"Escape Velocity"

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"Escape Velocity"

I have had success with concepts similar to Howard Johnson....I can tell you that his invention as expressed in it's rudimentary form in his ROTARY patent is inadequate for any affordable or portable power generation....except maybe a trickle charger! What is missing (either intentionally or otherwise) from the patent information is the fact that the magnets and their required distances from one another while relying on the quantum flux potential of permanent magnets in their natural state preclude any appreciably large efficiency gains. As one who has been shown the deceptively simple forces at work in his models, I can tell you that what is being expressed is not nearly as impressive as what HJ and his handlers surely have behind the curtain! Imagine if you will, being able to see the cloud of particles racing about around a magnet......can you see it? In their natural state with limited outside perturbations...these little buggers are really moving......orbiting the "home planet" at semi relativistic speeds! Yet they rarely leave home. Well, relatively rarely. Perhaps you are familiar with the somewhat ambiguous yet simply brilliant (at times) writings of Leedskalnin. The particle strings that are leaving the poles of a magnet closest to the center of that pole's surface have the best chance of "breaking orbit".......they skitter on their tortured path, heading as straight as they are able towards freedom....roughly perpendicular to the pole they came from, sometimes escaping the pull towards the sides that are beckoning them to keep doing their little part of the perpetual dance they do.....but they see a way out and make it! Relatively unimpressive huh, like duh. I know, but it gets better.

Let me take the opportunity to touch upon my reasoning regarding the HJ patent's being oversimplified. I used much the same principles in some of my earlier models and proved to my satisfaction that the dynamic particle flow in NSMs or natural state magnets, (I see a chance to shorten my arduous typing session and I go for it!) can be improved upon. This is NOT to say that other much more efficient ways of tapping the eternal magnet battery that is the the permanent magnet exist.....because they DO! But for the purposes of keeping focused on HJ type generators we will only mention one way, for the moment......stay with me, I'm reaching a bit here and always overextend myself to the detriment of any fool that might still be with me at this point. One of my earlier models was used by my son to demonstrate the ability of permanent magnets to do continual useful work. They pulled the whole 4th grade class of his school in to see that one! He scored the highest grade in the class....115%! I was proud of him. What was demonstrated used only one stator magnet and 12 rotor magnets and had a noticeably pulsed operation. It was enough to show the potential involved, and does spin under it's own power, albeit rather slowly. And like HJ's model....it lacked that certain OOMPH to REALLY wow those looking for the big bang in a bottle, so to speak. For the sake of a certain uneducated fellow, we'll call him me, let's say that you have two wheels spinning in opposite directions.......let's make them spinning tops on the same plane.....when they come in contact, they push away and to the side of one another.....let's say they are made of Teflon....wow. not much happening here.....now let's give them a bit more bite for a better purchase on the situation....and add micro teeth to these little guys........you get the point. Well, the "ether flow" the "flux" of the magnet is a matrix of charged particles in a curved dynamic flow. These particles are experiencing centrifugal and cetripetal force just as any body orbiting another.

So, what is essentially occurring in the HJ model are particle strings impacting one another at high speed to cause motion. Their lines of force are nothing more than their somewhat orderly spinning columns of themselves. We can already begin to see how important the directions of these spins are. Imagine our two tops with outer edges impregnated with much tinier spinning wheels spinning in the opposite direction of their parent top....when these two parent tops impact one another the effect is subdued to a degree and so to with interacting magnets. Also, let's Imagine a duel between to shootists, and instead of the customary pistols at dawn, we arrange the affair with shot guns in the early afternoon when I am a bit more coherent observer. (ok I have digressed a bit with the afternoon part.) If our two duelists were to both hypothetically cheat a bit coincidentally at the same time and turn after say, two paces and shot each at the barrel of the other's weapon, the likelihood is fairly high that some of their shot would impact one another.......ok, so this laborious and contrived scenario was unnecessary. We get it. the further away two particle emitting sources are in opposition to the other, the weaker the opposing force is going to be due to the spreading particles missing more of each other and, conversely, the closer the more the opposing force. Well, I can tell you that there are MANY ways to exploit and improve upon the quantum effects being expressed in HJ and other's work. Study carefully the linear model of HJ compared to his rotary patent......we begin to see how self deceiving we would be in falling for the conjecture of anyone, including ourselves, that the rotary design is the critically important one, for you see before you a large juxtaposition between the two designs sufficient to disprove the errant hypothesis made by several HJ enthusiasts, that the rotary model alone is worthy of close duplication.......look at HJ's various designs in the patents and in the S&I magazine.....how many physical expressions of similar principles can it take for some to realize that "model copying" is a frustrating and misleading obstacle! Well, with me, fortunately not that many....I was truly blessed as I am a simpleton compared to the average PHD brain. One can glean much information (which is the truly critical task) from the DIVERSITY shown in the various models by HJ. When this data begins to coalesce in our minds, it is then that we see a key to unlock the quantum components being exploited in these geometrically and operationally diverse models. I sometimes think of myself like the bee that was not clued in by academia that I shouldn't be able to fly.....and speaking of the bee, it was not so very long ago that it was discovered why the bee could fly! At least to the satisfaction of the doubting brain trusts of science. They found the wing's downstroke was used to create a trailing edge vortex of spinning air, the leading edge of which was put to use by the upstroke for vastly increased efficiency as the wing bit harder into the rising edge of the spinning ball of air that had just been created.....kind of serendipitous to our main topic on a "circular" level. It is lamentable that the graphic depictions in the science halls still contain such egregious errors. Perhaps this is purposeful. The depiction of the direction of the flux quanta of a permanent magnet is still shown eminating from one pole and entering another which is only partially correct as it can be readily proven that these "virtual photon strings" emanate from both poles at the same time, (in spinnig strings of themselves,) and it is the direction of this spin that determines whether magnets attract or repel one another, in a sense, like spinning augers meshing against one another or "screwing themselves together".

I have truly been blessed to see various ways of tapping into the eternal sea of energy at our FATHER's disposal. Much more have I been blessed to see that what is coming will certainly put man's technology to eternal shame. I am resigned to the probability that we will not be allowed to make use of such beneficial forms of energy in a world where increasingly, light is darkness and darkness light. I provide the following information (which you may already have seen) for you to consider:


What I believe to be occurring in the magnetic beam amplifier is that when magnetic fields of sufficient density interact in such a way so as to compress and reduce the field diameters, the magnetic flow is increased in speed such that the particles are ejected with more force and thus extend the field diameter of the desired polarity field. Similar in a way to the Bernouli principle in liquid medium, or perhaps more accurately, the Venturi effect in gas medium. What results is that many more particles are able to break orbit as "strings of monopoles" by reaching escape velocity.....(sure would like to know what that velocity is!) Anyway, when the old skunxwerx is throwing out terms like, magnetic beam, monopoles and levitation......there "might" be something there. ;^) (reference abstract #10 in the patent claims) Since these "monopoles" are being forced to leave their parent magnet at higher speeds and in greater numbers than occur naturally....one could suppose that it may be possible (with magnets of sufficient field density) to multiply these beam amplifier arrays such that the separation and rejoining of the two different types of monopoles are used to produce energy. Hypothetically, one might arrange MBAs (magnetic beam amplifiers) at oblique and intersecting angles to one another with the correct form of pickup coil strategically placed to siphon up that perpetual dance. Also, the field exiting the MBA might be tested for increased spin resonance. As we are working with "magnetic flux" whose field lines are really rapidly spinning particle strings.......we can begin to see that the manipulation of those strings in a manner consistent with the effects observed in the MBA can and will produce various spin rate effects as well. I see much potential in creating a "macro-vortex of magnetic flux" as I know it to be possible. I must assume that electromagnetic pulse MBA's exist and are in use doing much work as we speak. (also easier to assemble,lol.) I do find it a bit quixotic to see the magnetic beam in the patent depicted in that manner! Everything being relative, we might do better to contemplate the heavenly requirements for our souls to reach "escape velocity" from the surly bonds of earth than our rather self consuming (altruistic, they may be) personal conquests. I honestly believe the best is yet to come.........down to earth in our FATHER'S due time!

FATHER, send your Son soon!


TS out
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There was so much junk science in there... mixed with certain feasible concepts.... talk about a mess.
A mess indeed

Tell me about it. But at least it's my mess and I thank GOD that individuals like yourself are incapable of "cleaning it up"!


TS out
Re: "equal to GOD"

Originally posted by techstuf
Only a fool would make himself equal to GOD.....satan tried and look at what happened to him!

he was expelled from heaven, right? do you think he reached escape velocity in his fall from heaven?

what is all this talk about FATHER and escape velocities...

and will happen
what s going to happen to him next?


anyway, switch to decaf.

The same thing that I dare say may end up happening to individuals that share certain commonalities with him.......whomever they might be.

GOD bless,

TS out
"he was expelled from heaven, right? do you think he reached escape velocity in his fall from heaven? "
LMAO. So what's this doing in the physics & math forum?
Good question

That was a good question! What IS that doing here? It is doing precisely what it was put here for........to bring your fine specimens to the fore and perhaps cause one of you to think about what YOU are really doing HERE as well. I would venture to say that one of you will come to realize the truth in some of my above statements and come back to where you belong, to Christ. It was written obviously by a layman for laymen.....those laymen that may come in here hoping for some enlightenment and instead find themselves bouncing off all of the fragile egos that abound in places like this. The tired, worn out cliche comes to mind...."think outside the box". Surely some of the lettered men that inhabit these parts have been to a science seminar where a "sermon" broke out..........so too have church parishoners been treated to the occasional scientific rant......a little lateral thinking can be healthy for the soul......agnostic, atheistic or "religious". Your souls are worth the same as mine. Who am I to keep what was given me all to myself? The light that is in me will shine no matter where I may go...........I would also say that if the light that is in you is darkness, how great that darkness is! The fact of the matter is, this old world is about to endure the toughest time in it's history........and the great wide world of science will prove to be just as good a place as any to bury one's head and hope it passes you by. My FATHER says that young men's hearts will fail them for fear of what is coming upon the earth.

GOD bless you all in Christ this day and may HE make visitation upon you in a dream that you may see more clearly the paths you have chosen for yourselves,


TS out

P.S. What can be expected to happen to the man of science who upon Christ's arrival in the heavens, makes a "gallant" and "ignoble" admission that he was simply wrong?

techstuf I'm with you

Lateral thinking, inverted thinking, thinking that breaks into a million pieces, thinking that comes from a million different directions and merges in to one, thinking that you can't picture, thinking that you can only smell, thinking that is above your ability to think - but you are just able to grasp - because you know yourself, and you know your human limits and instints.
Thinking that is unconventional can be a beautiful thing.
Re: "equal to GOD"

Originally posted by techstuf
Only a fool would make himself equal to GOD.....satan tried and look at what happened, and will happen, to him! This is not to say that our FATHER does not listen and answer to those that continually make petitions to him.

aRE YOU a creatIONAlist? (capslock if fest)
Re: GOD bless

Originally posted by techstuf
You will have your ruling(s), of that I am fairly certain.
i already received mine. let s just say it didn t go well. lemme me warn you all, mind your 12 commandments or you could end up like me.

GOD bless,
thanks, that s very magnanimous of you. may he also bless you.

later TS. over.

Blessings upon you in Christ upon whose name you have uttered worthless.

GOD bless,

TS out
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