Everyone's Favorite Thread

Cactus Jack

Death Knight of Northrend
Registered Senior Member
These are a few of my favorite things.........

Movie: Jurassic Park

Song: El Paso (Grateful Dead Version)

Actors: Jeff Goldblum, Anthony Hopkins, Tim Curry, Kevin Spacey

Bands: Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie

Food: All Potatoes

Video/Computer Game: Perfect Dark

Book: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Phillip K. Dick

Subject in school: Social Studies

TV Show: Mystery Science Theater 3000, or WWF Raw

And I wear boxers:p ...........................

You guys?
These are a few of my favorite things.........

Movie: Fear and Loathing...

Song: The wind cries Mary (used to be Purple Haze)

Actors: Benicio del Toro!

Bands: Santana, Bob Marley and the Wailers

Food: Chicken and potatoes!

Video/Computer Game: It used to be Street Fighter - I dont even think they make that anymore - havent played in ages.

Book: Dont have one - I only read non-fiction, but the last book - Plato for the modern age - was pretty good.

Subject in school: History

TV Show: Jeopardy!
These are a few of my favorite things.........

Movie: Fight CLub

Song: I have alot can't pick one.

Actors: Brad Pitt (because he is hot), but seriously Kevin Spacey, Johnny Depp, jack nicholson

Bands: Since I have been 12 years old Duran Duran, many others too but D2 is all time favorite.

Food: Cheese, Cheese, Cheese

Book: The Stand by Stephan King

Subject in school: Math (all types)

TV Show: NYPD Blue

These are a few of my favorite things.........

Movie: Tough choice....Requiem For A Dream, Pi, Spanish Prisoner. Fear And Loathing

Song: As of this minute, Rooster. Previous minute it was Teenage Wasteland. And that's still right up there

Actors: Kevin Spacey, Woody Allen

Bands: Stones, Beatles, Who..... the classics.

Food: no particular favourite.....beef wellington maybe

Book: hard one.....1984, Animal Farm, Republic, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Brave New World

Subject in school: history

TV Show: Hockey Night in Canada!
Movie: Dr.Strangelove.

Actors: Eva Haberman, which is connected to the TV show

Bands: XTC, Rolling Stones, Lords of Acid, Pixies...for tops.

Food: Sushi or shrimp vindaloo.

Song: Shifts - today, 'I'm Not the Man I used to Be' by the Fine Young Cannibals. Fits my mood.

T.V Show: Mystery Science Theatre 3000, then it was cancelled. Lexx, which is about to be cancelled, after which I shall no longer watch anything.

Books: Just read the Library of Congress' card catalog. ;)

The Call of Cthulhu, since Tyler already chose '1984'.

Philosopher: Albert Camus, at the moment. J.S Mill most of the time.
these are well...

food: noodles, pasta, noodle pasta
(im on a seafood diet, i see food i eat it)

bands: NIN, Hendrix, Radiohead, Crystal Methos, Chemical Brothers, Redman Methodman, Queen, well the list goes on....

songs shift as well: rasberry beret-prince, superstitous-stevie wonder, sabtag-beastie boys.....

TV; 24, simpsons

movies: Hannibal, Silence o Lambs, Se7en, Virtuosity.....

books: 1984, Enders Game, Starship Troopers, Dune, Last Call by Tim Powers read it.......

video game: GTA3 and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

school: Social Studies, thats not US history.

actors: Denzel washington, Anthony Hopkins, Kev spacey, morgan freeman, jodie foster......

and um well you know what those are..
Hmm, well this should give a somewhat difference perspective to most of you kids.

Movie: The History of Mr. Polly.

Song: Rachmaninov - Piano concerto No.2 (Rhapsody on a theme by Paganini).

Actors: Sharon Stone, Clint Eastwood, Geena Davis, Angelina Jolie.

Bands: The Chieftains.

Food: Thai, Indian, Chinese.

Video/Computer Game: Ranarama.

Book: Time Enough For Love by Robert Heinlein, I Robot – Isaac Asimov.

Subject in school: Last course taken (1995) – Refresher Post Graduate – Computer Architecture and Design.

TV Show: Most shows on; MSNBC, CNN, MSNBC, and Star Trek (all variations), Babylon 5.

Have fun
Food: shrimp, bar-b-que ribs (homemade sauce), smoked turkey (done my way).

bands: old stuff, Grateful dead, GFR, Moody Blues, Creedence, ect.

actors: Jack Nicholson, Nichole Kiddman, Dan Akroyd

song: To many to list favorites

movie: Once again to many favorites

book: easier to list authors, Simak, Clark, Asimov, Drake, Clussler

No tv show
Music: Albinoni's Adagio.

Books: 1984, Scaramouche.

Movies: Scaramouche (big sword fight, but not as groovy as the book), any Clint Eastwood western.

Actors: Hugo Weaving (if you foreigners want to see some serious acting, check out The Interview), Ed Norton, John Cusask, Joan Cusack, Gary Oldman, Chow Yun Fat.

TV shows: Babylon 5.

Bands: CCR, Steppenwolf, Doors, Beatles, Guns n Roses, David Bowie, Rolling Stones, and other oldish stuff.

Food: anything new.

School Subjects: History, international relations.

Uni subjects: programming.

Gun (I was military, ya know): L1A1.

Published Philosopher: Wyle E. Coyote.
Stuff forgot...........

Philosopher: Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey's Character in American Beauty)

Gun: Walther PPK

Comedian: Eddie Izzard
Philosopher: Socrates

Gun: Desert Eagle .50 (never shot one, but I think they look really cool)

Comedian: Richard Pryor
Originally posted by Xev
Movie: Dr.Strangelove.

My God! You are the first person I have met (well, sort of met.:D ) that knows about Dr. Strangelove! It's got to be one of the most unusual and thought-provoking movies of all time.:cool:
I know about Dr. Strangelove. Actually its in this book I own called 100 Greatest Movies of all Time and compiled by Entertainment Weekly no less :D . (I said this on another post but: I AM A MOVIE FREAK)
I am chanting as I type. ;)

Gun: 9mm Ruger. Okay, so I am not much of a connessiur, but it's the one I learned to shoot on.
oh yeah we forgot

Philosopher: Socrates

Gun: uzi 9mm

Comedian: Al Franken, Eddie Izzard, or George Carlin
Song: Dome Epais, from the opera Lakme, by Leo Delibes

Music: J.S. Bach, Mozart

Book: Visual Complex Analysis, by Tristan Needham

Philosopher: Jean-Paul Sartre

Film: Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain

Country: Switzerland

Mode of transportation: Walking, Electric railways

Food: A bowl vegetable minestrone soup from our garden along with a slice of my wife's Vollkorn sourdough bread from her AGA, followed by her tofu-apple-cranberry cake.

Beer: Castle Eden at the White Lion in Patterdale, Yorkshire

Mathematician: Leonard Euler

Biologist: Edward O. Wilson

Physicist: Richard Feynman

Astrophysicist: Martin Rees

Zoologist: Matt Ridely

Actress: Juliette Binoche

Quote: "The self is only that which we are in the process of becomming." Soren Kierkegaard

A few of my favorite things,