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Valued Senior Member
I had a very interesting scientific theory that I thought about the day before yesterday and, I think I'm going to post that on sciforums. But, I'm probably getting senile or have too much other stuff that preoccupies my mind so I forgot what it was. It had two opposing ideas..that somehow clutched in the middle, can you go back in time and read my memory and find out what it was?

I will remember when the right answer pops up.

I know this sound like a trolling thread, but let's test it, if esp actually works, and do it several times, until it's proven to exist or not, ok?

Well ok, if you would happen to snap up any other weird ideas while browsing my mind, then don't reveal them. Please stick to the subject.

What is the subject?
Your poor memory?
Your delusion that ESP can be "proven"?
That you may or may not remember what you were going to post as a "theory"?
Do you ever have moments of clairity, when you say to yourself, 'what the hell am I talking about?
I know that while reading Bebelina's threads the only time I ever have moments of clarity are when I'm high enough to say "oh so that's what she's talking about."
...can you go back in time and read my memory and find out what it was?


I know this sound like a trolling thread, but let's test it, if esp actually works, and do it several times, until it's proven to exist or not, ok?

Can't really test a theory that you don't remember.

Well ok, if you would happen to snap up any other weird ideas while browsing my mind, then don't reveal them. Please stick to the subject.

Well ok, if you would happen to snap up any other weird ideas while browsing my mind, then don't reveal them. Please stick to the subject.

Nincompoopery with snails.
I had a very interesting scientific theory that I thought about the day before yesterday and, I think I'm going to post that on sciforums. But, I'm probably getting senile or have too much other stuff that preoccupies my mind so I forgot what it was. It had two opposing ideas..that somehow clutched in the middle, can you go back in time and read my memory and find out what it was?

I will remember when the right answer pops up.

I know this sound like a trolling thread, but let's test it, if esp actually works, and do it several times, until it's proven to exist or not, ok?

Well ok, if you would happen to snap up any other weird ideas while browsing my mind, then don't reveal them. Please stick to the subject.


Yes, chocolate and peanut butter are two great tastes that taste great together.

As for any other ideas still floating around in your head...well that one was just sick. You should be ashamed of yourself, and your parents should be ashamed of you too.
All right, in all seriousness, here is my ESP read:

I'm seeing ... a needle. Definitely a metal shape like a rod or bar. Behind it is a rounder shape, pale with a faint dark outline.
All right, in all seriousness, here is my ESP read:

I'm seeing ... a needle. Definitely a metal shape like a rod or bar. Behind it is a rounder shape, pale with a faint dark outline.

Those are my metal knitting rods, and behind that must be my head. :D

Yeah, I wish I was high and rambling, but unfortunately not, so I will just dismiss those comments as your lack of perception.

Dywyddyr, I know you aren't the brightest around so I will be patient with your bluntness. The subject is to find out if ESP can exist and that we can use my memory as a testing area. Because if ESP is real then it should not be impossible for some of you to find out what my theory was ( it would have belonged in human science or biology, slightly referring to behavioural patterns).
Remember that this is the Parapsychology forum, where ESP is listed as a suggested topic to discuss.
Here is what I am getting:

You theory was, could your forgetfulness influence someone else to forget what they were talking about. The test was last night you were concentrating on Rick Perry...
@Bebelina --

Actually I've found Dyw to be highly intelligent, more so than many on this site. And whether you're high or not, you're still rambling about nonsense.

Either way, your "test" for ESP is bunk. It won't do a damn thing to demonstrate anything one way or another, it's just a time sink for people with very low standards of evidence.
Those are my metal knitting rods, and behind that must be my head. :D

Yeah, I wish I was high and rambling, but unfortunately not, so I will just dismiss those comments as your lack of perception.

Aha! - but you admit you do have knitting needles and a head? Case closed.

I think that was rather an excellent extrasensory demonstration there: and I know you agree with me.
For some reason I'm minded of the joke:

"Those of you who believe in telekinesis, raise my hand."
Dywyddyr, I know you aren't the brightest around so I will be patient with your bluntness.
Really? I'm not?
Is patience a substitute for evidence?

The subject is to find out if ESP can exist
You really haven't been redaing any of the hreads and responses on this forum have you?

and that we can use my memory as a testing area.
Er, right. :rolleyes:

Because if ESP is real then it should not be impossible for some of you to find out what my theory was ( it would have belonged in human science or biology, slightly referring to behavioural patterns).
It's not real. Case closed.
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Please, Dwyddyr: the spelling of your moniker may be quite involved, but you're just not the brightest around. Refer to relevant behavioural patterns. :D
Arioch, I'm sure D is very happy that you stand up for his brainfunctions and your opinion about my topic is noted along with your unwillingness to participate.

Origin, who is Rick Perry?

D, I stand uncorrected, your answers are irrelevant since you fail to understand the dynamics of the topic. Just keep banging your head against the wall some more and maybe something with loosen up in time.

I am not providing any evidence, this is an experient,

( On a sidenote, I'm really upset that I can't remember what that theory was, by now it should have resurfaced in my mind, but no. )
D, I stand uncorrected
Of course you do. That's part of your delusion.

your answers are irrelevant since you fail to understand the dynamics of the topic.
The "dynamics" of the topic?
You mean the complete lack of evidence on one side and the refutatory evidence on the other side?
Of course you do. That's part of your delusion.

The "dynamics" of the topic?
You mean the complete lack of evidence on one side and the refutatory evidence on the other side?

You are trolling my thread with childish stubbornness. Of course ESP can exist, otherwise there would be nothing called ESP and we would have no notion of what those letters meant. ESP is not a fairytale unicorn either.
You are trolling my thread with childish stubbornness.
And still no evidence.

Of course ESP can exist, otherwise there would be nothing called ESP and we would have no notion of what those letters meant.
Right. :rolleyes:
As per your own "example": therefore unicorns exist, since we all have a notion of what the word means. Without the actuality of a unicorn how could we have the idea?

ESP is not a fairytale unicorn either.
But, as I have just shown, unicorns aren't fairytales. They really do exist.
As does Darth Vader, Frodo Baggins and the dragon that lives under my bed.
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