ET/UFO poll!

what do you think aliens are or UFO are? Select All That Apply

  • Creatures from another planet

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Acient Earth Spices (ie. Atlantis)

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Time Travelers (interesting theroy)

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Only Government

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Government & E.Ts

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • All Off The Above (1-5)

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Aliens arn't real!!!

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • E.Ts controll Government Or visa versa (or some other theorys)

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Other: Explain!

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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A Canadian

Why talk? When you can listen?
Registered Senior Member
Penny For Your Thoughs
You hear it all, Government Conspiracies and Cover Up, Space Travlers, Bermuda Triangle, Lost City Of Atlantis, Time Travlers, Dimensional Gate Way Travlers, Abductions, Cattle mutilations, Area 51, Hidden Acient Races even then MIB theory. or is it all fake...

But What do YOU THINK, so many theorys so little time, some are fake, some are true, or some are still to be discovered.

And Try Not To Bring Up Topics' On "MARS and saying that the moonlanding was fake"
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I think aliens are creatures who live on other planets, and dream of travelling across space and meeting other aliens, just like we do, but have the same massive technological hurdles to overcome that we do.

I think UFOs are misreported stars, planets, aircraft, meteorological phenomenon, and hallucinations.

I think humans ar fallible, and sometimes we wnt things so much we are able to fool ourselves into seeing and believing all manner of things.
I think aliens are beings who live on other planets, who dream of travelling across space and meeting other aliens, and some have(loads of evidence to support that) and have the same massive technological hurdles to overcome - and some have.

I think UFO's are misreported stars, planets, terrestrial aircrafts, meterological phenomena, hallucinations, and ETI.

I think the majority of humans, particularly the pseudo-intellectuals are very fundamentalist and find it hard to swallow that there are laws of nature that are still beyond their comprehension.
crazymikey said:
I think the majority of humans, particularly the pseudo-intellectuals are very fundamentalist and find it hard to swallow that there are laws of nature that are still beyond their comprehension.

No, it's the pseuds who believe in all this stuff. If you really understood the scale of the problems, you wouldn't accept the ET hypothesis so easily.

Tell me something CrazyMikey, you are a Christian, aren't you?
No Phlog, it's not just the Pseuds who believe in this stuff, it's also scientists that believe that travel to other planets is possible, scientists like, oh I don't know... STEPHEN HAWKING (I know your ignorant but I'm assuming you know who he is). Here's what STEPHEN HAWKING had to say on the subject: "Of course it is possible that UFO's really do contain aliens as many people believe." Do you get it finally? STEPHEN HAWKING said OF COURSE IT IS POSSIBLE. Just admit it, you're no different than people that use to say the earth was flat and thought Columbus was crazy.
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phlogistician said:
No, it's the pseuds who believe in all this stuff.

Although incorrect, as already stated, I will humor this notion for a minute.

300 years ago, only the "pseuds" believed man would ever be capable of going to the moon.

300 years before that, only the "pseuds" believed the world was round.

My point? Dismissing something outright as impossible or nonexistent because you currently do not understand the scientific explanation for its existence is rather stupid and shortsighted.
"No, it's the pseuds who believe in all this stuff."

I told you, you were a pseudo skeptic, as well as a pseudo-intellectual. In all honestly, you cannot be a scientist, and if you somehow are, you don't understand it at all. Psued.
for real... you cannot deny whats been going on in the past "thousands of years"
religions, famous travlers, storys and tales.... so much documented stuff has been recorded about UFO and/or strange creatures. famous historians, well renowned religions, cave men paintings, they all depic UFO (unidentifyed flying objects) in their historys. FACE IT! THE ALIEN BUGGERS ARE REAL! but WHAT ARE THEY EXACTLY? from my point of view for my own small brain, ive done a great deal of what i consider research... I admit, 80% more or less of UFO junk (internet or even other sources) is all garbage... yet we still talk about it... for example AREA 51... ive heard so many storys surrounding it... if it wasnt real youd think poeple would of shut up bout it by now... for real, you think poeple still talk about some incrediable victory a king had when he was outnumbered in a war in the 16th century... poeple discuess the whole UFO/ALIEN/PARANOMAL phomenion for a reason...

personly i think there is more proof of ALEINS than there is of JESUS

if you where in early 19th century, would you of belive someone when they said that there is a "BOX that captures poeples and you are able to see them in your own home". im talking about TV of course... no back then youd have to see it to belive it wouldnt you...

me personaly have had only ONE UFO sighting in my lifetime, and that was a few months ago, yet before that i still belived in the stuff, and ive done my reaseach so im sure what i saw was NOT a f---en plane or what not

fact ta fact.... why should I belive in god.... ive never seen god, ive only heard storys, granted we come from somewhere, but why should religion controll our lives?
ive seen a UFO, thus i belive in aleins, government conpiracys and the unknown.

proving to the world that "aleins" do exist is MY religion.... why bother chasing something you cannot prove, like god, when you rather can prove something like UFOs... which has more documented history than GOD. and by the way documented history does not include the bible

i dont know how i got into talking about GOD and aleins... but i could go on... :)
however, aside from the POLL, id also like to hear about why YOU BELIVE in ALEINS.
did you see something up in the nightsky? the fact you cannot deny the film evidence you saw on TV, or have you just done your reasearch

honestly, ive seen ALOT and i mean ALOT of alien/ufo shows/documentys

most i know are all crap... some i realize are too ture to be fake... 2 things ive seen made me laugh my ass off cuase it was so fake. one was the ALIEN AUTOPSY hosted by that dok with the mustash from the startrekNG show and this other one called "alien enigma" where they prolonged a 30 minute show WITH NO VIDEO FOTAGE OR PICTURES EVEN into a 3 hour show....., ive seen a bunch of other fake junk, but thoes 2 take the cake.

long story short, kiss my arse, you close-minded, boring, skeptics.

was that my point... i dont know....
I think phlogistician covered it pretty well, again.

This is curious:

quoth crazymikey: and have the same massive technological hurdles to overcome - and some have.

I wonder if crazymikey actually has any idea what might comprise those hurdles and how exactly he claims they were overcome?

So crazymikey, how did they do it?
The only aliens in the United States are probably ducking la migra and UFOs are simply flying objects that escape immediate identification.
Quoted from Phlog,"I think humans ar fallible, and sometimes we wnt things so much we are able to fool ourselves into seeing and believing all manner of things."

The opposite is also true, sometimes we desperately want things not to be, so convince ourselves otherwise.

There is life out there. Perhaps the odds are in our favour of a quadtrapazillion to one that we are the first to evovle in our universe.
I wouldn't bet the farm on it however.
Again, why is it so hard to beleive that another race could have developed the technology neccessary to discover our world and visit it?
I mean, only 200 years ago if you would have said that through this little handheld thingamajingy, your voice and images could be transported on invisible waves around the world instantaneously and connect with someone you have never met!

Or if you went up to an acient king and told him he could fly.
He wouldnt say, how many hours would it take to go around the world?
Just being abkle to fly he would offer you a kings ransom.

Just because YOU can't imagine the technology it would take to achieve interstellar travel, doesn't mean it isn't possible!
If you take how far we have come in the last 50 years with technology, where do you think we will be in say another 10,000 years!
Which is such a minute time frame for another race to have been post evolved than us.
If you were the smartest person on earth, the wheel would have never been invented!
HAHAHAH, just kidding. Had to use that one!
I INVENTED THE WHEEL! granted i wasnt born yet, but the aliens took me back thur time to help out the helpless cave men. i also taught the females to wear fur bikinis and thongs. much like you see in so many movies :)

he he he
ha ha ha
Again, why is it so hard to beleive that another race could have developed the technology neccessary to discover our world and visit it?

The irony of that is, moementum, the prominent and prolific scientists do not oppose interstellar travel at all.

Yes, in the last 50-60 years, we have become really advanced. All fair play ;)
The irony of that is, moementum, the prominent and prolific scientists do not oppose interstellar travel at all.

True, they just know its not within the boundaries of physics to do so.
(Q) - True, they just know its not within the boundaries of physics to do so.

A Canadian

Does that mean that someday the laws of physics will simply break down and we can do whatever we want?

Or do you mean that we will develop technologies that will break the laws of physics irregardless of the fact that these laws are limitations?

If so, exactly what laws will need to be 'broken' in order for us to achieve these technologies?

Or is this just your fantasy?
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