EVE vs LILLITH... who got the popcorn?

What gaps?

God waited a bit to make Eve for some reason.


"I'm having some trouble deciding who the He is that knew"

This isn't that hard. Why don't you reread it again and pay attention to what's being said.

"Or is this discussion over, too?"

Should it be?


why wont you answer anything with a lill bit of effort?
Your half baked attempts at intellect are what we all are expecting from you these days...may be you should give us all a shock by doing some research based upon more than whats written on the top of your lunch box..........
Your quick to pass judgement on others for their research skills so i say............
In your own words (kalvinB quote): A small amount of research on Google would have cleared that up for you.:bugeye:
Originally posted by KalvinB
What gaps?
The gap is "why waited a bit to make Eve?"

And you assumed, in another word, made up the following to fill the gap:
God waited a bit to make Eve for some reason.
We now have a new gap: "For what reason Eve was made late?"

And what would you make up this time to fill it? :rolleyes:
God waited to make Eve for some reason.


God waited to send Jesus Christ. God is waiting to come again. God is waiting to pass judgement on mankind.



"In your own words (kalvinB quote): A small amount of research on Google would have cleared that up for you"

Exactly, so go to it. I'm not the one that has an issue with God waiting to do something.

Re-read it and everything, KalvinB

Indeed, I went back and read through it again and have come to the definitive conclusion that you are full of shite. In one of your answers, God knows, in another, God doesn't know.

I mean, I usually see this kind of disagreement only when two or more Christians are discussing issues. It's not often that I get to see this kind of disagrement within a single person.

Such piss-poor points as you've been bandying about in an effort to close down discussions indicates that perhaps you should just step back and shut up until you find a topic you can contribute to.

And, yes, KalvinB, it is over as far as you seem to be concerned. Otherwise you wouldn't be so fucking rude all the time.

You're a fine, fine example of what Christianity is worth, KalvinB. Hell, I never thought people could be so ridiculous as you've been without trying.

Good show, good show. Such is the nature of the sacrificed intellect. The fruit of the Word of Jesus Christ is apparently you.

Tiassa :cool:

Same place it says God didn't know. (KalvinB, 1/18/02)
Okay ...?
I never said God didn't know. Try reading it again. (KalvinB, 1/19/02)

Give this one two seconds' thought: If you feel we're reading you incorrectly, perhaps you should say what you want to say in one post instead of five or twenty or never.

Don't waste our time with this kind of crap, KalvinB. You can think your shite doesn't stink all you want to, but it doesn't change the fact that your attitude reeks.

Just stop this stupid crap and try showing you're capable of some thought more complex than being a brat.

--Tiassa :cool:
Try that once more...in context.

As I said, it doesn't say God didn't know and neither did I.

Sunday Review for KalvinB

Alright, KalvinB, let's read through it together. On 1/17/02. at 8.56 pm (US/PST), you responded to Godless:
"God is supposedly omnipotent, how the hell would an omnipotent being not know that Adam would also need a partner as he partnered all the other animals?"

Only you say he didn't know.

He knew. He was just waiting until Adam understood. This isn't that difficult.
Okay? On 1/18/02, at 6.21 am (US/PST), I asked for a citation:
He knew. He was just waiting until Adam understood. This isn't that difficult.

And just where in the Bible does it say that?
Okay? To which, you responded four hours later
Same place it says God didn't know.
Are you still with me? Figuring I'd missed something, I inquired only a short time later:
So maybe I've gone illiterate, but I'm having some trouble deciding who the He is that knew. I had thought that to be God, but that can't be since He knew, but God didn't.

Can I ask for clarification on who He is, then? Or is this discussion over, too?
But then Dak pretty much noted what I was trying so kindly to work around for you:
So bascially, someone is making up stuff to fill the gaps in bible.
To which you protested:
What gaps?
And then you advised me:
This isn't that hard. Why don't you reread it again and pay attention to what's being said.
So I did, and noted,
Indeed, I went back and read through it again and have come to the definitive conclusion that you are full of shite. In one of your answers, God knows, in another, God doesn't know.
Now, here's the thing, KalvinB: I'm trying to give you some trust here. You insist that there are no gaps, though you refuse to cite what of the Bible backs your statement that God knew. It is, as you noted, in the same place it says God didn't know. In other words, it doesn't say it in the Bible, which means you're simply assuming what's not in the Bible to fit your preferred preconception. This isn't problematic except for the fact that we've all noticed such assumption is only valid to you when it reinforces your preexisting faith points. The simple fact that you have not answered the question regarding where in the Bible you're getting the authority of your assertions is obvioius. The simple fact that you're dancing between two eveasions is exceptionally obvious. We're humoring you, KalvinB, giving you every possible opportunity to contribute something of value to this or any discussion.

Now then, that having been resolved, where in the Bible does it say that God knew, and was merely waiting for Adam to figure that out, per your 1/17 post? Or have you just been giving a load of BS for three days because you think you can? What's the matter, KalvinB? Why are Christians so afrait to explore their faith? Perhaps it's because they're afraid to see the fallacy of their own egos? Perhaps they're afraid to see their paper-doll God blown to ashes by the searing light of knowledge?

What's the matter, KalvinB--why are you so afraid?

Or is it that you're just such a whore for attention that you don't actually care about Christian faith, and use it as a device for getting the attention you seem to think you so richly deserve?

--Tiassa :cool:

Ok...I'll take a step back... lets << REWIND << just for you.

I think its about time that you explained yourself with some detail and in a NO Nonsense fashion.
You to feel you have been victimised so please, ...Take a deep breath, do some research, and make a clean, vaild and understandable arguement, .....you never know you may just earn some respect along the way.:bugeye:

Tell us all EXACTLY, what it is you ARE saying, and SHOW us how you came the that CONCLUSION.

Pretty simple really.

Typical KalvinB....

Make a whole lot of fuss...stomp your feet...then when given the chance to explain yourself in an adult fashion, you once again show us your lack of maturity.

KalvinB... the "G" rated childrens forums would better suit your mentality...The big people here at sciforums like to have grown up talks.... but you wouldnt understand... so run along.....have a lovely day at playgroup.


Do you actually have anything to contribute to this topic, KalvinB?

Given that you've posted this far into it without contributing a whit, I'd say it's time to ask whether or not you are done, KalvinB.


--Tiassa :cool:
There is only one slight problem with this theory: The story of Lilith is not actually found in any authentic Rabbinic tradition. Although it is repeatedly cited as a "Rabbinic legend" or a "midrash," it is not recorded in any ancient Jewish text!
Hey that's the same evidence the bible relies upon! Stories passed down over the ages: the bible is from the same state. Classic double standard.
"Classic double standard."

How is it a double standard to ignore stories which never made it into religious texts?

I suppose you think all those Native American stories should be in the Bible as well since they were passed down by oral tradition.

Oral tradition != scripture

Lilith was obviously never scripture as is apparent by what is known about the author of the story who had nothing nice to say about God's prophets.

I simply remarked that bible stories came from oral tradition. This is an undeniable fact of history. That makes them very similar to the lilith story. You say that scripture is the only piece of paper that should be given validity, but forget that if using an equal standard as the lilith story, would be denounced as simple myth. I am saddened that your indoctrination is so deep that you won't even admit to this widely accepted fact.
Mind if I chime in?

I'm not sure I get this board. I came here after a Lilith search on Google lead me hear, but I must chime in. I don't kow KalvinB or know if he is or isn't an A-hole, but I see two disturbing things.

1)He provided a link indicating the Lilith story was created after the fact. Literally thusands of years after the story of Adam and Eve came to be..be they fact, fairy tale or methods of control. So to dispute him and say that they are no different than any story in the bible, even tho' they come thousands of year later, seems a bit silly.

2)You claim to see through him when all he said was that God created Eve..or allowed Adam to create Eve only after he was "ready". "He" being Adam. Again, I don't see where KalvinB is shooting himself in the foot. According to Christian and Jews, humanity is more important than other animals, why would God be obligated to create man and woman along the same lines as a frog or a buffalo?

I am not Christian and I simply believe in evolution, but as far as anything he's said, keeping in mind he believes in the Christian faith, he said nothing to contradict himself and only provided something indicating that Lilith is a myth to come only after Jews were already in Europe!

Is the bible all myth? Probably. Probably most of it, bu that doesn't mean any myth can be included. If it is myth, it's myth from a specific time and people, that's it.

You might all want to take a step back and think about what you say and read before you react towards whatever KalvinB has shown in the past.

And Tiassa, please know that your attitudes towards Christianity or at least the possibility of God came off exactly as that which you criticized. For anybody to believe they know just how the world works and is, based on the little we know, is a bit silly.

I find it incredibly poetic and iron to see how close athiests and Christians really are. I guess everybody wants to know everything, but with some, when thy realize that they or humanity may never, they lock onto the first thing that gives them hope. Whether a big bang theory or a super being creating men from dust. Sit back and admit you all just don't know. The world will feel a lot more interesting when you do.

Curiosity killed the cat, but it brought humans to all four corners of the globe, under the sea and on the moon. Wh stop the cycle? Admit you don't know and look and find the world out for yourself.