"Escape Velocity"

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I have read that lengthy thing above, and deduce that it has zero scientific contribution. It's worthless....just a bunch of fancy words that don't go together under any circumstance.

Maybe, It's a Christian talking in tongue miracle, and noone should ever understand what is being said.
made to the end

At least you made it to the end, which is more than I can say for many of your comrades!

GOD bless,


TS out
askdewbekbfisdgbuisbefjwbek s asbdkbjaksbfkbe kwjbfekwjbkbf zsf asjbfakbf ekwjbfekjwbfkwbfwkbfef kwebfwbfkw <--------- Worthless garbage- exactly the same as your post :D
Originally posted by heflores
I have read that lengthy thing above, and deduce that it has zero scientific contribution. It's worthless....just a bunch of fancy words that don't go together under any circumstance.

Maybe, It's a Christian talking in tongue miracle, and noone should ever understand what is being said.

U read it fully..! original poster himself wouldn't have done that. u have a lot of patience... hmm tolerance.;)

God bless all of us.

oust.. err.. out.

Would that GOD have tolerance on the day of the sending of HIS Son........or so some will wish it was not too late for it.

GOD bless us,


TS out
GOD bless snakelord

GOD bless you snakelord, as you have judged yourself worthy of HIS blessing. May it come swiftly enough to be of some import to you.

GOD bless you in Christ this day,


TS out
smile, GOD loves you

I would not mock GOD, it is unwise and will be recompensed. You may not be laughing out loud when HIS blessing arrives upon you. HE loved you enough to send HIS Son to die for your sins and mine.........HE loves you enough to bless you regarding your foolishness as well.

I pray that HE makes visitation upon you in a dream, soon.


TS out
lol *yawn some more*

I pray that HE makes visitation upon you in a dream, soon.

I had a dream of flying green hippoptamus with 13 legs and 72 eyes. Doesn't mean it's real.

It is somewhat interesting that the only "obvious" reason you post to this thread is to register your "lol's" and "yawns". One might logically conclude that you surely have more to say, but lack either the intestinal fortitude to do so, or are simply without something relevant to put forth.

In any case, HIS hand upon you in Christ,


TS out
Well your assumption just goes to show how wrong people can be. I actually love debate that leads to knowledge for all participants, worthwhile conversation that quenches the brains thirst for answers. To me that's the very essence of being human.

What i see from your posts is a lack of anything even worthy of attention.

Blessings upon you in Christ upon whose name you have uttered worthless.

GOD bless

This is all your posts consist of, which are nothing more than worthless, mindless, ignorant spam.

What is there left for me to do other than talk in the exact same manner you do? As such all i said was "lol *yawn*"

If you have something worthwhile and insightful to debate or converse about in general then i'd love to hear it. If you have nothing worth saying except the pointless shit you're currently spamming then you might aswell not post anything at all. At least that would save my two word replies.

Whatever you might think this place is a forum, not a church. We are not all dressed up in our sunday best in order to hear your sermon. Debate, chat and discuss- don't preach.
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at this point I'm going to have to say that Techstuff has absolutly no intention whatsoever of discussing math or physics
and there's the rub

"What i see from your posts is a lack of anything even worthy of attention"..........snakelord........it is exactly your character that betrays you, for you have already given it an inordinate amount of attention in my book. Much more than someone in your position would, normally. As for ORW, you are quite correct. I did not come to discuss math or physics or any other topic with those "on the inside looking in". I came for the individual that has already benefitted from the direction of Holy Spirit regarding the article's contents and is quickly coming to terms with the false path he has chosen for himself. GOD bless him on the short measure of road ahead in this reality as viewed by mortal man.
"You need not that any man teach you these things for merely keep on asking and it shall be given you".

GOD bless you dear readers in Christ,


TS out
"What i see from your posts is a lack of anything even worthy of attention"..........snakelord........it is exactly your character that betrays you, for you have already given it an inordinate amount of attention in my book.

an inordinate amount of attention? I was dragging the scroll bar down and couldn't help but see

GOD loves you in the name of CHRIST BLAH BLAH

It didnt get my inordinate attention, it was kinda hard not to notice. One more thing..... what 'book'?

Much more than someone in your position would, normally.

Oh? And what 'position' is that?

SATAN blesses you Techstuff, go wash.

"what position is that?" Quite obviously the position you have just shown us.......and now you have assured blessings from GOD upon yourself which, I am sure, you will most likely perceive otherwise. Most assuredly, those that inhabit you have earned a place in the abyss. And they know it. GOD bless you and them this day in YAHSHUA, Christ Jesus.


How about just saying god bless you and skip over the god bless you in Jesus crap. it makes you sound so much like the cheesy zion christian you are. You think Jesus would have prayed to the decipeles "god bless you in me", or God bless you period.

I would wager one skinny dime that you could not write an entire post without using the words, “god, Jesus Christ, blessing, amen.”

*over and out*
betting man

(Q), I see you are a betting man, although the stakes of your wager belie the precariousness of your position. I am not really a betting man unless you are willing to acknowledge that I have staked the living of my life upon my position as a child of the most High. In that sense one might consider me to be playing the odds, for in the grander sense, they "favor the House" so to speak.


TS out

P.S. you may donate the "skinny dime" you have just lost to the charity of your choice, or keep it. I suspect it may come in handy should you need the capital for your next wager.
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