Eternal infinite punishment for a finite sin against God

Alan McDougall

Alan McDougall
Registered Senior Member
Hi, according to fundamentalist Christians, if you do not agree with them, you are most unfortunately going to burn forever in the pits of hell or otherwise put, earn a horrific eternal punishment from God where you are tortured forever in hell

Or an infinite punishment for a finite transgression against a merciless God

What do you guys think?
Hi, according to fundamentalist Christians, if you do not agree with them, you are most unfortunately going to burn forever in the pits of hell or otherwise put, earn a horrific eternal punishment from God where you are tortured forever in hell

Or an infinite punishment for a finite transgression against a merciless God

What do you guys think?

I'm not too worried about it, since there is no such entity as God.:cool:
Are you absolutely sure, surly there must be a place where one accounts for their deeds both good and bad in the afterlife


And your question assumes that there IS an afterlife.

Which is odd- considering that our entire perception of being depends on the physical substance; our brains and organs that keep that brain functioning.
Without the brain, there is literally NOTHING left of a person to think, feel or be alive.

This may not be my best argument, however... As it often seems that people that believe in an afterlife have no brains.
No, only that the universe is made of particles, which is consistent with all observation.
It means there is no eternal soul that flies off to some celestial judge after you are dead.
Are those the same particles that God made in the beginning of all things? Those particles?

Baron Max
The beginning would also be the beginning of God wouldn't they? And complex things did not come about in the beginning, only simple things, it was too hot.

You sound so certain, so sure. Do you have any proof of your assertion?

Baron Max
Yes! There is nothing but particles, all observations ever made support that.
The beginning would also be the beginning of God wouldn't they? ...

Nope, it ain't like that. God doesn't follow any of the rules, Spider, he's God, remember? Or have you forgotten that little bit of folk lore?

Yes! There is nothing but particles, all observations ever made support that.

And God made those particles, right? And God also created the rules by which scientists observe all of those physical occurances and particles. See? God is also up there laughing at us for trying to figure Him out ...which He has decided that we never can.

Baron Max
Then you're saying absolute NOTHINGness exists.

How can you derive that? I'm saying it's a sea of nothingness filled with particles, some of which make up you and me.

Nope, it ain't like that. God doesn't follow any of the rules, Spider, he's God, remember? Or have you forgotten that little bit of folk lore?

And God made those particles, right? And God also created the rules by which scientists observe all of those physical occurances and particles. See? God is also up there laughing at us for trying to figure Him out ...which He has decided that we never can.

Baron Max
Yeah, folklore. Folklore which doesn't stand up to revealed facts.
according to fundamentalist Christians, if you do not agree with them, you are most unfortunately going to burn forever in the pits of hell
A necessary tactic during their debates to ensure unwavering nerves and preservation of fortitude. In other words, keeping the upper hand.
Hi, according to fundamentalist Christians, if you do not agree with them, you are most unfortunately going to burn forever in the pits of hell or otherwise put, earn a horrific eternal punishment from God where you are tortured forever in hell

Or an infinite punishment for a finite transgression against a merciless God

What do you guys think?

Eternal burning of one human is a big waste of fuel and will damage the universe's climate. Better that the law is read again and the correct penalty applies. Christianity and Islam are lawless enterprises [they gave humanity not a single law] and have flaunted the most majestic laws humanity possesses. They can start with this one:

How can you derive that? I'm saying it's a sea of nothingness filled with particles, some of which make up you and me.

Yeah, folklore. Folklore which doesn't stand up to revealed facts.

Equally, the greatest negation of science possible - is the belief there is no car maker for a car - only a car manual, nor a universe maker for a universe - only an old man with a beard called NATURE.

Creationism is a scientific premise - with no scientific alternative. The big lie is when someone or some religion professes to know and define the Creator, then assumes excluvie kingdom keys. Knowing the dif is the dif.
Equally, the greatest negation of science possible - is the belief there is no car maker for a car - only a car manual, nor a universe maker for a universe - only an old man with a beard called NATURE.

Science does not deal with whether there is or is not a God. Individuals might believe in God or disbelieve (lack belief) -- But Science is not about proving or disproving God.

Your problem, IamJoseph is that you're very ignorant, yet you believe you're so enlightened.

A wee bit of science would actually do you some good.
Hi, according to fundamentalist Christians, if you do not agree with them, you are most unfortunately going to burn forever in the pits of hell or otherwise put, earn a horrific eternal punishment from God where you are tortured forever in hell

Or an infinite punishment for a finite transgression against a merciless God

What do you guys think?

1. You are posting wrong information, one sided information, and incomplete information.

2. I am not a Christian. I do know what you speak of.

3. "What you may have slipped up on already will not be held against you, but only something your hearts have done intentionally. Yet God is Forgiving, Merciful."

4. Finite mistakes do not matter, if your intentions were not ill. Everyone makes mistakes. We are not rancor free.

5. If you have done nothing wrong, purposely and intentionally; what are you so ill grudged about, that you are willing to satisfy your one sided intention abroad people here?