everything is energy

Energetic waves of <b>what</b> though? From what I understand of it, it is two opposite states which are bound to eachother, seeking equilibrium.
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Banshee ...

Re. "We, the speechless who were united in a silent accord
and now learned to speak up..."

Ah ha! The anointed ones are speechless ... yet learned to speak up!

I guess I was correct to refer to them as 'anointed'.

I take it that you, by your use of 'we', consider youself anointed?

If the statement was an unattributed quote, please give source.

Take care ;)
Asguard ...

Sorry, but I never learned to 'play nicely'.

I attribute it to poor potty training.

No Dr. Spock books back then.

Take care ;)
Not an exact quote. Very much changed. If it was an exact quote, I'd given you the source.

For now I stay 'speechless'.

Have fun and take care...:bugeye:

By the way, this was the last 'reply'. It has nothing to do with the thread. Goodbye Chagur.
Hi Asguard,

I've just dropped in for some light reading and have come across this thread.

Your original observation about soul and energy is a good one.
Just for the record, I love science. I don't believe in god and can find no justification for religion.

Having said that, science tells us that everything is made up of energy and I believe that to be true from what I have studied so far. However, no one has ever told me what a soul actually is. So after much consideration, my own interpretation of a soul is the 'consciousness' of a living thing. Everyone says humans have souls but no one can tell you whether animals also have a soul. I look at some animals and believe that they do have a soul and I believe it's also wrapped up in their consciousness. I think about how people tell you that if you talk to your plants they will grow better - science will say that it's the carbon monoxide (I think that's right) that helps, but it's also something worth thinking about.

I haven't thought of a way to explain how energy can produce consciousness and I really wish someone would enlighten me.

As for past lives and remembering them, well, I've given that a lot of thought too. I'm not totally convinced either way, but there is something to be said for the instincts and intuition we are born with - where does that come from? Another question that comes to mind is how we explain child prodigies? To me it certainly makes me wonder whether there is something to having a past life or two.

As for aliens, that's still way open for discussion with me. After finding out how far our radio transmissions have travelled in space in relation to the whole of the cosmos, I don't think we'll find out in this lifetime. But wouldn't it be grand if we did!?

Teri :)

if matter can be turned into energy wouldn't that sort of say that every thing is energy and that matter is an illsion or an iterface

Yes... sort of...
The Universe is very flexible...
Everything is illusion...
The only Truth is Love... :)

Oh well TruthSeeker ...

Guess Yoda was too old to remember wanting to take a young filly ...

Oh damn! That's it! He was a serial rapist!

No wonder he was holed up in a swamp!

Lucas ... How could you?

Take care ;)

and by the same thing couldn't this "soul" we all ways talk about just be the energy that makes up everything

No... is the spirit the energy that makes up everything... in some way...

The soul is your conscient.
The Spirit is your inconscient.

Your Spirit is a miniature of the larger Universe. ;)

The energy that makes up everything is Love. :)
