Eternal torture.!!!

If you'r not afrad to answr... which do you thank bes applies to eternal hell.???

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My intentons are to post a 2 option "pole" wit this thred but i ant sure how to do it... so in case the "pole" part dont turn out rite im postin the 2 options here so it can still be discussed.!!!

[] Eternal hell is fare an just punishment.!!!

[] Eternal hell is the mos monstrous concept emaginable.!!!
The second, of course, according to the usual understanding of the terms.

But, there are different ideas about what is "eternal" (infinite time? Or a timeless state, an isolated instant with no past or future?) what "hell" entails (Devils, pitchforks, and fire? Unbearable shame? Something else?), and whether it would be an imposed punishment or a freely-selected state of being (chosen by those who can't accept God's infinite love and compassion?)

Not that I think it matters. We might as well discuss whether leprechauns are a kind of fairy or not.
...Not that I think it matters. We might as well discuss whether leprechauns are a kind of fairy or not.

Leprechauns an faries... why... thats insane... my issue is about the invisable entity known as "God"... an im qurious to hear from people who beleive its fare an just punishment (for esample)... that Muslims who dont except Jesus Christ as ther Lord an Savior deserve to burn in hell... even the Muslims who are borned in Muslims countries an taut Muslim beleifs from birf to death.!!!

1 true Christan esplaned it to me this way... that mayb its part of Gods plan that people who are bound for hell will be borned in God-less countries such as Afganistan... i supose so they wont contaminate Christans wit ther rong beleifs.???
What has any human done to deserve eternal torture?

True--given enough lifetimes (if you belive in reincarnation, as I do) even the most flagrant villain is ultimately capable of redemption, however much they might appear to deserve the worst kind of punishment. Everyone is capable of improvement, which is the whole basis of the philosophy of soul-return.:cool:
What has any human done to deserve eternal torture?

What has any human done that deserves even an instent of torture.???

True--given enough lifetimes (if you belive in reincarnation, as I do) even the most flagrant villain is ultimately capable of redemption, however much they might appear to deserve the worst kind of punishment. Everyone is capable of improvement, which is the whole basis of the philosophy of soul-return.:cool:

Soul-return is a much sweeter beleif than eternal torture... but unevidenced beleifs are a dime a dozen:-(
If there were a god and a hell, hell is where god would be since it would be where he was most needed.
[] Eternal hell is fare an just punishment.!!!

[X] Eternal hell is the mos monstrous concept emaginable.!!!

whether it would be an imposed punishment or a freely-selected state of being (chosen by those who can't accept God's infinite love and compassion?)

It can't be a freely selected state of being if they can't accept God's love.
you people want to know whats after life? well you decide whats after life, if you want to continue living you are born oncemore again (as who and when and where...I dont know) and if you want to be in transient state of not knowing who you are than you will be so.
Originally Posted by snake river rufus
I believe that the idea of "hell" is a monsterous concept.

If there were in fact a "hell", I think hitler might be a candidate.

Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So its a monstrous concept that you go along wit.!!!

That is not at all what I said. Look for the word "if"

"IF" hell is real or not is irrelevent to you'r bein agreeable to the "concept"... in which you offered Hitler as a potential canditate.!!!

I woudnt consider sendin anybody to eternal hell... not even "God".!!!