Eternal infinite punishment for a finite sin against God


And your question assumes that there IS an afterlife.

Which is odd- considering that our entire perception of being depends on the physical substance; our brains and organs that keep that brain functioning.
Without the brain, there is literally NOTHING left of a person to think, feel or be alive.

This may not be my best argument, however... As it often seems that people that believe in an afterlife have no brains.

Exactly where in the Brain does consciousness reside?
Science does not deal with whether there is or is not a God. Individuals might believe in God or disbelieve (lack belief) -- But Science is not about proving or disproving God.

Your problem, IamJoseph is that you're very ignorant, yet you believe you're so enlightened.

A wee bit of science would actually do you some good.

Creationism is a scientific premise, and nothing whatsoever to do with belief. The issue is not whether there is a creator, but whether it is even possible not to have a creator and still maintain science. I am not negating science in assuming a creator, its reverse premise is the big negation of science.

Science is the B to Z, and the notion of eternal sin is not science nor a bona fide belief system. Sin is an ancient term for crime and misdemeanor and subject to appropriation only: parking tickets, more than everlasting hell, applies here.
Hi, according to fundamentalist Christians, if you do not agree with them, you are most unfortunately going to burn forever in the pits of hell or otherwise put, earn a horrific eternal punishment from God where you are tortured forever in hell

Or an infinite punishment for a finite transgression against a merciless God

What do you guys think?

I think a lot of money can be made off people who shut down their logic facilities and choose to think this way, and it's too bad I don't have the heart to be one of those types, 'cuz I'd really be living it up, nice cars and all that like the televangelists have. Give me Porsche or you go to hell!
Exactly where in the Brain does consciousness reside?

If you do not know the answer to this question... does this 'prove' to you that it resides outside of the brain?

And a person cannot say 'exactly where in the brain' that consciousness is supported anymore than they can say where in a puddle wetness is supported.

But there is a more precise area of the brain that deals with those levels of complexity. That area is not nailed down. The higher brain is a bit like an office building housing a thousand (or more) workers. If some workers get sick or are fired, other workers must take up the extra workload.

I still find it fascinating though, that you ask that question. You may as well have asked where light resides in a light bulb.

Creationism is a scientific premise, and nothing whatsoever to do with belief. The issue is not whether there is a creator, but whether it is even possible not to have a creator and still maintain science. I am not negating science in assuming a creator, its reverse premise is the big negation of science.

You assume a Creator without any observational support, and scientifically, a creator is not necessary for existence.

As usual, your delusion does your thinking for you.

Science is the B to Z, and the notion of eternal sin is not science nor a bona fide belief system. Sin is an ancient term for crime and misdemeanor and subject to appropriation only: parking tickets, more than everlasting hell, applies here.

I have no idea what your point is here. It seems as though you're trying to claim that sin and divine punishment is outside of the realm of science.

Well, Duh.

Sin is well within science, it's just that divine Heaven and Hell is outside of science because some guy thousands of years ago made up the concepts to scare naughty people.
Even if you try to justify the claim by saying that a black hole might be "Hell" or something, you cannot explain how some guy a few thousand years ago knew about Black Holes. If you then claim he was inspired by God to know, then you are stuck with the problem that you cannot show any evidence to support such a God.
And around and around it goes... the justification and weaseling and no solid answers....