EVE vs LILLITH... who got the popcorn?


Registered Senior Member
Why did God create Eve from one of Adam's ribs? He created Adam from dust, what's the big deal about creating another one without having to do a bit of surgery on poor old Adam?
You'd think an omnipotent being would be a bit more organised...

( And, of course, there's the story of Lillith - Eve was not the first woman, she came in second, waonder if Adam told Eve about the other women he had shacked up with?
but Im just guessing....wich leads me to my point...)).


ps: look up lillith in the dictionary or a baby naming book, some definitions are not so pleasant.

From what I´ve read Lilith was just too independent for Adams taste.
He wanted someone who´d respect his authority. But then of course Eve still managed to mess him up....
The trouser snake is the doom of man :D
Lilith, wasn´t that Frasiers ex-wife? :D

Seriously, it´s just a charcter made up by men who fear women, and want to blame them for all the evil in the world...weak snakeslaves you are. :)

Too funny Beblina...

But in all seriousness who was lillith? where does she fit into the bible and our history?

Like MuliBoy said, the legend says that Lilith was the first woman created by god. But she was too independent and didn' t obey Adam. She was a spirited woman and had a strong will.
Adam complained god about tht(he couldn' t take her under his control), so god created Eve, which was more meak and gentle in character.
(there is also said in the legend tht she later lived with Caine after he was exhausted from Eden. Taught Caine all kinds of knowledge.

Don' t know much better.

And KalvinB, you should know tht info on inet is most lieable.
You can find pearls, but they're covered with a pile of junk.

There is a nice song >>inkubus sukkubus - heart of lilith.mp3<<
download from audiogalaxy satelite or sm othr.

P.S. my mother' s name is Lillith;)

There's the story of Lilith, a serpent-demon of some sort who bore 100 children by Adam, or some such. It's a traditional story I've only ever seen mentioned in Davidson's Dictionary of Angels, though I'm not compelled to track down every source in his Bibliography.

An interesting page on Lilith: http://www.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal/Sho...206_Lilith.html ... there's some modern politics there, too.


Strangely, http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~humm/Topics/Lilith/ lists Lilith in Isaiah, yet Davidson (aforementioned) discounts this association based on someone I can't recall . . . .
(Tiassa, 7/16/2002)
Well, the topic's not rehash, but my response is. The above is from a debate from July (In the beginning ....

I had made an off-hand remark to Makaera in another thread about what, exactly, was meant by suitable when determining that none of the animals were suitable companions for Adam. Lilith is a serpent, who bore Adam some 100 children, according to at least one tradition. I'll stand on the references above. I'm surprised people don't dredge this one up more often whenever an "incest in the Bible" thread comes up. Who were the others people other than Adam and Eve's descendants? Well, they mingled with Adam and Lilith's descendants. Or something like that.

But there's a couple of cents on Lilith.

Tiassa :cool:
"you should know tht info on inet is most lieable."

That's a cheap retort as an excuse not to do research. It's a myth. Lilith could have been a daughter of Adam and Eve sure because their names aren't mentioned however it's just speculation.

"what does 'suitable' mean"

Adam, being self aware would realize that there were at least two of each animal that stayed together and that there were none that even closly resembled him. So he asked God to make him a match.

Not a very difficult thing to understand.

"That's a cheap retort as an excuse not to do research. "

I said nthing about not doing a research. I allways do it, if I' m not sure about smth. I yust wanted to point out tht there is a lot of yunk on inet. I think tht you' ll atleast agree with me on tht.

"It's a myth. Lilith could have been a daughter of Adam and Eve sure because their names aren't mentioned however it's just speculation. "

That' s a cheap one too;)

There are more myths in the bible thn historical events[exodus].
A lot of them are from other cultures, smth is made up after. Where can you place a border which was there in first place what not. Maybe some early reviser yust didn' t like the story about Lillith and threw tht away. In middle ages a lot of stuff was thrown away tht was not appropriate to be read by simple peasants(rebellions and such).
Asexual reproduction: work of the Devil?

Adam, being self aware would realize that there were at least two of each animal that stayed together and that there were none that even closly resembled him. So he asked God to make him a match.

Not a very difficult thing to understand.
A) It's not a very Biblical argument, is it? Hmmm ... it seems, then, that the key to the Bible is to insert ideas and words into it until it makes sense.

B) http://biology.about.com/library/weekly/aa090700a.htm If Adam bases his conclusions on the observation of pairings of animals, he didn't look that closely.

Tiassa :cool:
So if you had thousands of animals you had to name you wouldn't notice that there were none that resembled you?

The whole idea is moot Kal

look at this way, I know you wont, however here goes an effort:

God is supposedly omnipotent, how the hell would an omnipotent being not know that Adam would also need a partner as he partnered all the other animals?

Really it's a simple question one of which you don't have an answer to!:rolleyes: Only that god knew beforehand that Adam would need a partner, if that's the case, why did god decide to make one first and not the partner?. Why was man first before woman?
Two choices:

1. God didn't know what he was doing;


2. God was following orders despite the fact that he knew it was not the best way.
"God is supposedly omnipotent, how the hell would an omnipotent being not know that Adam would also need a partner as he partnered all the other animals?"

Only you say he didn't know.

He knew. He was just waiting until Adam understood. This isn't that difficult.

God isn't required to do everything right away. By your incredibly faulty logic he didn't know about animals until the day he made them or anything else for that matter.

See I knew you...

had a laim excuse for your god's shortcomings:rolleyes:

Let me look at it from another angle, through out the whole work of the bible, women are given very little importance, hence, by god creating all animals before woman for Adam, when god supposedly knew that Adam would also need a partner. Or was god kind of tried to promote bestiality?
Citation, please

He knew. He was just waiting until Adam understood. This isn't that difficult.
And just where in the Bible does it say that?

Tiassa :cool:
How about some clarification

He knew. He was just waiting until Adam understood. This isn't that difficult. (KalvinB)
Okay ...
And just where in the Bible does it say that? (Tiassa)
Okay ...?
Same place it says God didn't know. (KalvinB)
So maybe I've gone illiterate, but I'm having some trouble deciding who the He is that knew. I had thought that to be God, but that can't be since He knew, but God didn't.

Can I ask for clarification on who He is, then? Or is this discussion over, too?

Tiassa :cool: