everything is energy


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
if matter can be turned into energy wouldn't that sort of say that every thing is energy and that matter is an illsion or an iterface

and by the same thing couldn't this "soul" we all ways talk about just be the energy that makes up everything

i don't know:confused:
Energy is just the ability to do work, it's not soul.

Everything in the universe being energy basically means that the universe consists of an ability to do the things that make up the universe. Not very enlightening, but that's what it boils down to.
what i ment was matter is what u see and no one belives that it is anything more than just that but if u had to diffine soul wouldnt it come close to energy
i mean one the body can't use energy its dead and couldn't u say that once the soul has left the body the bodys dead to

i don't know
If matter is all energy then we see energy. No matter what form of energy you speak of, we do at least certainly observe the effects of energy. You can get electrocuted by energy, but not by the soul.

The body is still made of energy when it's dead. All the atoms in it are as energy-using as ever. They just don't cohere into large-scale movement anymore.

Seems to be that soul would have to be something unobservable (nonphysical), and energy is very observable.

People do very often draw the comparison between energy and soul, but IMHO that's just because we don't understand energy very well.
that's true but then who's to say that since everything part of everything else that it ALL dosn't have a soul of some discription wouldn't energy fit that discription
How do you know there's even such thing as a soul? Do we really need a soul to live?

But with our world it is like we seeing the graphical interface, but the code is hiddn underneath (subatomic level).
I didn't mean to imply that a soul was nessary but more to say that if it is wouldn't enerygy serve as atleast a place to start looking
Yes, everything is Energy. :) WE are Energy too, beamed into our Earth-bound body, straight from the Cosmos.

Your mind, or soul as you prefer, is something completely different than your brain. Brains are Earth-bound and belong to the human body. The mind is what you really are, deep inside. Your Deeper Self. That is the part which you 'carry' always with you, even after you lay off your Earth-bound body and return to the Cosmos.

When you return to Earth for your next life, (as you have another life coming that is) you are born in a new Earth-bound body with the same mind. You have all your memories of your past life(s) still with you, only you can't remember them. It is the purpose of the Cosmos that you learn in every life-time. So you keep your memories and go on with a new life, from out the experiences and lessons you've had in past lifes.

And yes, everything is Energy. IN everything is Energy. Isn't life wonderful...? :)
What use of these previous memories if you can not use them. And I can't be te same person as I was without those memories and experience.
WE are Energy too, beamed into our Earth-bound body, straight from the Cosmos.

From where in the cosmos exactly? Who 'beamed' us here? For that matter, what the heck is a 'beam?'

Your mind, or soul as you prefer, is something completely different than your brain.

Then what is the purpose of having a brain? Oops... I may be asking the wrong person. :D

You have all your memories of your past life(s) still with you, only you can't remember them.

Then wouldn't they no longer constitute being 'memories?' :rolleyes:
*From where in the cosmos exactly? Who 'beamed' us here? For that matter, what the heck is a 'beam?'*

From everywhere in the Cosmos [Q]. There are all kind of layers in the Cosmos with all kind of Beings (in Energy) there. I understand it is hard to get for you. :)

*Then what is the purpose of having a brain? Oops... I may be asking the wrong person.*

The purpose of having a brain is to conceive your mind [Q]. You, of all people here, should have to know that the brain exists out of organic, thus Earth-bound 'material. I understand it is difficult to comprehend for you. :)

*Then wouldn't they no longer constitute being 'memories?'*

Oh yes, they would! Most humans don't remember the memories of a former life-time. They are there though. You go on in your next life-time, dealing with the memories, or experiences, you had in a former life-time. In the life-time you live now, you have to go further and learn more about living in harmony with Earth, Nature and the Cosmos. Did you live your former life in a real 'bad' way, you have to deal with the consequences. So, good chance you start with nothing and learn to look at life with a different view. The memories remain, in the background. You cannot realise it, they are there. I understand this is also difficult to get for you... :)
I think there was a what is soul thread that covered some of this subject matter ...

As pointed out the difference between life is not the amount of chemical energy in the body. What typically causes death is a loss of organization in the processes that perpetuate and maintain that order. Also if you consider the fact that saying matter is an illusion - is not inherently more correct than saying energy is an illusion and everything is truly matter.

From thermodynamics we know that entropy, a measure of order, is an intimate part of all molecular processes and has the units of energy/temperature. Interestingly temperature is the measure of the average energy of a system. So it is basically a measure of how energy is partitioned in a system. The actual amount that is reached at equilibrium is very dependent on the constituents of a system and there organization.

So your theory would make more sense if you say soul is order. There are lot's of beautiful mechanistic ways that our order effects the rest of the world without even resorting to anything supernatural. I believe everything is natural and the separation of any two things that interact - even through a chain of intermediate processes - is slightly artificial. Each thing (great technical language right? ; ) will behave in new and altered ways in the presence of the other, as it's dynamics will be altered through the details of the interaction.

Regarding the memories thing, I don't know if it's true or not, there are presumably ways in which to access those memories, but there default state is one of lack of memory. Then again is esp and such exists, the memories could be propagated w/o implying that the specific individual in any meaningful way lives on in you ...

EDIT: just noticed a typo should be: if esp and such exist ...

I also hadn't known Banshee had already replied. Sometimes I wonder if people actually try and use language to communicate or just to try and prove that they are mentally superior ...
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I understand it is hard to get for you..... I understand it is difficult to comprehend for you.... I understand this is also difficult to get for you...

Right you are. You know me pretty well. Am I that predictable or are you just growing fond of me? ;)
Oh my dear [Q]...

*Right you are. You know me pretty well. Am I that predictable or are you just growing fond of me?*

I like you more every day. Have to admit that you are a kind of predictable too yes... ;)
This is all gettting very complicated and i supose it's very possiable that i could be wrong it was basiclly just an idear i riped out of a book and thought id see what other people thought

and yes its true that energy could be the illusion but for some reason it just seems to make more sense the other way around

*I also hadn't known Banshee had already replied. Sometimes I wonder if people actually try and use language to communicate or just to try and prove that they are mentally superior ...*

My reply above yours was mainly meant to [Q]. If you read it well, you'll see why the reply is as it is...;)

I only just reallisied what u ment when u asked me why im sad about it (sorry sometimes im a bit thick). It wasn't ment to be sad but confused (closest i could find) :D
I knew you were talking to Q. I don't like it when people argue even when it's not with me. Unless I'm confused by what you mean, it would actually have been impossible for the post to be directed at mine because it was posted first.

Everything is something for sure. Energy is one form of this something which can be physically detected in this 4D world. Mass, time and space are also forms of this something can be physically detected / measured.