Ethics of forced removal of violence from society.

do you think the aliens are allowed to be free of overt offensive aggression from humanity?

Benevolent ones just don't interact with us. Malevolent ones have such far superior technology, that when it comes to blows, they always would and do get the better of us, so it isn't in our advantage to be violent with them.

Only once to my knowledge when they were clearly breaking the treaty did we try to fight back, but it was pointless. Technology transfer stopped, and they continued the abductions at increased rate anyway. More of our military personnel died in the quarantine, and their activities were operationally curtailed very little.

Now? I don't know, I have to do more research, I'll get back to you. It seems things may have changed since the Columbia Disaster and the attempt to disband one of the Van Allen radiation belts between here and the moon. With out the removal of this belt, we need their assistance for any operations on the moon.

Bear in mind, THEY want their presence here to be kept a secret as much as our governments want the presence to be kept a secret. If people find out they are the ones responsible for fomenting all the war, poverty, disease, hunger, lack of energy, etc. our populations will not be happy.

This is why warfare with them out in the open is not an option, and I believe NASA has been used to try to achieve things that could be achieved with the secret military space program much easier. I think the earth's nations are trying different strategies to through off their influence since that treaty was signed in the fifties.

In this video, you will see NASA's attempted mission with their tether. . . this I believe was an effort to take down this Van Allen radiation belt. This belt is in place to keep us OFF the moon. It is why we haven't been back, and why we aren't allowed on the moon. It is a base of operations for them. There is another radiation belt past the moon which keeps has hemmed in as well.

(I wouldn't necessarily buy the official reason for the tether, or why it broke, remember, the government and NASA lies about EVERYTHING, :p)

For two years now I have wondered WHY this particular mission should be swarmed, only last week did I discover the true nature of this mission quire by accident by reading about the Van Allen belts on Wikipedia and the word "tether" was in the last part about how to get rid of them. I have found out from other whistle blowers that indeed, those radiation belts have been put in place and maintained to keep us "locked" up in a "prison planet" as it were. So no, were aren't going to be violent with any other interplanetary race until the galactic community has deemed us spiritually evolved enough and mature enough to be released.

I should point out though, the in roughly 350 years, a war/incident between Earth, Mars, and the Moon has been seen in one time-line, and they are paying close attention. Apparently, and it has to do with energy/vibration and balance, things I don't understand real well yet, it does affect certain portions of the galaxy negatively. They aren't currently amused.
There are a few reason I guess, why some people can't sometimes agree to disagree..and allow growthin our opinions...usually a part of the self belief process and tied up with self esteem and ego. [ usually caused by a histoy of living in an abusive environment where dis-empowerment was a common crime againat self.]

Abusive environment? Please don't make excuses for bad behavior! Unless you can prove that ALL persons from "abusive environments" are affected in the same way, then you have no "causal" conditions.

All persons who come from, say, poverty and abusive conditions, do NOT become criminals! Thus to make some foolish claims about poverty and abusiveness being the cause of high crime or criminals behavior is simply wrong. Bad people commit crimes ...from whatever background!

Baron Max
Abusive environment? Please don't make excuses for bad behavior! Unless you can prove that ALL persons from "abusive environments" are affected in the same way, then you have no "causal" conditions.

All persons who come from, say, poverty and abusive conditions, do NOT become criminals! Thus to make some foolish claims about poverty and abusiveness being the cause of high crime or criminals behavior is simply wrong. Bad people commit crimes ...from whatever background!

Baron Max


Well said. The reason we are manifested into free will is to learn. Take away freewill, existence is pointless. This is why such a thing would never be allowed to happen by the other space faring cultures. Not for very long in Universal terms anyhow. I don't think our pathetic blue planet is worth an interstellar war. :shrug:
A hypothetical if I may to guage posters reactions.

A message is hand delivered to every world leader simultaneously, it is on a material not unlike paper but has no known Earthly substance with in it.
It is obviously alien to this planet and due to delivery methods [ sudden appearance on the desks of all world leaders as they and witnesses watched]
and also what is incrediby obvious is that the potential of the intelligence behind the message has every capacity to carry out what that message includes. [ it is written in all languages appropriate to the world leader in question.]
The message states unequivocally, and in no uncertain terms that within the next 7 Earth days all ability to use offensive violence against another person will be removed from existence. Only the ability to use defensive violence will be allowed to remain.

  1. What would be your reaction to such a message?
  2. Would you feel your self determination to be violated?
  3. Is the alien only doing what may take another 2000 years to acheive for us?
  4. How do you feel about the prospect of "No offensive violence" therefore Global peace?

    Meaning: no violence can be deliberately committed against another other than in self defense.
They the aliens intend to place a mental/emotional block on this ability so that it does not manifest in Society and with in the persons concerned and do it in a very thorough, complete, wholistic way.
The reason they have given for their intervention is that the Earth is about to be joining the Galactic community and offensive violence is not tolerated.
Which leads to the following ethical dilemma and the main purpose of this thread:

Are they the aliens justifying their own overt form of violence by forcing Humans to change their ways even if it is the last time that violence is used between them and us?

" the reason for the hypothetical is actually about how we tend to justify offensive violence and by posing the hypothetical it should be interesting see how we do."

Interesting thread QQ. Basically in the US doing violence against another is punishible as a crime the seriousness of which must be determined case by case. Is you question complete or do you include boxing, mutual sword play - to the death, road racing, football, baseball where a pitcher throws a fast ball "high and inside" to build some fear and respect by the batter. I assume even those 'down under' know about these sports.

Your thread covers classic criminal activity, but the voluntary stuff is always a n on trivial condition.

Personally, even in 'sports' a deliberate of violence against another player fdor the purpose of incurring harm to a star player when the act is clearly unrelated to the action of the game should be punished. A US basketball player 25 years past was blindsided by an opposing player who flagrantly broke the vistim player's jaw. No legal action was taken but a suspension of a few games was imposed. These kinds of activities are openly understood as 'part of the game' evenm though some 'moral' participants do not engage in such flagrant violence. The hyprocrisy is clear and the message is clear that for many mutual sport activities assaiult serious violence is not treated equally, which means the non-violent participant does not enjoy the same legal protection as the viewing and even nonviewing public.

If the aliens giving the message proved to be capable of enforcing their 'rule' in an efficient manner, or even significantly, more fair and just than the best of what third millenium societies can provide, then if the condition is strictly limited to removing or 'educating' violent people then why not? As long as basic fairness is intrinsic to the alien's behavior then n o harm no foul.

As I say this I am reminded that organized society has evolved to a point where the last century was the most violent of any recorded century in the human saga. Some members of societal elite, strong jawed-pursed lipped-furrow browed-steely eyed politicians would immediately begin pounding the rostrum for an organized force to repel the alien's for the simple reason that they weren't part of any political process and these pol types would bristle at the intrusion even if the alien plan was working. I suppose you include organized warfare where WWI and WWII , Korea, Vietnam, the Boer war, Pakistan v India, the French Revolution, the American Revolution were not violent enterprises that were justified on the part of any participant. If, for instance King George and the British Parliment nlot acted so high handedly vis a vis the Yankee revolutionaries and that equality, representation in Parliement was permitted it would have been an impossibility to stir up the US public and engage ion violent activities to gain "freedom" would have been unthinkable. The mere separation of the Brits and Yankee Doodle Dandy by the Atlantic Pond wasn't enough by itself to make war occur. Thje English were not strangers to the colonies, the laws, and social climate were similar and the Brits weren't actually all that cruel to the colonies as trade and economics was the whole point of the 'thing'. But as it wpould be unthinkable for GB to grant or cede the independence to the colonie that was at a level after the American "won", and even mere rabble rousing and demonstrations etc wold not have been tolerated. But see India that was militarily and economically violated by the Brits for no other reason than the English ecomonic structure was geared to always requiring more. The English Army didn 't appear in India as a benewvolent act of peace andf tranquility. Vietnam wasn't conquered by the French for moral and ethical reasons and a funny part of these two slave driving countries is that they both referred to the people they subjugated as "our colonies" as part of the "Empire" that was perpetuated , not necessarily by back room conspraies , ratrher the French and English saw themselves as performing a natural function in civilizing the various WOGS they subjugated around trhe world.

Currently, the US is performing a similar action in Iraq and Afghanistan not for the purpose of forcing a system of goivernment on those countries b ut rather to force a regime change that is sympathetc to the US position as the apparent dominating economical force in the world. Saddam Hussein's regime at the time the US invaded Iraq was far less harmful to the Citizenry than that developed after the US conquered the country and imposed not only a structured government, but they basically selected and approved of the government employees.

Would Alien Force of ETs rectify the current violence in Asia and the CIA dominated South American Countries, (anything south of Texas) except Cuba?

I want to add a footnote where the Honduran military executed a coup d'etat and the propaganda I heard from the supporters of the coup in Honduras and the participants themselves all speaking with a straight and serious face (on a level one sees in relativity theorists discussing SRT) that the coup was constitutionally and democratically justified event that was necessitated because the current 'leader' was planning to stay for an illegal extra term.

Do i get dinged for long windedness? and straying off the thread's obvious limitations? I wasn't violent.
One of the main problems is how rapidly humans can go from simple disagreement to violent actions. We humans simply don't have that innate control ...we're like wild animals in a zoo or something. We're perfectly content to sit in the cage peacefully ....until someone reaches into the cage ....and then we tear his arm off and beat him to death with it.
The serious problem isn't n eighbors beating the shit out of each other because the others dog shit on the other's grass lawn. It is organized act
ivity that is harmful. People didn't sit in their homes reading the newspaper and listening to the wireless of Japanese excesses in Asia that reacted amssively and violently. Government officials using their ownrules and public policy thjat decided that those rules and policy needed violent protection.

Hitler and his mob convinced the German public, enough of them at least , that massive violence was justified and would result in huge ebenfits to the "Volk" with the addition of " eine bischen lebensraum, ja vertlich, im der Ost". There was underlying antisemitism, not universal of course, but the antisemitism would never have reached the level that resulted the structured mass murder of Dachau, et al.
Baron Max said:
World peace will happen when all humans think exactly alike on all issues and all actions. Any disagreement triggers a horrid anger in most all humans.

Baron Max

No, mere disgreements don't trigger the country vs country violence, it is the politicians who see a benefit for themselves mostly to stir up anger and hatred that the government then transforms into mass violence. Do you hate billions of people with differing religious and political views than your own? Prolly not. Very few people have this kinds of inner turmoil that was the result of free individual reflection and analysis. Members of the KKK, por ejemplo, developed their attitudes primarily from family and peers stemming from the antebellum slave culture in the South. Slavery was justified partially on the grounds thaty blacks were inferior and they are better off picking cotton than raping monkeys in Africa and spreading loathsome diseases. When Columbus took a few Indians to Spain, after being religiously indoctrinated into Catholocism, where one of them died. One pious religious leader remarked that this was the first of the heathens that would go to heaven.

The Israelis generally feel themselves superior to the Palestinians as proved by their accomplishments .since 1947. Unspoken is the reality that the Israelis werand are as trerror minded as any one. The expansion of the borders and subjugation of the Palestinians could only have happened with the massive support primarily of the US.
The serious problem isn't n eighbors beating the shit out of each other because the others dog shit on the other's grass lawn. It is organized activity that is harmful. ...

I expected someone to come up with a post attempting to blame all of the world's ills and woes on ..."big government" or "corporations" or such organizations. And you did pretty well ...typing up a long, involved post trying to convince people.

But, before you pat yourself on the back for a job well done, I would suggest that you think about something ...and please, think about it, don't just slough it off.

If people are such nice guys, and not being hateful, etc to their neighbors, including the towns' people, then why are there so many laws against just such hateful acts against others? There are gazillions of laws about man's hateful actions towards other people. Why? If people are normally so nice, why does societies have so freakin' many laws?

Nope, it ain't governments!! It's people ...and lest you forget, governments are made up of people.

Baron Max
Possibly using aliens in the OP unecessarilly confused the issue. I was merely attempting to throw an "absolute", extreme in to the pot to see how it would go I guess, is my excuse.
The issue can be clearly seen when the United Nations is called upon to intervene in a nation that is in a state of revolution and allowing acts of violent atrocities to go on with in it's borders.

When a powerful nation becomes aware that a neighbouring nation is committing genocide within it's own borders what are the ethical considerations involved in that powerful nation "entering" that neighbours space and enforcing it's rule of law upon those citizens with the view of ending the genocide?

say we set an absolute to help clarify...

Let's rewrite history for a bit.

Imagine: Nazi Germany, other wise international lawabiding nation, decides by referendum [ popular vote ] to round up all persons of Jewish backgrounds [ genetics ] and exterminate them using gas Chambers.

Nazi Germany is not invading any one else turf, and not committing an act of war but is according to it's own democratic processes allowing itself to commit genocide within it's own borders as an act of Government, as required by the people that elected them.
When asked "Why?" they refuse to give any reason what so ever as is their right.

So we have systemic genocide manitained by an elected governement that involves the execution of millions of persons purely on grounds of genetic heritage.

Is it ethical for another Nation to invade that country and impose it's morality upon someone eles for the sake of ending the genocide?

If it is then why is it?

The question can also extend to how Australia will condemn one of it's Asian neighbours for utilising Capital punishment for what Australia deems as relatively minor illegal drug issues.

What right has Australia to impose it's contemporary and flexible views on a neighbouring country when that neighbour would suggets that it is the flexibilty that is creating the problem and could suggest the reversal of the same complaint, in reflection, against Australia?
Is it ethical for another Nation to invade that country and impose it's morality upon someone eles for the sake of ending the genocide?

Why did you have to pick something so "terrible" as wanton genocide?

The normal, usual answer to the basic question, without the "genocide" issue considered, is that it is NOT ethical or moral or logical to intervene in the affairs of another nation. I don't think anyone would say that it's ethical or moral to invade or otherwise forcibly intervene's mostly pure logic and reasoning.

But with the genocide thingie tossed in're now dealing with human emotions, and thus all bets are off. And worse, we mostly can't even discuss the issue because of the emotions involved. See how the issue of genocide makes the discussion too difficult to tackle?!

Look at the genocide going on now in Africa. "Everybody" says that "we" should do something to stop it. But "they" never say what "we" should do. And whenever I've mentioned invading with an army to stop them, "they" always say "No, no! You can't just send in the army!" See? They want it stopped, but they give no indications of how to do it.

The Aussie drug capital punishment thingie? I have to say that he should have known of the consequences before he went into that country with drugs on his person! That was not smart.

Australia can beg and plead, but that's all she can do or should do. The man was wrong, he got caught,'s now time to pay the piper.

Baron Max
In sociological terms it is about how the collective "society" imposes it's combined "Will" upon the individual, by rules and laws that are deemed beneficial for the collective thus the individual.
The world may very well condemn our pseudo ficticious "Nazi Germany" but what right has the world [ collective society ] to impose it's laws and rules upon it's members.

In typical form an individual has the ability sometimes to remove himself from society if he feels that thasociety is unjust but in a gloabl setting where coudl Nazi germany go? It can not pick up it's land and move it to another planet can it?
So we and it have to live with the reality of each other's existence somehow...

IMO this is the very knub of the ethical vexation that the United Nations is facing all the time.
Why did you have to pick something so "terrible" as wanton genocide?

The normal, usual answer to the basic question, without the "genocide" issue considered, is that it is NOT ethical or moral or logical to intervene in the affairs of another nation. I don't think anyone would say that it's ethical or moral to invade or otherwise forcibly intervene's mostly pure logic and reasoning.

But with the genocide thingie tossed in're now dealing with human emotions, and thus all bets are off. And worse, we mostly can't even discuss the issue because of the emotions involved. See how the issue of genocide makes the discussion too difficult to tackle?!

Look at the genocide going on now in Africa. "Everybody" says that "we" should do something to stop it. But "they" never say what "we" should do. And whenever I've mentioned invading with an army to stop them, "they" always say "No, no! You can't just send in the army!" See? They want it stopped, but they give no indications of how to do it.

The Aussie drug capital punishment thingie? I have to say that he should have known of the consequences before he went into that country with drugs on his person! That was not smart.

Australia can beg and plead, but that's all she can do or should do. The man was wrong, he got caught,'s now time to pay the piper.

Baron Max

Good post Baron....and worth thinking about...hmmmmm
A hypothetical if I may to guage posters reactions.

A message is hand delivered to every world leader simultaneously, it is on a material not unlike paper but has no known Earthly substance with in it.
It is obviously alien to this planet and due to delivery methods [ sudden appearance on the desks of all world leaders as they and witnesses watched]
and also what is incrediby obvious is that the potential of the intelligence behind the message has every capacity to carry out what that message includes. [ it is written in all languages appropriate to the world leader in question.]
The message states unequivocally, and in no uncertain terms that within the next 7 Earth days all ability to use offensive violence against another person will be removed from existence. Only the ability to use defensive violence will be allowed to remain.

  1. What would be your reaction to such a message?
  2. Would you feel your self determination to be violated?
  3. Is the alien only doing what may take another 2000 years to acheive for us?
  4. How do you feel about the prospect of "No offensive violence" therefore Global peace?

    Meaning: no violence can be deliberately committed against another other than in self defense.
They the aliens intend to place a mental/emotional block on this ability so that it does not manifest in Society and with in the persons concerned and do it in a very thorough, complete, wholistic way.
The reason they have given for their intervention is that the Earth is about to be joining the Galactic community and offensive violence is not tolerated.
Which leads to the following ethical dilemma and the main purpose of this thread:

Are they the aliens justifying their own overt form of violence by forcing Humans to change their ways even if it is the last time that violence is used between them and us?

" the reason for the hypothetical is actually about how we tend to justify offensive violence and by posing the hypothetical it should be interesting see how we do."

That depends on a further question: will it work? Unless the aliens somehow know that for certain, their violence is no more justified than our violence. Since their solution is a form of offensive violence, it seems a bit self-righteous. Violence just begets violence. You'll probably have very creative uses of "defensive violence" soon afterwards (first against the aliens, then against each other).

PS. Did you see Equilibrium? (2002; Christian Bale, Sean Bean)
That depends on a further question: will it work? Unless the aliens somehow know that for certain, their violence is no more justified than our violence. Since their solution is a form of offensive violence, it seems a bit self-righteous. Violence just begets violence. You'll probably have very creative uses of "defensive violence" soon afterwards (first against the aliens, then against each other).

PS. Did you see Equilibrium? (2002; Christian Bale, Sean Bean)
ahh Jenyar, long time no hear from! Good to see you posting...I trust you and yours are well?:)
No I haven't seen the film however the synopsis sends shivers down my spine! It is also similar to the other sci fi film "serenity" where by a government enforces placidity upon a global population by atmospheric medication that goes incredibly wrong with rather tragic results....

I agree that it seems to be self righteous and somewhat chauvinistic if you know what I mean.. patriarchal and in many ways abusive.

However for humanity to survive it's transition it may be a necessary evolutionary leap as it were .....and thus the justification could very well be the best of a bad deal....

I am not happy with the wording of the OP btw as I posited the discussion
badly from the onset.
better it would have been if I had run with something like:
Possibly using aliens in the OP unecessarilly confused the issue. I was merely attempting to throw an "absolute", extreme in to the pot to see how it would go I guess, is my excuse.
The issue can be clearly seen when the United Nations is called upon to intervene in a nation that is in a state of revolution and allowing acts of violent atrocities to go on with in it's borders.

When a powerful nation becomes aware that a neighbouring nation is committing genocide within it's own borders what are the ethical considerations involved in that powerful nation "entering" that neighbours space and enforcing it's rule of law upon those citizens with the view of ending the genocide?
it is an incredibly tough ethical question and deals mostly with unconscionable acts, using compassionate grounds as the reasoning. [ demonstrated in many stories held within the first testament of the Bible I might add concerning Gods conduct towards us mortals IMO]
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Baron Max said:
World peace will happen when all humans think exactly alike on all issues and all actions. Any disagreement triggers a horrid anger in most all humans.
This sums up the whole problem nicely. For humanity to be of one mind, it will have to pick a mindset that is absolute. People of different minds will have to give up incompatible ideas and beliefs - and historically the hurdle has been power and influence. Different centres of power compete naturally. And in our experience, absolute power corrupts absolutely. So in a peaceful world, nobody can have any personal or corporate power. There can be no ambition or tools for seeking and gaining such power. For one thing, Capitalism won't work anymore. Resources will have to be shared and belong to everyone, collectively managed to pursue other goals than personal wealth. (Does it sound a bit like Communism?)

Is there any goal we trust enough to pursue absolutely and wholeheartedly?

Universal agreement sounds great, but humanity will need something to universally agree about. Perhaps our aliens will provide that common enemy to unite mankind. Imagine what Planet Earth can achieve if we pool all its resources and work together. Imagine if we could aim it at something that was the opposite of war.

But I think most of the problems have been discovered already, in our individual thoughts and actions. I think we just use our differences as excuses. Maybe our vices just don't seem like grand enough enemies to resist, or we can't bear to part with them long enough to see if they're actually compatible with peace.
ahh Jenyar, long time no hear from! Good to see you posting...I trust you and yours are well?:)
Quite well, thanks for asking. I'm back in a fit of nostalgia and/or curiosity you might say. I miss having my thoughts challenged and my wit sharpened by wonderful people such as yourself.

No I haven't seen the film however the synopsis sends shivers down my spine! It is also similar to the other sci fi film "serenity" where by a government enforces placidity upon a global population by atmospheric medication that goes incredibly wrong with rather tragic results....
I loved Serenity. Do yourself a favour and rent the film Equilibrium. If you can stand sci-fi you won't be disappointed. We can compare notes.

I agree that it seems to be self righteous and somewhat chauvinistic if you know what I mean.. patriarchal and in many ways abusive.

However for humanity to survive it's transition it may be a necessary evolutionary leap as it were .....and thus the justification could very well be the best of a bad deal....
Then it would be a good thing if aliens were involved. No person or nation will live down the stigma of having heralded such a "necessary evil". And you have to expect a backlash that would bring everyone back to square one.

If it's an "absolute" change, as you suggest, perhaps you might call this event a kind of judgement day? Those who benefit by the new state of affairs will experience heaven, and the rest will robbed of power, frustrated and unhappy.

When a powerful nation becomes aware that a neighbouring nation is committing genocide within it's own borders what are the ethical considerations involved in that powerful nation "entering" that neighbours space and enforcing it's rule of law upon those citizens with the view of ending the genocide?
We know that from history. The powerful nation is always resented, and even those who welcome them become the targets of this resentment afterwards. Or they reverse the state of affairs and put the previously oppressed in power. Then you have a minority in power with a chip on their shoulder, and more problems.

Unless people with power voluntarily give it up - permanently or temporarily - and the oppressed resists the urge to take vengeance, force will only add fuel to the fire. In South Africa, we had the Truth & Reconciliation Commission which avoided civil war. It's better to stabilise a region rather than to overwhelm it with someone else's power or ideology.

Of course, there will be those who disagree with me :)

it is an incredibly tough ethical question and deals mostly with unconscionable acts, using compassionate grounds as the reasoning. [ demonstrated in many stories held within the first testament of the Bible I might add concerning Gods conduct towards us mortals IMO]
It's the old "does the end justify the means" question, and usually the obvious answer is no. I doubt any of the Ancient Near Eastern nations even tried to justify what we would today call unconscionable acts, and Israel was no exception. Those nations certainly didn't invade each other on compassionate grounds. All we can say is that they believed they were doing God's will, which is nothing new.

But although the ancient Hebrews often expressed their faith in God very primitively, that doesn't mean God used primitive means to deal with people. He didn't and doesn't force anyone to believe anything. What we get from the Bible is how God presented them with life, hope, justice, responsibility etc. and revealed the consequences of rejecting them. These are the same ideas that we employ today to judge their actions and our own. We just fill them with new content.
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In some ways a close analogy can be drawn with those suffering severe illicit drug addictions.
Say for example we have a man who is addicted to heroin and is sentenced to imprisonment due to crimes committed to supply his need.
Imprisonment means "no drugs" [idealistic I know!] and the prisoner is forced to endure withdrawal.
Of course he is going to resent being forced to rid himself of the habit. Of course he will fight to retain it if he can as such is the nature of addiction, but of course he knows that if he can withdraw his future will improve significantly as the vexation exists regardless of what appears on the surface.

In this case one could state that humanity is addicted to violence and abuse as part of it's comfort zone and any attempt to mitigate the addiction will inevitably cause a resentment, thus change for the better is not always welcomed even after it has been achieved. [ memories are long and hard sometimes - which of course is also a part for the addiction process]

So normally it takes 2 generation socially for society to start to see real benefit form changes that remove aspects of violence and abuse.

E.G. the slave trade has only been removed from the globe not that long ago.
Women have only recently been given rights beyond that of chattel.
Indigenous peoples have only been recognized as culturally worthy by so called Civilized Western Whites only recently...
Homosexuality and other deviations from the "norm" have only recently achieved greater tolerance and respect.
So the social evolution away from violent and abusive addictions of the past take many generations to take effect...and always resented by those enduring withdrawal.
So when a superior neighboring country invades to prevent a genocide caused by addiction to class systems, racial bigotry, and just plain arrogance they will be resented as it holds a mirror up and declares that the perpetrators of the genocide are indeed inferior and that the invading neighbors are superior. [ morally / ethically at least]

So part of the problem is to do with ego centric states of inferiority and the arrogance to assume superiority when no real basis exists. The along comes a powerful neighbor preaching moral superiority and cuts the arrogant genocidal regime down to it's real size. Of course this will not be the regime but strangely enough the population that is being victimised as well. as both the victim and the perpetrator are locked in a desperate love/hate relationship that they are used to and have great difficulty on changing.
Thus in subtle ways the abused person is also addicted to being abused. [ re: sado-masochism inherant in human behaviour]

So we see that sometimes further abuse of peoples self-determination may be the only solution to improving the cycles of abuse in place.
And yes in this case "the end" could indeed justify the means...
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Well, if your premise is correct, that abuse/violence is addictive, then the means will not achieve the desired end. If anything, it's just a more powerful injection of what the victim already addicted to.

Powerful nations can "fish" for acceptable ends to justify anything - and they have. The list of evil/inequalities you mention all have a long list of justifications that were very convincing (for the "morally superior") at the time.

Isn't part of the problem that the powerful always assumes their power gives them moral superiority?
Well, if your premise is correct, that abuse/violence is addictive, then the means will not achieve the desired end. If anything, it's just a more powerful injection of what the victim already addicted to.

Powerful nations can "fish" for acceptable ends to justify anything - and they have. The list of evil/inequalities you mention all have a long list of justifications that were very convincing (for the "morally superior") at the time.

Isn't part of the problem that the powerful always assumes their power gives them moral superiority?
hmmm....power itself does not give them moral superiority I feel, however the use of that power can propagate that morality more effectively.
The question though is who is to judge what morality is superior and what morality is not?

Why is the example of genocide considered as morally inferior?
What right does any one have to declare the others morality inferior?

These are difficult to answer questions and I guess that is what this thread is about, and attempt to do so...or at least raise even more questions until the right question gets asked.

abstraction of reasoning:

premise= life is precious regardless of race gender or creed.
result= genocide is repugnant and immoral as it values life on race gender and creed as zero. [ not precious ]

Therefore to allow genocide to continue when something can be done to prevent it, is in fact "immoral and unethical" regardless of borders or sovereignty issues.
to do nothing would be an immoral act based on the assumed premise that life is precious.
Is the assumption that life is precious a valid and moral assumption?
If yes then is it unconscionable for a powerful neighbour to interfere when confronted with a complete disregard for the first premise? That life is precious....and that it would be immoral to do nothing and allow the genocide to continue?
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So in our alien OP senario they look down on us humans and see a form of homicidal activity akin to genocide and have the power to do something about it. They see violence and abuse etc and could very well feel that to do nothing would be immoral, when they could do something about it.
Would their action of removing violence by forced intervention be any different ethically to a powerful nation attempting to stop a genocidal neighbouring nation?
I tend to think not IMO
In order to justify imposing any morality you will first have to believe that it's superior. Our common sense tells us that might does not make right, but the only morality that can be enforced is one with power. So if, say, the Aryan or the Communist philosophy is right and/or superior, the only way to convince the rest of the world is to overpower them.

But what happens the day that the weaker minority is right? They need a voice and a forum to voice it. For that there are international courts and councils. We try to install checks and balances to make it fair for everyone.

So how can they justify interference? I guess they gain executive power through consensus - and again trust the majority opinion to be the right one. At least it's an attempt to make fair and reasonable decisions. Maybe I'm missing a more noble principle here.

So what do we have so far?

1 life is precious regardless of race, gender or creed
a) genocide violates above premise
b) so genocide is morally indefensible

To which I add:

2 Power does not give a race, gender or creed any moral authority
a) The exercise of power to enforce any morality violates above premise
b) which makes violent political interference morally indefensible

Not to mention that you could add belief to the list, which makes it immoral to enforce one system of belief over the system of belief of another, even when the other party acts immorally (according to the first system), for instance by committing genocide (I believe this is the essence of pacifism).

So even before you can worry about whether another person/group/country is committing a crime, we have to explain how overpowering them with our beliefs is not the same as them overpowering another with their beliefs.

Is there any objective way of measuring which/whose morality is better? And is there an acceptable way of establishing such a "better" morality - especially if the other (violently) disagrees?
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possibly prioritising the list of moral premises would help...
For example the premise that Life is precious would be high on the list where as "enforcing morality" with the first premise in mind would be lower.
The main reason for intervening in a genocidal neighbours affairs could be the first premise.
The question I think though is does the first premise over ride the immorality that is required with enforcement?
[ just trying to get into the minds of the decision makers at the U.N. How they arrive at their decisions to violate the lesser premise and I would rpesume probably incorreectly, that it has to do with the first remise by far overriding the moral repugnancy of forced intervention.]
To me it is interetsing as I am sure they, the UN have much paralysing vexation in times of crisis as to what and to do and how to act.