Eternal jail, or capital punishment...which?

thats a wonderful idea the poor rats they haven't done a thing but criminals are perfect for testing drugs on so that they will be safe for other humans i always feal guilty doing that to the rats its not fair to them.
For murderers, I suggest that we use them as lab rats for medical students to experiment on them new drugs...Infect some of them with AIDS, west Nile, mad cow, and use them as research lab for the good of humanity.
Flores, The reason for the post is to find out whether it is incumbent on humanity to act in a humane way when confronted with inhumanity.

Should society lower itself to the level of the criminal or should it strive to do a little better than that?

For instance one could say that it is humane to euthanase a sick animal and put it down. Should we consider a "Murderer" as sick and just simply put him/her down?

Some would argue that a sociopath, a psychopath etc are just symptoms of mental illness and should be treated as such.

The "when all else fails just shoot the bastard" philosphy may be great for short term answers but provides no rational framework for the future I feel.

To inflict punishment for a mentally derranged psychopath is also not appropriate, so the question that started the thread remains to be answered.

Execution or eternal jail?
Quantum Quack said:
To inflict punishment for a mentally derranged psychopath is also not appropriate

Do you know that very intelligent people can make you believe whatever that they wish in regards to their mental state....Last I checked, there is no blood test for it's all based on patient recording and whatever show will the patient try to invent...How the hell do you assess mental condition? Don't lecture me about the state of art phsyciatry field, because I know people that are experts in telling phsyciatrist what they want to hear to get whatever medecine that they want..Even kids now are experts in obtaining prognosis like hiper active, ect, to justify bad behavior in school.

So in conclusion, let's not punish them....I suggest that we ship them all to your house to rape your wife, sister, mom while you are watching...How about it?
I have no problem with capitol punishment. But I believe that a lifetime of having hope surgically removed by the scapel of four walls is infinitely more cruel and fitting.
So in conclusion, let's not punish them....I suggest that we ship them all to your house to rape your wife, sister, mom while you are watching...How about it?
Flores, I assume this question is directed at me. I ask you what sort of response do you want me to give you. That I would be standing there with a shotty waiting for the rapist to arrive that you sent me. Is this the answer you wanted. Or am I to say that by accepting that the rapist is just insane that I should allow him to rape my wife etc, while I watch. Are you really expecting me to react blindly and condone inhumanity by acting inhumane.

The question is not about punishment although this seems to be the issue for you (Flores). That we punish a rapist or a serial killer. Some times I agree, but some times I don't.

What does punishment achieve for the punisher other than that of a perverse pleasure and the perpetualisation of a cycle of violence.

It is realy sad that there are people that act in such cruel and violent ways. It is a sad inditement on the society that allowed these monsters to exist in the first instance...etc etc etc.....

The question after all the emotive bulshit settles is what to do with these persons, execute them, torture them then execute them, or send them to eternal jail.

May be we should just torture them for eternity. (Playing God me thinks)
The Cager said:
Let me put it this way, I rather see that murderer put to death than to let him/her murder ANOTHER innocent person.
I would not murder to prevent murder. I would simply place the person with the desire to kill in a position that is non conducive to their desire. Murder remains the taking of life, whatever the supposed justification.

Flores said:
Do you know that very intelligent people can make you believe whatever that they wish in regards to their mental state....Last I checked, there is no blood test for it's all based on patient recording and whatever show will the patient try to invent...How the hell do you assess mental condition? Don't lecture me about the state of art phsyciatry field, because I know people that are experts in telling phsyciatrist what they want to hear to get whatever medecine that they want..Even kids now are experts in obtaining prognosis like hiper active, ect, to justify bad behavior in school.
The more commonly claimed mental conditions such as schizophrenia and to a lesser extent multiple personality disorder are detectable by use of MRI to examine brain activity in response to given stimuli. In the example of Schizophrenia, a patient may have activity in the brain which is related to hearing, but not in the part of the brain which says "This is your own voice". Comparing the MRI scans of a schizophrenia patient and "normal" person side by side, the difference is quite evident.