Ever Ponder The Essence of God(s)?

rain of walrus,

My opinion...

Water is a good analogy...
It's actually a very good symbol for Spirit :)
It's the most used symbol by Taoists. :)

Spirit has the qualities of water, fire, air and earth.
The fith element in the eastern culture is the union of those.

The Spirit is flexible and calm as water. Water is usually associated with feelings and sensibility.

It's warm and purifying as fire. Fire is usually a symbol of Love and compassion.

It's gentle as air. Associated with intelligence and conscience.

It's fertil as earth. Associated with manifestation.

You see... Spirit=water+fire+air+earth :)
Spirit=feelings+Love+conscience+manifestation :)
All qualities of God. Everything that is necessary for a Creator. ;)

Spirit has the qualities of water, fire, air and earth.
ever seen a spirit? and fire is not an element, but a reaction of two.
The Spirit is flexible and calm as water.
Again, why flexible and calm. Why can't it be furious and angry.
Water is usually associated with feelings and sensibility
As many there are people as many there are associations.
It's warm and purifying as fire
I thought fire was HOT. (I'm a piroman (sp) and have experiences with it, I just love fire) .
It's gentle as air
you don't say? What about hurricanes.
It's fertil as earth. Associated with manifestation.
I associate earth with..... earth
I could also say-> Spirit= dog bisquits+milk+iron+fear. And have as much "evidence" for this as you do.
and there is actually no evidence that even such a thing exists. OK, maybe we have no such technology to detect it, okokok, but why event to presume that such a thing like spirit even exists. What makes you think you have a spirit.
All qualities of God. Everything that is necessary for a Creator.
all qualities you think a god should have, but has he given you his definition, his charecteristics. Maybe there are many gods and each is different. Maybe there are none (till we evolve enough:) )

ever seen a spirit? and fire is not an element, but a reaction of two.

Don't need to see... jsut need to feel...
fire... reaction... of two...? which two?

Again, why flexible and calm. Why can't it be furious and angry.

Because... nature works by balance...
Essentially, nature must be in balance to work...

As many there are people as many there are associations.

Same as above...

I thought fire was HOT. (I'm a piroman (sp) and have experiences with it, I just love fire) .

Depends on how close you are...

you don't say? What about hurricanes.

Hurricanes work with balance ;)

I associate earth with..... earth

good association... ;) It works too...

I could also say-> Spirit= dog bisquits+milk+iron+fear. And have as much "evidence" for this as you do.

Give me then...

and there is actually no evidence that even such a thing exists. OK, maybe we have no such technology to detect it, okokok, but why event to presume that such a thing like spirit even exists. What makes you think you have a spirit.

Perhaps in the same way I presume you are questioning me... even though you put a "." instead of a "?"... ;)
I don't think... I feel...
Btw... I will talk about that in my other thread: "It's all about awareness..." ;)

all qualities you think a god should have, but has he given you his definition, his charecteristics. Maybe there are many gods and each is different. Maybe there are none (till we evolve enough )

I don't think He should have. For He to work in the way He does, those qualities are essential...

About many gods... it depends on your perspective. You can say that there's only one God that is everywhere (monotheist) or you can say that there is god in the sun, god in the moon, god in the three... (polytheist). Just two different perspectives... ;)


Neutron bombs go into full production to limit fallout
Great!!! Now al there is left to do is to proliferate that technology to India and Pakistan,...
Don't need to see... jsut need to feel...
what do you exacty feel
fire... reaction... of two...? which two?
fire is a reaction byproduct of some material, substance with air (O2)
Because... nature works by balance...
balance means that there are two extreme sides. It works in overall balance, but not a detailed balance
Give me then...
my point is there are none
don't think He should have. For He to work in the way He does, those qualities are essential
how do you know if he even exists, he doesn smthing. Nietzsche has said : "God is dead"
About many gods... it depends on your perspective.
my perspective is that there is no major god with supreme powers. I am a part of the universe, yes (We are made of star stuff (Karl Sagan)) , but noone is a god. Being a part doesn't mean that you are a god. All parts combined do not shape god.

what do you exacty feel


fire is a reaction byproduct of some material, substance with air (O2)

I'm pretty sure there is a third element there...

how do you know if he even exists, he doesn smthing. Nietzsche has said : "God is dead"

I'm assuming He exist... than those qualities are needed...

The Essence of God!

The essence of God is Truth and righteous power! Only He can save us from the evil that stalks us day and night! Bibles and religions are not the Truth, they are only interpretation of the Truth! The true essence of God is our protection and our survival. Get with the program people!
Hmmm...well, I made some essence once already today, but what the hell, I am young, I will go find that website I was lookin' at again and make some more.