Entheogens & Religion


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Entheogens are various psychoactive plants that bring about the "divine" within the imbiber. They allow them to experience the "divine", or even enter the "spirit world". Many drugs have been used in religious ritual from Mescaline, to Marijuana, to Salvia, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Iboga, DMT (as Ayahuasca or Changa), and so many others. The latter is one of the most powerful psychedelics and many people experience "breaking through" into another world, and being the presence of non-human entities. DMT can be found in many, many different plants. The DMT is only orally active however, when taken with an MAOI -but these too are available in many plants as hell.


Could entheogens be the root of the most ancient religion?

The root of the very idea that deities and spirits exist?

There are some writers who believe that entheogens were behind The Book of Revelation, and other biblical experiences.

Some have talked of an "Ayahuasca" boom in the States.

What do you think of the use of entheogens ?

Among the DMT users there are those who believe the Entities are REAL, and those who believe they are only visions which reveal the subconscious. Either way there are many people who claim to have been greatly helped by their experiences -even if they were difficult ones. Sometimes the "spirits", will teach you something about yourself. Other times they may express vast, and deep, indescribable love. Users may feel a connection, or unity with the spirit and all of creation. And other times...they're simply inscrutable, mysterious, or even Lovecraftian.

Is it a "real" spiritual experience, or is it just a meaningless hallucination?

And if it is real...how in the world does it "work"?

How can something material, of the natural world, open a person to something immaterial and supernatural?

Finally, should entheogens and other hallucinogenics be legal, or illegal?

Is the desire to use them as part of the practice of one's religion or spirituality reason enough to allow them?





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The suggestion is religion could have foundation from drugs effecting the mind such that perception is altered to entertain stuff that presumably an unaffected mind would dismiss...seems reasonable but does not mean drug experience is more than a drug experience.
It would not surprise me that relevations was written by someone "out of it" seems the most plausible explanation for such nonsence.
Probably would help to be on drugs to believe relevations makes any sence.
Make drug taking legal for religious purpose... Why not religious groups avoid taxation so why not extend further rights that take them outside the rule of law.
Bring back the "benefit of the clergy" I say...you know how belonging to the clergy met you could not be found guilty of a crime.

Could entheogens be the root of the most ancient religion?

By a definition so obsscure as to be meaningless, sure. The general idea here is that "nothing ever begins", a storytelling tautology that proves itself every time it is defied. But we humans, Homo religiosis as the saying goes, would have encountered that beginning long before either "human" or "religion" existed.
To the OP: Sometimes. It worked for me to rid me of gods, though. I'm feeling much better now...
The suggestion is religion could have foundation from drugs effecting the mind such that perception is altered to entertain stuff that presumably an unaffected mind would dismiss...seems reasonable but does not mean drug experience is more than a drug experience.
It would not surprise me that relevations was written by someone "out of it" seems the most plausible explanation for such nonsence. Probably would help to be on drugs to believe relevations makes any sence.

Here's a few ideas about that angle.

Make drug taking legal for religious purpose... Why not religious groups avoid taxation so why not extend further rights that take them outside the rule of law.
Bring back the "benefit of the clergy" I say...you know how belonging to the clergy met you could not be found guilty of a crime.


Better question -why are pscyhedelic drugs illegal in the first place?

Why not make them legal, and legal for everyone? I mean Peyote for example is illegal -except for the religious groups for which the government has authorized it's use. If you want to right to use it or other substances, you have to apply and they are loathe to approve more of them.

Better question -why are pscyhedelic drugs illegal in the first place?

Perhaps to protect folk from themselves.
Maybe because many crimes are committed whilst folk are under the influence of something therefore legislators saw a need to regulate the situation.
Maybe the legislators just want to stop folk risking their health for no meaningful gain.
There is a case for letting folk do what they want but although drug taking is called a victimless crime there are usually victims other than the person taking the substance.
What is inconsistent is the fact booze is legal and other substances not so.
Booze kills many but societies can't ban it as the populace demands it.

In any event to seek enlightenment thru taking any substance seems odd...One may need good and unimpaired brain function for such matters.
Better question -why are pscyhedelic drugs illegal in the first place?

Probably the wrong place to start. The drugs are illegal because in the past they have strong associations with problematic behavior. To the other, simple prohibition is not a proper solution.

Why not make them legal, and legal for everyone? I mean Peyote for example is illegal -except for the religious groups for which the government has authorized it's use. If you want to right to use it or other substances, you have to apply and they are loathe to approve more of them.

This is one of the times when it helps to have some grasp of history; peyote has certain exemptions because it falls under a pre-existing recognized religious practice.

And as to dissolving opinion structures, spend a night watching two people on mushrooms argue over who gets to hold the lighter. It doesn't help drug liberation advocacy when people go about it in such a clueless manner.
Two city people? Or two people who have seen the long dance and the hunt? Qualify.
Perhaps to protect folk from themselves.
Maybe because many crimes are committed whilst folk are under the influence of something therefore legislators saw a need to regulate the situation.
Maybe the legislators just want to stop folk risking their health for no meaningful gain.
There is a case for letting folk do what they want but although drug taking is called a victimless crime there are usually victims other than the person taking the substance.
What is inconsistent is the fact booze is legal and other substances not so.
Booze kills many but societies can't ban it as the populace demands it.

In any event to seek enlightenment thru taking any substance seems odd...One may need good and unimpaired brain function for such matters.

I come from country and time were such crap drugs were not known The society did not have interest in the junk you guys are talking .
Religious experience at least from were I come from have no thing to do, with drugs, If couse in this society perhaps in some corners it does
But in my understanding of religious experience , you fellows are ignorant and talk a lot of BS.
But in my understanding of religious experience , you fellows are ignorant and talk a lot of BS.
Of course we talk a lot of BS but I wish you could be specific as to the aspect you regard as BS.

There are some hints that drugs play a role in many religions and I would say those who think drugs provide enlightenment are wrong in their belief.
But such practices apparently are not unknown.
However it seems relevations could be attributed to someone who could be drug effected or as the link suggests effected by gases in the cave that caused them to author nonsence.
It is difficult for me to find any redeeming aspect for inclusion of relevations in the bible.
It is open to interpretation some say is the best that can be said for it...

Like you I have not witnessed drugs in religion but I for one have not witnessed anything beyond my own small world. Just because I have not seen something does not mean it does not exist...same for you.

Who are you talking to, Alex?

If me, then, yes I have witnessed and participated in wild paganistic drug-raddled bouts of frenzy. Hell, I thought everyone had! :eek:
Who are you talking to, Alex?

If me, then, yes I have witnessed and participated in wild paganistic drug-raddled bouts of frenzy. Hell, I thought everyone had! :eek:

I have been around in the sixty and 70 wen LSD was used , I am somehow familiar shamans using some of their mushroom or skin of some frogs to get into convulsion or Haitian vodu . but you can not label that religions are based on Ahanaism .
You're welcome. Of course, I'm really a straight-laced Southern Baptist, but I went to church this morning so I can lie again. Until Wednesday, y'know.
you can not label that religions are based on Ahanaism
I was not saying religions are based on drugs, I said or meant to say if you missed my meaning, it is clear some religions appear to involve drug taking.
The op may suggest what you reject and I neither accept or reject the conclusions reached.
I did say relevations could be seen as written by someone who was high which frankly would give some excuse for what I believe is nonsence, if it was written in a symbolic fashion I ask firstly why and secondly what use is the text if it is open to such wide interpretation.
The op is interesting and the link may or may not be correct...I don't know.
You're welcome. Of course, I'm really a straight-laced Southern Baptist, but I went to church this morning so I can lie again. Until Wednesday, y'know.
I can reasonably take you to be a good man otherwise you would have been struck down by now.