Essenes and oral sex


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
A few months ago I mentioned that I had read where the Essenes performed a semen ritual. At that time, I didn't have any information to back-up my statement. I just ran across the website:

where Saint Augustine explains this ritual. I've pasted a portion here:

The ex-Manicahean Augustin made a serious accusation in his De Haeres, 46:

"Augustin mentions a disgusting ceremony in which human semen was partaken of by the Elect in order to deliver the imprisoned light contained therein (De Haeres. 46), and he calls this ceremony a sort of Eucharist. But his confessed ignorance of the doings of the "Elect" discredits in some measure this accusation." INTRODUCTORY ESSAY ON THE MANICHAEAN HERESY, By Albert H. Newman, D.D., LL.D.
This type of accusation is based on the Manichaean myth which teaches that the light mingled in matter was imprisoned there through the sexual seed of lower gods and must be collected and eaten in the form of vegan produce. This same myth also implies that a large concentration of light is also contained in the sexual seed of humans thus giving rise to rumors that the electi gathered this light not only through the eating of vegan produce, but also through oral sex.
When do these guys come up with their lecture notes?? Do they wake up, grap the newspaper, sit on the toilet, and shout Eureka I got it, I got what I'm going to teach at church today???
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Originally posted by Flores
When do these guys come up with their lecture notes?? Do they wake up, grap the newspaper, sit on the toilet, and shout Eureka I got it, I got what I'm going to teach at church today???

When they are teaching Eucharist 101 at the seminary, they teach about the true transubstantiation of the body and blood of Christ, but I believe they practice privately when distributing their body, blood and semen. By the way, wasn't the RCC recently sued for this practice?

Thanks for your question, Flo, you are the only member who had the guts to reply to my post. I'm really not surprised.
Dear MW,
As pumba says, me and you can clear a Savannah of christians in less than a minute.

We should charge a fee to work at people's door to divert missionaries away....What do you think?

The Flores-Medicine, Inc
For all your Xtian exterminating needs

.....It has a nice ring to it.
Originally posted by Flores
Dear MW,
As pumba says, me and you can clear a Savannah of christians in less than a minute.

We should charge a fee to work at people's door to divert missionaries away....What do you think?

The Flores-Medicine, Inc
For all your Xtian exterminating needs

.....It has a nice ring to it.

Yeah, I like that. We'd be protecting the world from the spread of this virulent disease called Xianity, and we'd be saving the evangelizers from themselves!
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
... this virulent disease called Xianity ...

Oh boy, I can see the headlines now

Pot to Kettle: You are black!
Hey now, Spymoose, don't make fun. It's a beautiful thing when bitter hatred brings people together in unity.
Originally posted by Mystech
Hey now, Spymoose, don't make fun. It's a beautiful thing when bitter hatred brings people together in unity.

Come on, guys. You know if I were bashing Muslims or Jews, you'd be right there with me. Which tells me that I'd rather be with Flores in Muslim hell than to be with Xians in their heaven.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Come on, guys. You know if I were bashing Muslims or Jews, you'd be right there with me. Which tells me that I'd rather be with Flores in Muslim hell than to be with Xians in their heaven.

Actually I've always had a special respect for the Jews, which goes above my regard for Christians (which is generally fairly low, though I don't outright hate anyone for being Christian or think that it's automatically a count against them). The Jews allow homosexual marriage for instance, and if you've been hanging around here long enough you should realize that that would be the sort of thing that makes me smile. Besides they’ve had kind of a bad rap for the past few thousand years, and I guess on some level that makes me pity them.

Muslims are pretty much on equal footing with Christians, My heart doesn't warm to hear you praising Jesus or Muhammad, but it's not something I'd hold against anyone. . . and watch out for fundamentalists from both religions, wow! Scary.

Medicine woman, you seem to enjoy speaking out of blissful ignorance, and just like to paint everyone with the same brush before you really get to the facts of a situation. I'd prefer if you don't act like such a simpleton in the future.
The Jews allow homosexual marriage for instance, and if you've been hanging around here long enough you should realize that that would be the sort of thing that makes me smile.
I'm pretty certain ultra-Jews or orthodox Jews would not allow gay marriage. I don't doubt that reformed rabbis might though.
Originally posted by Mystech
Actually I've always had a special respect for the Jews, which goes above my regard for Christians (which is generally fairly low, though I don't outright hate anyone for being Christian or think that it's automatically a count against them).
M*W: Thank you for your honest, open reply. I also have that special respect for the Jews. I don't hate the person who is Xian, I detest their beliefs, because I believe they are lies.
The Jews allow homosexual marriage for instance, and if you've been hanging around here long enough you should realize that that would be the sort of thing that makes me smile. Besides they’ve had kind of a bad rap for the past few thousand years, and I guess on some level that makes me pity them.
M*W: I didn't know Jews allowed homosexual marriage. I am not a homosexual, but I am supportive of those who are. There is a recent study that shows homosexuality is inborn and not learned. I always believed that.
Muslims are pretty much on equal footing with Christians, My heart doesn't warm to hear you praising Jesus or Muhammad, but it's not something I'd hold against anyone. . . and watch out for fundamentalists from both religions, wow! Scary.
M*W: I don't believe in any organized religion. They're all corrupt and self-serving.
Medicine woman, you seem to enjoy speaking out of blissful ignorance, and just like to paint everyone with the same brush before you really get to the facts of a situation. I'd prefer if you don't act like such a simpleton in the future.
M*W: If I act like a simpleton, I'm not. I like to learn why people believe the things they do. I'm a humanist. It may seem like I lump all Xians together, but I don't. There are some that are more annoying than others. Some are so brainwashed they don't hear the truth when you tell them. It's funny, you know, because they fight back with the very lies they believe! What specifically did I say to act like a simpleton? For you, I'll try to improve my image. Thanks.
Oh my hell! Not someone who is fighting, what she believes is, evil?!? What kind of unhonorable....wait, I'm confused ;)

Given the choice of Heaven and Hell, I choose Free Will
Originally posted by LostInThought7
Given the choice of Heaven and Hell, I choose Free Will

If I were you, I would start with something simpler. Knowing that death happens before heaven and hell, you might want to consider using your free will to choose whether you should die or not.
Kneel and Adore Thy Holy Xian Semen from Above

I chose not to include this post with the "Essenes and oral sex" thread, because it does not refer to oral sex specifically.

[Moderator edit: This post and the few after it have been merged into the current thread. One thread on this topic is enough.

Hey, I'm not making this shit up! So, I thought I should start another thread on the topic. As they passed the Holy Chalice (Holy Grail?), they drank the communion of ancient Xians.

There's no evidence that JC used his semen as the Last Supper, but there is intriguing evidence that some of the most ancient Xian sects predating Catholicism found deeper symbolic and spiritual meaning in using semen as the sacramental wine of the Communion.

This ancient ritual of semen drinking was considered to be partaking life itself. It was the symbolic drinking of Jesus' blood and semen that would attain for them eternal life. It should come as no surprise that combining both rituals, the semen-drinking believers believed this was eternal life. Their newly found Xian beliefs in eating Jesus' "body" drinking his "semen" and "blood" ensured them their true place in heaven. The ancient symbolism of "sex" equalling "death" is played out here. To recover the product of sex, the ejaculate, ensures victory over death of the body.

Of course the Nicene Creed of 365 ACE, universally mandated Xian doctrine that led to the establishment of the Catholic Church, such beliefs were condemned. But this did not stop Xians from their beloved beliefs and more erotic interpretations of Xianity:

"... However, some Xian sects were still practicing an uncensored version of the anointing ceremony that used actual semen either painted on the forehead or flicked in the face--the Church called this practice the 'malodourous chrism.' The Church then established what it called the 'good chrism,' or in Greek, the Eucharist."

"In the Xian's version of this rite, the 'good chrism' is swallowed in order to infuse its life-giving potential. This act of performing ‘sacred fellatio’ for the male saviour--swallowing the royal seed, so to speak--leads us to the notion of the receiver of the “good chrism” emulates the goddess--in particular, Isis--servicing the male god."

(Sorry, folks, it appears that I could have included this in my other thread, Essenes and Oral Sex).

"In ancient times, sexuality and divinity were seen as inseparable aspects of the ever-begetting Universe; sexual rites were an attempt to harness the generative powers of creation, as well as a celebration of the mysteries of life and rebirth. The Church saw fit to preserve the essential elements of the sexual mythos in the modern day Eucharist, while hiding its true meaning, indicates that the Church recognized the mystic potency of semen rites.

The definition of "Eucharist" specifically relates to the oral ingestion of the emblems of the Last Supper. And as already referenced, semen was at one time considered just to be a holy "emblem."

This is further validated by far as one of the more intriguing examinations of the true origin of the "Eucharist." Semen is shown as having been ritually consumed in "Agape" (the original ceremonies of the earliest Xian sects wherein "...many of the rituals involved the anointing and swallowing of this sacred substance [semen], an orgiastic ritual that had been the bane of the OT prophets...".

Here are some Biblical teachings upon which the Eucharist was founded:

John 6:47-55

"47 In truth, in truth I say to you, those who believe in me have eternal life.
48 I am the bread of life.
49 Your fathers, who have eaten the manna in the desert, they are dead.
50 This is the bread which is descended from heaven so that those who eat of it never die.
51 I am the living bread which is descended from heaven, if anyone eats of this bread, he lives eternally, and the bread I give is my flesh which I give for the life of the world.
52 The Jews have disputes amongst themselves; how can this man give us of his flesh to eat?
53 Jesus said to them 'In truth, in truth, I say to you: if you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man, and if you drink his blood, you will no longer have life in yourselves.
54 'He who eats of my flesh and drinks of my blood has eternal life, and I shall resurrect him on the last day.
55 'Because my flesh is truly a nourishment and my blood is truly a beverage.'

How does a man give of his body to eat and of his bodily fluids to drink without cutting himself, without injuring himself, without damaging his flesh? Through his Godly member, his penis.

There is only one way to God, and there is only one solution. We are obliged to accept this life force that promises us eternal life as well as the promise of descendants. Xians believe it is under the auspices of a holy man's sperm that the flesh of JC was able to be a high-protein nourishment, like the manna in the desert that kept generations alive.

This practice was not new to JC nor did JC invent it. It was used prominently by the Essenes which JC was a member. 'Love' was the fundamental principle of the first Xian communities. They communed together as often as possible, and the name 'agape' in Greek 'apago' means 'I love.'

Saint Epiphane described the ceremony of the Eucharist, but attributes it exclusively to the Xian Gnostics. The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) believed it to be a human offering (sacrifice) at the altar and said "men and women reciprocally ate the reproductive seed of humans, turning to the altar, and saying (to the All Mighty) "Offerimus tibi donum corpus Christi" "We offer in sacrifice the body of Christ!"

The Council of Carthage abolished Agape and replaced it with these fraternal gatherings and reciting the Mass. That's when the love was left out of Xianity and that cold, lifeless ceremony called the Mass is still celebrated in our Xian cult.

It was eight centuries later when the Pope proclaimed the dogma of the Transubstantiation of Christ's body, blood and semen, and was voted in 1207 by the Council of Lateran.

"The World of the Eucharist", published by Monsieur the abbot Bion, with Victor Palmé, Paris, 1873. This work, perfectly orthodox, received the approbation of the public, conceived in flattering terms by Mr Augustin, Bishop of Nevers, and dated in Châtillion-en-Bazois, 10 Octobre 1872. This is what it said, p.191:

(Hey, before I quote what the Monsieur said, today is October 10, 2003! That would be exactly 131 years ago today!! Wow, what a concidence!)

"It is by the manducation of the fruit of the tree of life, that the Holy Spirit must come upon us. It makes us full of life, this wine which germinated the virgins."

"...the fruit of the tree of life...", the ejaculate. Could that be what brought about Adam's fall? And how does one "germinate a virgin" with a Eucharist wafer? The substance Monsieur is speaking of is the holy semen of Xian men. Is it any wonder Catholic Priests have worshipped their semen and spread it all over the place? They were only doing what came naturally.
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"... However, some Xian sects were still practicing an uncensored version of the anointing ceremony that used actual semen either painted on the forehead or flicked in the face--the Church called this practice the 'malodourous chrism.' The Church then established what it called the 'good chrism,' or in Greek, the Eucharist
The chrism is a mixture of oil and cinnimon used in the coptic or orthodox churches It is not, however, what you are thinking of... The priest dips his hand into the oil and makes the sign of the cross on the forehead. It is not, I repeat, the priest making the sign of the cross on the foreskin or whatever sick fantasies that you have.

Saint Epiphane described the ceremony of the Eucharist, but attributes it exclusively to the Xian Gnostics. The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) believed it to be a human offering (sacrifice) at the altar and said "men and women reciprocally ate the reproductive seed of humans, turning to the altar, and saying (to the All Mighty) "Offerimus tibi donum corpus Christi" "We offer in sacrifice the body of Christ!"
The sacrifice of mass is and was considered a dry sacrifice verses a bloody sacrifice.
Originally posted by okinrus
The chrism is a mixture of oil and cinnimon used in the coptic or orthodox churches It is not, however, what you are thinking of... The priest dips his hand into the oil and makes the sign of the cross on the forehead. It is not, I repeat, the priest making the sign of the cross on the foreskin or whatever sick fantasies that you have.

The sacrifice of mass is and was considered a dry sacrifice verses a bloody sacrifice.

These are not MY sick fantasies, this is part of church history. This practice is widely publicized as a part of early Catholic doctrine. I feel quite sure the chrism used today is as you say, oil and cinnamon, interestingly, cinnamon is widely used as a female aphrodisiac today by natural healers. It's also good for PMS, cramps and such. Not that this is why the Catholic church uses cinnamon, but it it was, it would be symbolic just as the chrism used today is symbolic of semen rituals. okinrus, I didn't make this up. Actually, it disgusts me. But the fact is, the early church fathers used semen rituals. It's your religion, not mine anymore.
These are not MY sick fantasies, this is part of church history. This practice is widely publicized as a part of early Catholic doctrine. I feel quite sure the chrism used today is as you say, oil and cinnamon, interestingly, cinnamon is widely used as a female aphrodisiac today by natural healers.
I'm specifically using what the coptic church uses in their chrism. The other orthodox church that I've gone to from what I could tell used just regular oil. Roman catholic church's don't usually use oil except in the last rites as spoken of in James and maybe on special days.

okinrus, I didn't make this up. Actually, it disgusts me. But the fact is, the early church fathers used semen rituals. It's your religion, not mine anymore.</b></i>
Yes, you made it up because your using sources that everyone knows are incorrect. If Saint Epiphane really said anything against the catholic Eucharist he would be a heretic not a saint. He's most certainly speaking of the gnostic eucharist type rituals or using an analogy. Is this where you got the story from?
Well guess the author can't even begin the writing without a mistake. Ignatius described the church using catholic 100AD.
M*W you ought to read only reliable sources from .edu sites.... The author of <a href=href="">this</a> is not Catholic but gnostic catholic from this <a href ="">church</a>. As you can see, very much artifically developed from the Catholic church. The quote from here <i>Saint Epiphane gives a complete description of the ceremony of the Eucharist, but attributes it exclusively to the Gnostics and takes care to represent it as in aberration abhorred by true Christians; in their assemblies, he said, men and women reciprocally ate the reproductive seed of humans, turning to the altar, and saying (to the All Mighty) "Offerimus tibi donum corpus Christi" "We offer in sacrifice the body of Christ!" </i> is obviously in error. Any saint of the catholic church would never say anything bad about the Eucharist. This is a veiled attempt to make their ritual original when it's clearly not.