
What do you think of eugenics?

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Wow are you wrong about that. There is nothing hotter than a smart woman. I suspect you aren't nearly as smart as you think.

Whats so hot about smart women? Are you going to study economics while you have sex with her?
I think genetic engineering is the best way, as soon as we perfect it, and can cure diseases in the fetus, then it wont be such a problem. But to say that nobody with any disease should mate would basically mean nobody would mate at all because everyone has a disease of some sort, whether it be asthma, or they wear glasses, or something more serious, hell Bill Gates wears glasses. I think if a person can afford to cure their offspring through genetic engineering, let them. And no I don't think Chris is right about freedom, freedom is a right UNLESS that freedom hurts other people.

It doesn't hurt me if two stupid people mate, unless those two stupid people cannot afford to raise their offspring. And also if two stupid people can't mate, well, the majority of the world is filled with stupid people and there just wont be enough smart people, so you see the problem? What ought to happen is we need to figure out what gene controls intelligence and make it a mandatory law to require all fetuses to activate that gene and have all fetuses be screened for diseases. I'm all for improving gene quality but lets be realistic, the way Chris wants to do it, it would take 5000 years or more.

The gov should be allowed to give tax benefits when smart people mate. Two people with masters degrees should get paid to mate. This would replace the current welfare system which pays uneducated people to mate. We could also encourage people who are mentally stable to pair up, but once again it should use cash incentive.

Maybe I'd want to have kids with a smart person I'm not attracted to if the government gave me some incentive to do so. Otherwise there is no incentive for smart people to pair up with each other. Why? Because people who aren't as smart are more attractive than the smart people.

Do you think the typical nerd wants to have kids with an even bigger nerd? That usually never happens.

I agree with you about genetic engineering to prevent diseases in the womb, but you lost me just about after that.

Mating is a right. It's the most basic right we have, one that is unalienable. I suppose there's always the chemical castration that the court can order for you if you've been a repeat sexual offender, but as long as you're not one of those, there is no argument you can pose that would make me agree to any standards or requirements for mating rights.

And please, tax credits? We're doing just fine as it is. Smart people do happen to go ahead and mate with each other as it is now, so there's no reason to stand shelling out tax money simply because they did what they probably would have done anyway. And if you haven't noticed, the human race is doing wonderfully right now. We don't exactly need incentive.
I agree with you about genetic engineering to prevent diseases in the womb, but you lost me just about after that.

Mating is a right. It's the most basic right we have, one that is unalienable. I suppose there's always the chemical castration that the court can order for you if you've been a repeat sexual offender, but as long as you're not one of those, there is no argument you can pose that would make me agree to any standards or requirements for mating rights.

And please, tax credits? We're doing just fine as it is. Smart people do happen to go ahead and mate with each other as it is now, so there's no reason to stand shelling out tax money simply because they did what they probably would have done anyway. And if you haven't noticed, the human race is doing wonderfully right now. We don't exactly need incentive.

A. Mating is not a right unless we have unlimited energy because where will we get the oil to pay for the welfare we will have to provide to all the babies who are disabled? If mating has to be a right, then we will have to have plenty of wars to secure the right of unlimited population growth.

B. We aren't doing just fine. We aren't evolving, we are becoming dumber and less successful each generation. We aren't #1 anymore at anything, not even at war. The reason is that we don't mate rationally, and unless you provide incentives, why should smart people mate? You think the human race is doing wonderfully? What drugs are you on?!
A. Mating is not a right unless we have unlimited energy because where will we get the oil to pay for the welfare we will have to provide to all the babies who are disabled? If mating has to be a right, then we will have to have plenty of wars to secure the right of unlimited population growth.

Oh bullshit. We've never had unlimited energy. And the reason mating is a right is because it is essential for our continued existence. If we don't mate, then we die. Nature will take care of whom mates with whom, we need no laws or regulations. Never have, never will.

B. We aren't doing just fine. We aren't evolving, we are becoming dumber and less successful each generation. We aren't #1 anymore at anything, not even at war. The reason is that we don't mate rationally, and unless you provide incentives, why should smart people mate? You think the human race is doing wonderfully? What drugs are you on?!

That is absolutely crap. Who says we aren't evolving, and who says we're becoming dumber and less successful? Who? Where do you pull this information from? Have you seen the level of comfort that our species lives in today? Have you seen the technological advancements we've made? Just because our beloved United States is shitting the bed on education and science doesn't mean the rest of the West is.

You need to wake up, man. There are more of us than ever before, we are less violent, and we live longer. That's success, man.

One more thing...mating has nothing to do with our educational failures here in the US. Nothing.
Oh bullshit. We've never had unlimited energy. And the reason mating is a right is because it is essential for our continued existence. If we don't mate, then we die. Nature will take care of whom mates with whom, we need no laws or regulations. Never have, never will.

Thats why we have wars. I have to eat, my family has to eat, my friends have to eat, who cares if you starve? who cares if you can't eat? Me first!
So how do I guarantee that I'll always have enough food? I send my army to take all your valuable resources from you. My army is nature, and my sword is natural selection. Is this what you'd prefer? You want to have billions of babies born just so we can kill them to secure our resources? Just so we can use them to fight for us to secure our resources? What is the point of having so many babies born only to die?

That is absolutely crap. Who says we aren't evolving, and who says we're becoming dumber and less successful? Who? Where do you pull this information from? Have you seen the level of comfort that our species lives in today? Have you seen the technological advancements we've made? Just because our beloved United States is shitting the bed on education and science doesn't mean the rest of the West is.

Even if we are evolving, it's at such a slow pace that we aren't even thriving well enough to protect our habitat. To tell me that you think we are doing just fine, it means you are one of the people who thinks climate change is just a hoax, and that we can just keep doing this forever without worrying about ever going extinct. I'm guessing you are religious and don't understand how evolution works and how easy it is for a species to go extinct.

You need to wake up, man. There are more of us than ever before, we are less violent, and we live longer. That's success, man.

One more thing...mating has nothing to do with our educational failures here in the US. Nothing.

Less violent?! We are more violent than ever! You must be a hippie. Look around you, do you see violent crime? Do you see rapes and murders increasing? Do you see multiple wars going on, in Iraq and in other places?

And you think we are less violent? We have nuclear weapons, we have biological weapons, we have nanotech weapons, lasers, and who knows what else and you think we are less violent than ever? You must be joking.
To those who cannot understand how nature works.

1. Each clan/family wants the good life, the quality life, with plenty of food and entertainment.

2. In order to secure a high quality of life, each clan/family has to compete with all the other clans/families.

3. Capitalism was invented so that quality of life could be decided upon based on wealth rather than decided upon by the sword. I don't have to kill a bunch of people and take their stuff because I can buy their stuff.

4. Capitalism is upheld by real wealth and natural resources. So in order for me and my clan to have quality of life, some people have to suffer and even die. Thats the American way, and some family and clan in Africa, or the middle east has to be robbed to support quality of life here in the USA. This means we have to kill and be killed to secure vital energy resources like oil, minerals like silicon, metals like gold and silver, diamonds, and certain nuclear materials.

The more people who are born into our clan, the more resources we will need to support them. Each life has a cost, and the people born in Africa to rival clans don't want to suffer in poverty. Some of them are willing to die fighting. Some in the middle east don't want us to take their oil, and they will die fighting to protect their wealth because they know it's our quality of life against theirs at stake. The clan/family which controls the oil controls the money, and the money controls quality of life.

If you have unlimited babies, the value of the money will decrease as the cost of the energy resources such as oil increases. Eventually you'll have too many babies and not enough resources, and as the resources become more and more scarce and the population grows bigger and bigger, the armies will also grow bigger and bigger as people will fight for whatever crumbs are left.

The end result of all of this is that billions will be born and billions will die. Isn't it easier to just slow the birth rate so that people are born at a rate that the economy can support? Or should we just let people keep being born into pointless/worthless lives?

And while the lives of people in the third world may have worth to them, it doesn't have worth to the global economy because THEY DONT HAVE ANY WEALTH. And they don't have any wealth because WE KILLED THEM AND TOOK THEIR WEALTH. And we will keep having to do that the more the population increases.

If we develop solar energy then we will have unlimited energy, and while quality of life wont be equal, the people in the third world will at least have food, clean water, computers, all the basics from which to raise their quality of life and eventually enter the global economy. But if it's a fight over gold, oil, or any natural resource, we'll just send our armies to the area, secure the natural resource, and kill anyone who stands in our way. And if the USA doesn't do it, Russia and China will.
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Thats why we have wars. I have to eat, my family has to eat, my friends have to eat, who cares if you starve? who cares if you can't eat? Me first!
So how do I guarantee that I'll always have enough food? I send my army to take all your valuable resources from you. My army is nature, and my sword is natural selection. Is this what you'd prefer? You want to have billions of babies born just so we can kill them to secure our resources? Just so we can use them to fight for us to secure our resources? What is the point of having so many babies born only to die?

That's life. That's nature. We fight for resources. You're also vastly dramatizing things here. Billions of babies born only to die? Tell me, what other end is there to this life?

Even if we are evolving, it's at such a slow pace that we aren't even thriving well enough to protect our habitat. To tell me that you think we are doing just fine, it means you are one of the people who thinks climate change is just a hoax, and that we can just keep doing this forever without worrying about ever going extinct. I'm guessing you are religious and don't understand how evolution works and how easy it is for a species to go extinct.

Evolution doesn't happen overnight. At least, not on things such as that. And not protecting our habitat? What do you call the revolution to turn industry green? What about companies, even individuals, who change their ways based on the size of their carbon footprint?

Once the seriousness of the situation become apparent to us, we immediately began changing our ways.

And yes, I understand that species go extinct, and I don't expect us to go on forever, but what the fuck does evolution have to do with this? Oh, right, you're proposing that enforcing mating guidelines would make our species smarter. Yes, of course. And you also assume that these changes would occur quickly enough to make any damn bit of difference in what we're going through right now. Add to that the tidbit you offered about us not evolving, and I'd say you're the one who doesn't get how evolution works.

One last thing: Being religious has no bearing on an individual's understanding of science. I am not religious and I know a fair amount. However, there are religious folks that know more about the sciences than I will ever know. And there are atheists who know jack shit about it. Case in point: Q.

Less violent?! We are more violent than ever! You must be a hippie. Look around you, do you see violent crime? Do you see rapes and murders increasing? Do you see multiple wars going on, in Iraq and in other places?

I don't mean to sell your point short, but there has always been war. Before many of the nations today were in existence, they were tribes at war with each other. How do you suppose many of these nations gained their sovereignty? Do you think Rome simply asked everyone to be a part of the empire? Do you think England simply wrote nice letters to everyone? How do you think the United States was settled? Australia? How about the fact that Ireland is it's own nation? Scotland? These things were achieved through bloodshed. Today, we have a more diplomatic approach to these matters. Yes, war still exists, but it is far less prominent than it was in times past.

And you think we are less violent? We have nuclear weapons, we have biological weapons, we have nanotech weapons, lasers, and who knows what else and you think we are less violent than ever? You must be joking.

The invention of such weapons does not make us more violent; it simply gives us better weapons.
And there are atheists who know jack shit about it. Case in point: Q.

Only yellow, sniveling little cowards like yourself sneak around insulting others behind their backs because they can't face up to anything, even themselves.

Don't worry, some day your mommy will let you move out of her basement.
That's life. That's nature. We fight for resources. You're also vastly dramatizing things here. Billions of babies born only to die? Tell me, what other end is there to this life?

It's better to not be born at all rather than be born to die violently and painfully in some war. Do you want to be a suicide bomber? It's not dramatic at all, it's happening. Abortion and birth control is better than terrorism.

Evolution doesn't happen overnight. At least, not on things such as that. And not protecting our habitat? What do you call the revolution to turn industry green? What about companies, even individuals, who change their ways based on the size of their carbon footprint?

What revolution? I don't see a carbon tax. I don't see a green industry. I don't see any of that.

Once the seriousness of the situation become apparent to us, we immediately began changing our ways.

What changes? Cars still run on gas. I don't have solar panels on my house. What changes?!

And yes, I understand that species go extinct, and I don't expect us to go on forever, but what the fuck does evolution have to do with this? Oh, right, you're proposing that enforcing mating guidelines would make our species smarter. Yes, of course. And you also assume that these changes would occur quickly enough to make any damn bit of difference in what we're going through right now. Add to that the tidbit you offered about us not evolving, and I'd say you're the one who doesn't get how evolution works.

I never said it would work quickly, but it would increase the quality of the human gene pool so things don't get worse as the population increases. It's fine to increase population but at some point we have to have quality control.
Either we can limit the "right" of some people to only have one child, and give licenses to the others who want more than one child, or we can reward the smart people with free money and welfare when they have children with each other.

I don't mean to sell your point short, but there has always been war. Before many of the nations today were in existence, they were tribes at war with each other.

Just because it's always been doesn't mean it has to always be.

How do you suppose many of these nations gained their sovereignty? Do you think Rome simply asked everyone to be a part of the empire? Do you think England simply wrote nice letters to everyone? How do you think the United States was settled? Australia? How about the fact that Ireland is it's own nation? Scotland? These things were achieved through bloodshed. Today, we have a more diplomatic approach to these matters. Yes, war still exists, but it is far less prominent than it was in times past.

We are supposed to be going towards a global economy, a global government, and global everything. This would mean you have to globally regulate the population rate, they call it population control but population control through birth control is non violent and reduces the potential for wars.
Birth control is better than to starve people out, or give people diseases.

The invention of such weapons does not make us more violent; it simply gives us better weapons.

Every weapon invented eventually got used. We used nuclear weapons, we used biological and chemical weapons in Iraq. These weapons are going to be used otherwise they wouldn't be made.
Mod Hat - Thread merge

Mod Hat — Thread merge

I have merged a second thread into this one, and if the lack of a redirect note confused anyone, that one's on me. I somehow managed to make a one-step process into three by merging the threads in the wrong direction. My bad.
From wikipedia,

To put if in laymen's terms, eugenics is basically breeding by natural selection. It's taking the healthiest, fittest, most genetically "superior" members of society, and breeding them, and discouraging the "inferior" from breeding.

The ethical issues should be obvious. First, when I say "superior" and "inferior", I'm not referring to race or anything. I mean, people who are genetically "stronger" or "fitter", or healthier, or however you put it.

The problem is, who decides what is "better"?

As for me, I think eugenics is OK if we are unbiased in how we implement it; ensure truly that people aren't discriminated on the basis of race or nationality or something like that. Then, we can encourage or implement the breeding of the fittest. The reason is because this can help push the evolution and health of our own species.

If you wish to read it more in detail, here is the entire page on eugenics

The market decides. The people with the money are the fittest.