Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!


The stories will not be changed for any earthy reason! I would like to tell you that the Holy Quran is being recited daily by 100's of millions of people. There are 9 million people living on this earth who can recite it all by heart. There are 100's of millions of blessings sent by people living upon this earth to the final prophet of God: Muhammad son of Abduallah.

I suspect that many westerners cannot distinguish between ultimate truths and earthy political / economical disputes / situations.
From my point of view it's too bad you feel that the Qu'ran can't be changed? :shrug: Why not? We've made a LOT of social progress even in the past 200 years and I think that could be reflected in our modern mythologies. And, the funny thing, I'm pretty sure that if there really were a Mohammad, he'd probably agree with me. I mean, he did so after all :shrug: IMO an evolving religion would be more in line with modernity compared with a static outdated and archaic one. Wouldn't you agree?

Also, think about this: Is there anything you have learned in the Qur'an that isn't taught in all other religions? Even those much older than Islam? If you were to pick one thing you personally have learned from reading the Qur'an, I'd really like to hear it. Because I'm sure that if this isn't a harmful idea and is peaceful and tolerant of all of the world's other belief systems, then it can be retained in a newer version of Islam. We'll call it Qur'an 2.0 beta addition?

That aside you missed my questions:
I was wondering if you think that it should be illegal to say that the Bible is corrupted?

Let's suppose there is a Mosque in London and the Imam says that the Qur'an is the Perfect word of God and that the Bible has been corrupted. Should this Imam be thrown in jail? How would you feel if hundreds of thousands of Christians in London turned out on the streets to burn effigies of Mohammad and the Qur'an and call of the Death of the Imam who blasphemies the Holy Bible?

How would you feel about that?

Because, where I'm sitting (not as a Christian but as an observer) I see Muslims think it's fine to say the Bible is Corrupted but go ape shit when Christians say Mohammad or the Qur'an are corrupt. That's smells like more intolerant religious hypocrisy to my nose.

IMO most of use have outgrown these mythologies. It'd time to move on to something better. Maybe Jedi?
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Was a great idea, should be a yearly event and also one for every stupid religion out there. One also to insult each leader of all G8 nations.

I love it.