Eternal torture.!!!

If you'r not afrad to answr... which do you thank bes applies to eternal hell.???

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I've been to hell. Not good. I think it was Satre who said, "Hell is other people." A bit harsh perhaps. I think hell is being afraid of other people. I think hell is fear. Is it possible to live a life in constant fear? I don't think that's living.
I've been to hell. Not good. I think it was Satre who said, "Hell is other people." A bit harsh perhaps. I think hell is being afraid of other people. I think hell is fear. Is it possible to live a life in constant fear? I don't think that's living.

Dependin on the intensity... i supose any fear coud be hellish.!!!
And therefore heaven is the absence of fear. The absence of fear also happens to be love.

Thats true if thats how those terms are defined... but nether of those thangs gurantees happyness... which woud be a requirement for my ideal heaven.!!!
I am kind of shocked to see to see such consensus. But wait for someone to come in and say "Of course it is, you need to be saved...then it seems only fair."
My intentons are to post a 2 option "pole" wit this thred but i ant sure how to do it... so in case the "pole" part dont turn out rite im postin the 2 options here so it can still be discussed.!!!

[] Eternal hell is fare an just punishment.!!!

[] Eternal hell is the mos monstrous concept emaginable.!!!

Why haven't you been banned yet?
