wait and see what our culture is like in 20 years!"

70's guy: "These darn kids today...with their heavy metal music and marijuana...just wait and see what our culture is like in 20 years!"

Funny thing...people have been saying that about every generation. :rolleyes:

50's guy: "These darn kids today..with their slicked back hair and rock and roll...just wait and see what our culture is like in 20 years!"

60's guy: "These darn kids today...with their hippie music and long hair...just wait and see what our culture is like in 20 years!"

70's guy: "These darn kids today...with their heavy metal music and marijuana...just wait and see what our culture is like in 20 years!"


Heh-heh! Yep, right on the money, Mac!! :D

And I also remember seeing (and perhaps you do also) a statement from a guy about today's (then) kids. How they were slothful, disrespectful of parents and on and on, just like your instances above. And the people reading that quote are thinking just HOW well it describes the current generation of youngsters - just before the writer reveals that the speaker of those words was either Plato or Aristotle - from hundreds of years ago! <even bigger grin>