ENIGMA:immortality for the enlightened 2012 verses death ,fear and hopelessness


I'd be happy to go on about Transhumanism if you like. I've a few weird ideas but I haven't explored it too far.
Nah, I'd rather do that in a more appropriate thread that isn't the creation of a crank.

But I'll remember your offer, and I'd love to hear your view and ideas.
What is difficult to comprehend, because we are living the times, is the rate of change that has never been experienced before in the history of the human race. It is entirely invalid to compare these current rates of change and predictions with anything in the past. There is simply no precedent for what is happening at the current time.
Well done chris, you have deep wisdom.

We have only just started...Raithere!!

"Still, I think IXL777 is either a nutter, on drugs, or just fucking with us"...
Raithere...that is exactly the negativism I am talking about. Conquer you alter ego of Pride , vanity and selfishness..and you levels of consciousness will start to grow, anyone who swears is being negative.

Care to prove your presumed correlation between hyper-dimensionality and “a higher level of consciousness”. Care even to explain what a “higher level of consciousness” is? .
The negative thought patterns are archetypal...
neg. intellect= pride,.. falsehood deception non sequiter
negative emotion=hate , vanity etc sarcasm
neg spirituality=unreality ghosts etc
neg metaphysics=disordered reason

Therefore..Raith suffers from negative emotional and intellectual negativism..pride..sarcasm, darkness
Not me 2000 suffers pride
Chris suffers from pride.
Reason.......by breaking the power of the alter-ego!
these 4 put together will give you the 5th dimensional state , a higher level of consciousness.....That is my starting point for a discussion about Immortality by 2012...

Evidence 2012.
Rennes le Chateau
Hendaye Cross..just to mention a few

Drug induced hallucinations and epiphanies are best shared with people who are likewise influenced.
Sharing these thoughts with people who are straight only lets them know just how fucked up you are.

You can always discern a person who is in darkness ignorance...most of their replies are NEGATIVE..get the hint Raith.

I have been researching this subject for 20 years...ignorance is linked to Pride , Vanity , Selfishness and disorderd reason...

MOONMAN AND CHRIS.....negate pride ...then we can discuss on a higher level of consciousness....
"Watch out for the comet fly-by"
Gentlemen none of these messages are meant to be derogatory, they are there to open your eyes to reality and break the deafness of pride.
If we get negative...no-one will get to the TRUTH!!!!!

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The Mayans did not predict the end of the world in 2012. It is just that their calendar can't represent dates after that date, unless it starts again from zero.
James 2012 is not the end of the world, it is the start of a new level of consciousness...rebirth
Originally posted by IXL777
James 2012 is not the end of the world, it is the start of a new level of consciousness...rebirth
What they do not clearly understand is that 12/23/2012 = 10 Tevet 5773, i.e., the first full day after the Winter Solstice falling on the 10th day of the 10th month of the Hebrew year 5773 and, therefore, the start of the Solar progression toward Spring and rebirth in a Lunar year that is a prime number.
yes thats true , but we are also going into a period of Solar Disorder and negative social unrest world-wide, until 2012
Hindus believe in the repetitious Transmigration of the Soul. This is the transfer of one's soul after death into another body. This produces a continuing cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth through their many lifetimes. It is called samsara. Karma is the accumulated sum of ones good and bad deeds. Karma determines how you will live your next life. Through pure acts, thoughts and devotion, one can be reborn at a higher level. Eventually, one can escape samsara and achieve enlightenment.
Originally posted by IXL777
Eventually, one can escape samsara and achieve enlightenment.
What blathering childishness. The peurile pursuit of moksha, while perhaps understandable to Upanishadic Hindus of the past, has little relevancy to the current cycle. It is this, in fact, that defines this period as one of Solar retrograde. If you do not understand this, you simply offend with noise.
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Originally posted by IXL777
Raithere...that is exactly the negativism I am talking about. Conquer you alter ego of Pride , vanity and selfishness..and you levels of consciousness will start to grow, anyone who swears is being negative.
Actually, I am not particularly prideful, I just have a tendency to speak declaratively; particularly in a forum such as this. This makes it very easy for people to identify what it is I am saying and to refute it or agree with it as they desire.

I am not really vain either... I am actually quite casual as to my appearance. As to my writing I believe in being as precise as I can in expressing myself adequately, this is not vanity.

Regarding selfishness: first I would point out that you know almost nothing at all about me and to make such an assumption only highlights your egocentrism. As to my life, I am IMO a rather giving person both emotionally and materially. I think my record here represents my character well, look it up if you like.

Regarding swearing: I was thinking of making my point by swearing again, which is what I think Xev would do. ;) But actually I swear rather sparingly because I find it is quite useful when making an emphatic statement and overuse diminishes it's effect. You'll note that my usage was not to call you names but instead to dramatize what I thought you might be up to. BTW if you'd like to read some really good swearing and cussing please read Shakespeare... his use is masterful and something I aspire towards.

The negative thought patterns are archetypal...
neg. intellect= pride,.. falsehood deception non sequiter
negative emotion=hate , vanity etc sarcasm
neg spirituality=unreality ghosts etc
neg metaphysics=disordered reason
While I can agree that some of these things are indeed negative in certain contexts I don't see that you've actually explained anything. You're simply professing your beliefs. Which is fine, such as it is, but this is a debate forum and thus far you have really not given us anything but a bunch of unproven and unexplained assertions. What is it that you'd like us to do with them? Or did you just need a soapbox?

Therefore..Raith suffers from negative emotional and intellectual negativism..pride..sarcasm, darkness
Actually I am quite happy and content; more so than most. And I am not suffering in the least.

Reason.......by breaking the power of the alter-ego!
these 4 put together will give you the 5th dimensional state , a higher level of consciousness.
Care to explain what exactly truth, love, and reality are? And how is it that these concepts are related to any common understanding of dimensionality? Or is this just a cool word to be using?

Rennes le Chateau
Hendaye Cross..just to mention a few
Conspiracy theories bore me, they're fabricated from the loosest conjecture. Given a set of symbols I can invent a code to interpret them to mean anything I like. Given a history long enough and with enough detail I can identify enough coincidental similarities to build any story I want. Such is a puerile and worthless pursuit, I left it in my early teens after investigating the Masons, the Knights Templar, the Jesuits, the Rosicrucians , the Illuminati, the Assassins, and other fantastic organizations. Frankly, the moment I start hearing theories linking Jesus with aliens and the end of the world my bullshit-o-meter starts ticking off the scale.

You can always discern a person who is in darkness ignorance...most of their replies are NEGATIVE..get the hint Raith.
No, my replies to you have been mostly negative. What is it that you expect me to say; "Please enlighten me, oh master?"

Get the hint?

I have been researching this subject for 20 years
It's a shame you've only come this far.

ignorance is linked to Pride , Vanity , Selfishness and disorderd reason...
Often it is... and often it is linked to other things too.

Raithe ,
Thank you for your erudite reply.

Quote:"Care to explain what exactly truth, love, and reality are? And how is it that these concepts are related to any common understanding of dimensionality? Or is this just a cool word to be using?"

Truth is linked to positive intellectual thought,Love is linked to positive emotional thought, and reality is linked to positive spiritual thought, all 3 gives you positive metaphysical thought of reason and intuition.

Conspiracy theories bore me, they're fabricated from the loosest conjecture. Given a set of symbols I can invent a code to interpret them to mean anything I like. Given a history long enough and "with enough detail I can identify enough coincidental similarities to build any story I want. Such is a puerile and worthless pursuit, I left it in my early teens after investigating the Masons, the Knights Templar, the Jesuits, the Rosicrucians , the Illuminati, the Assassins, and other fantastic organizations. Frankly, the moment I start hearing theories linking Jesus with aliens and the end of the world my bullshit-o-meter starts ticking off the scale.

you left it in your teens and you did not learn a thing...again you are using negative thought of pride , because you "think" you know the truth ...but really you are still in darkness(ignorance)...this is not a personal attack on you , it is just showing what pride is all about.

quote:"my replies to you have been mostly negative. What is it that you expect me to say; "Please enlighten me, oh master?"

There you are negative sarcasm, more negative thought patterns which will produce falsehood, unreality , hate/vanity and disordered reason you are in a paradox...now do you understand.....all negative thought leads to darkness (ignorance)!!!!
How do you expect to become Immortal if you do not understand the concept , of humility, altruism,lowliness.
You have not even started to conquer your alter-ego..........
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What blathering childishness. The peurile pursuit of moksha, while perhaps understandable to Upanishadic Hindus of the past, has little relevancy to the current cycle. It is this, in fact, that defines this period as one of Solar retrograde. If you do not understand this, you simply offend with noise.

"who is making all the noise?!!!

IF YOU KNOW THE TRUTH.."Who has the absolute "truth", with so many religions, isms, pseudo religions, cults etc..absolute truth is at a premium....

Hindus believe in the repetitious Transmigration of the Soul. This is the transfer of one's soul after death into another body. This produces a continuing cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth through their many lifetimes. It is called samsara. Karma is the accumulated sum of ones good and bad deeds. Karma determines how you will live your next life. Through pure acts, thoughts and devotion, one can be reborn at a higher level. Eventually, one can escape ..

maybe re-incarnation is a falsehood.."can you proove it is?

you seem to be insinuating that the Jewish faith has the ultimate truth their religion was borrowed from the Egyptians..Aten..

2012 represents a new birth.. a higher level of consciousness...
all I have heard so far is......."psychobabble"!!!
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Immortality will become a reality for people who have negated their alter-ego, negated negative patterns of . pride(falsehood)vanity and selfishness, unrealty and disordered reason..any negative comments will be discerned as coming from the negative side of that person...time is slowly running out before Solar Disorder
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Originally posted by IXL777
Immortality will become a reality for people who have negated their alter-ego, negated negative patterns of . pride(falsehood)vanity and selfishness, unrealty and disordered reason..any negative comments will be discerned as coming from the negative side of that person...time is slowly running out before Solar Disorder