ever had a bi-sexual experiance?

Hm. Well i've tried fantasizing about men before once or twice out of curiosity (i'm a dude), but it just didn't turn me on or nothing. So i guess not .
i have thought about it but then i realised that its a girls body, not a guys that turns me on so *shrugs*
Is this only for guys? Or should I answer it, have I, a girl, had an "experience" with another girl?

Wait, lol, not sure I want to give away stuff like that on a public BB. :p
I've not had one, but i wouldn't say no to one. I'll try anything once. Except drugs, i won't try them.
Originally posted by Firefly
Is this only for guys? Or should I answer it, have I, a girl, had an "experience" with another girl?
You know, the answer could be "No, I, a girl, have not had an experience with another girl" ;)

I need a clear question before I answer it. Leave ya all wonderin'. :p
I think I'm gonna admit to having a bisexual experience, and then follow nightfall's example. ;)
first of all. i think at some point in their life.. i think a large majority of young girls have some sort of a girl/girl expirience... not so much sexual or lust. but a curiosity and learning expirience... .
too bad you didn't put a poll on here.. i think it would have been really interesting to compare how many females said yes to how many males said yes.....
That's probably because most girls think men are savage barbarians who don't understand women.

If most men didn't have a problem with women getting emotional, or call it stupid or gross when women say small animals like kitties are cute, then most women probably won't have that sterotypical feeling about men.

Most men are more towards the "testosterone" type personality; unfortunately, but not all men. There are some nicer ones who don't mind crying in public or using the word love, they are just rare.

I think alot of this is because people fail to understand other people because of lack of experiences in their own life, and making no attempt to put themself in the other person's shoes.

But yes I would probably say this is true about younger women; and it is not something I have a problem with.
i dont think it has to do with a womens' opinion about men. just women's opinions about other women. or girls i suppose we should say here. at that age.. it is not done for pleasure. more for knowledge. the first girl i ever kissed, i was 8 years old. we were playinghouse and we didn't have any boys.. and you just cant do it like the movies unless you kiss. lol. it had nothing to do with "fumbling boys" at the time, since.. at 8 years old.. id really HOPE that is not an issue!. lol. wether these expiriences as a child can be directly linked to bisexual behavior laer on.. i dont know... i suppose id have to ask alot of girls wether or not they kissed another girl when they were young.. and if they felt the urge to do it later in life.....
That's probably because most girls think men are savage barbarians who don't understand women.

No. I get along with men much better than I do with women...partially because they DON'T get all emotional...well, we won't go into my conception of the ubermensch.
Nightfall said it

That seems to be the word that I've heard over my brief life. The rythmic word...the word that I've heard.

don't mind crying in public

Oh yeth, they wear their tearth like little badgeth of pride!!:D:D:D

I'd say that I'd lean toward being the non testosterone type, but generally, just to joke around with myself, I'll crank the cocky guage up a bit whenever I'm around pretty girls. I always make sure to mention that I've done this, and, again, generally this results in some laughs.

Xev: what was that Nietzche quote? 'Laughter is the sword by which we die at?' or something? I've found that possessing a strong sense of humor can really get the girls talking to you as much as anyone else. Being all out stupid or just really, unbelievably funny I think puts you in the position of being 'the funny guy,' for some reason a person girls don't seem to be interested in. Am I right?

As for the bisexual thing, hahaha, no, I've tested myself a few times, by imaging various bodyparts, and I can't say that I've gotten excited by any of them.
i think he meant during sex. you know.. girls know what girls want.. men just guess and miss? lol