Equivalent to Religion Feeling

Anywho, just a suggestion. I think its a healthy thing for every person to ask him or herself. Personaly, i plan on letting DMT open my mind just a little more to the spirtual world :D

Good idea, the spirit molecule, ayahausca the vine of the soul, not a drug but of a food supplement for the mind; a neurotransmitter found in plants, connects us to unseen worlds within, ancestral sacred medicine. OM
What if!!!!!

What if you're the imagination of the imagination of the imagination of a pink fairy?

Would that change your above question

You can go down the road of fanciful statements, but you'll only end up in ridiculousville. Which is why speculation has to be based on some kind of reasonable grounding. :m:

reasonable grounding? bah. certainly you know just from your material existence that there's stuff going on around you all the time that you can't see with your eyes, right?
I'm a born non-believer, raised in an non-believing family. I've never been to church, never prayed, never had a religious feeling.

So when people say to me they have a religious/spirital (or whatever you care to call it) feeling/experience (again whatever you care to call it) when in church, in life, in prayer or wherever. Simply explaining a sensation to someone who has never had it doesn't work so I was wondering if either atheists who were formally religious or religious people could explain this to me by providing an equivalent example

For example sensations I feel are like awe when I saw the pyramids or the view from the top of a mountain. The emotion from music or death scenes in movies. The feeling of mystery wandering through stonehenge or the primeval sensation of walking through a graveyard at midnight after watching a horror movie.

The strange etherial feeling I get when I watch this has always been what I most imagine religion to be, perhaps I'm wrong?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZvBOnoNQzQ

I'm non-religious, but actually I don't know what I'm non. So I'm non-? And if someone can convince me the sensation I'm missing is akin to sex, you never know I may convert............

Question, is there something non-religious by which you could use to explain to me the sensation by?

The only sensation i feel regularly get is a very relaxed physical state when i pray. If i do not resist it to a certain extent i can fall asleep and when i do fall asleep i wake up not remembering falling asleep.

So prayer gives me a sensation of peace both physical and emotional that i have never experienced before. The closest i have come near to it was before when i was not a Christian and did relaxation meditation. i used to spend a few hours getting into a state of relaxation that was not as good as what i can experience after saying 10 words praying to God.

Of course i have experienced great varying emotions but they have come from convictions from the Holy Spirit and joy at revelation and awe when coming to the realisations of what God is doing. but those emotions seem to be my response. The feeling i get from prayer seems to come from another source. Like sometimes when the peace comes upon me i get frustrated because i have been thinking of saying more that just a few points to God and i get cut off just as i am starting. :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
i don't think there's quite the equivalent, but if i were to describe it it would like standing in shame in front of your adopting dad who's a duke and you were a bastard, after breaking his most valued statue which was the only remnant he has from his own dad because you were caught playing ball inside the mansion for the hundredth time..
..and he'd smile and say "it's ok son.."

it's a combination of your insignificance to his infinite significance, then the graveness of your mistake and the generosity you receive instead of "punishment".
of course the scene has no meaning if you replace your adopting father with a fairy or a pink flying elephant, it would also be less effective if you're not so sure you were a bastard, and you haven't seen the fortune of your father, only heard about it. in other words, the "feeling" intensifies the more evidence you see that suggests the difference in your positions.

i think real religious feeling would be achieved through believing (or simulating) that the world does have a god and think of how everything would "change".

i hope my flimsy attempt helped.:eek: