Eve is to blame, not Adam

I'm not saying reward them, just don't torture them for eternity.

Eternity does seem a bit long. Then again there's that whole purgatory thing. I think too that Hell was initially meant to be just existence outside of God, or something, which was supposed to be terribly depressing if you knew about the alternative.

Actually, this isn't correct. A single factual error - or even a few - doesn't invalidate a text completely.

yes it would, since the buybull is considered to be "the word of god" and god is infallible however theres' discrepancies, contradictions, claims of allegorical stories, claims of the buybull being innerant, yet it contain all the above, the whole damn thing makes god look prety incompentent, and it completely invalidates the text as "the word of god." Unless you were to claim, the bible is just men's imaginative writing! Then the mistakes, stories, inconsistencies, contradictions would make sense! ;)