Entheogens & Religion

There are some hints that drugs play a role in many religions and I would say those who think drugs provide enlightenment are wrong in their belief.
But such practices apparently are not unknown.
However it seems relevations could be attributed to someone who could be drug effected or as the link suggests effected by gases in the cave that caused them to author nonsence.
It is difficult for me to find any redeeming aspect for inclusion of relevations in the bible.
It is open to interpretation some say is the best that can be said for it...

Like you I have not witnessed drugs in religion but I for one have not witnessed anything beyond my own small world. Just because I have not seen something does not mean it does not exist...same for you.


I come from country and time were such crap drugs were not known The society did not have interest in the junk you guys are talking .
Religious experience at least from were I come from have no thing to do, with drugs, If couse in this society perhaps in some corners it does
But in my understanding of religious experience , you fellows are ignorant and talk a lot of BS.






But let's go back before the New Testament. Go back...to the very beginning.








I know what you're thinking.


But hey Shrooms may have been involved in other traditions too.


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Then go and do some. Come back when you know what you're talking about.

Eat some cactus as well, and tell us of your walk with Mescalito. Just don't drink alcohol with it!
Then go and do some. Come back when you know what you're talking about.

Eat some cactus as well, and tell us of your walk with Mescalito. Just don't drink alcohol with it!

I dunno....some people like it that way. :biggrin:


That's one of them, but what I meant was different. Don't mean to be coy, but it would take more time than I wish to spend. I have to go watch the stars and the moon.

Well if you ever have time, I would love to hear the story.

That aside, some more imagery. Now this is subject to interpretation of course.


The Gothic Image: Religious Art in France of the Thirteenth Century (Icon Editions)




These images show a Chartres stained-glass window depicting the legend of St. Eustace with several "mushroom" trees as well as some normal near the ground.


Eustace has a vision of a cross between a stags antlers, and converts. Question is....did he have shrooms when he did it?

As to the questions I asked in the original post?

Einstein said "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." I think entheogens COULD be the root of religion. But I also think there are other explanations as well. In truth, it's most likely a combination of things. I cant say just how much of a role entheogens have had as to whether humans believe in gods.

For example - A stone age man is walking alone in a forest. He hears a sound, and thinks he's being followed by a rival tribe member. He looks around....and finds no one. Maybe it was just the wind? Or maybe....the forest has invisible people in it. And before you know it, they are making offerings to the invisible forest people (I mean, there's no way to fight the invisible forest people) in exchange for say ...safe passage, or wild game. Now mind you, among sacred things there are also sacred spaces. Stone age people went DEEP into caves. To dangerous places even...all just to paint on the walls over and over again. And these caves weren't well trafficked so it's not like they actually lived that deep in them.

But consider this. A stone age man is alone, struggling in a blizzard. He doesn't know whether he will live, or die. But then...he realizes he isn't alone. And he finds God, or one of his Ancestors walks with him.



"The "Sensed Presence" in Unusual Environments by Peter Suedfeld

Then consider other human experiences in the everyday

" The Ominous Numinous by J. Allan Cheyne"

I think all of these things and more, sort of come together.

How did people learn about psychedelic "sacred" plants? Now, if it was as shrooms (as used in South America), yes people could just pick them up off the ground. But what about Ayahuasca brews? DMT itself, it's not orally active (although it has many sources that vary from region to region), it needs to be combined with the right plant to provide the MAOI (in South America B. Caapi) . But of course it's not like some ancient dude was just making soup and happened to combine the right ingredients. The vine tastes bad it makes you vomit (and even causes diarrhea). How did they learn?

How do humans figure shit like this out? These are the greatest mysteries of life.

Take something Nixtamalization. These chemical process not only makes corn more usable, it also allows you to get more nutrition out of it. These ancient secrets were not passed onto the Europeans, and Africans. and diseases/malnutrition (like Pellagra and Kwashiorkor) struck where it had become a staple crop.


Who taught them these things or how did they learn proto-chemistry ?

Maybe it was all a happy accident. Maybe "The Gods" taught them. I mean, I'm not saying it was aliens but...
Nobody knows, and I don't know if we'll ever find a definite answer. But I wanna find it.

Now I have heard some people say "there's no way drug use could ever lead you to Enlightenment". But ah....just what the hell is Enlightenment anyway? (Could be a thread unto itself though).

As to legality, I believe it should be allowed for anyone that wants the experience. In my mind at least in the states , :leaf: will be legalized first. If that can happen throughout the country....then anything can happen. It probably will as long as Uncle Sam can tax it.