Energy from blood

leopold99 said:
i was thinking about a dialysis type of setup where the blood would be routed through some sort of converter. the converter uses "photosynthesis type" of reaction to produce the energy. it seemed like it would work. photosynthesis the energy comes from light. You can't get more energy out of photosynthesis than the light energy that you put into it. So if you're using your own energy to make the light, you won't really accomplish anything.
the blood goes through a converter. a substance ( an enzyme?) reacts with the blood and causes the hemoglobin to release energy. the energy is collected and used.
I still think you would have the problems that I listed. If the hemoglobin had to interact with an enzyme or something, the process would take way too long and the energy would be lost to the fast relaxation processes that occur in porphyrins.
instead of releasing energy directly maybe a 4 or 5 step process that releases energy
i wish i knew more about genetics.
spuriousmonkey said:
How did the hemoglobin get the energy in the first place?
a substance in the converter would energize the molucle, on the same order of plants except there is no sunlight in deep space.
leopold99 said:
a substance in the converter would energize the molucle, on the same order of plants except there is no sunlight in deep space.
jesus christ, are we talking about a catalytic converter?
Yeah, that's what I'm not understanding...if you are using a power supply to energize the hemoglobin, why not just use the energy from the power supply directly?
plants use chlorophyll to build sugar molecules, which store energy. the sugar is broken down to release it.

or the hemoglobin is energized directly

where does the initial energy come from? brought onboard at launch

the process must be symbiotic, man and machine working together
what a sentence
Nasor said:
Yeah, that's what I'm not understanding..
chlorophyll uses sunlight to build sugar molecules sugar is broken down to release energy. energy must be conserved. energy goes into hemoglobin to prouce a substance that can be directly or indirectly used for energy. the byproducts of the reaction are the starting materials needed to produce the "substance". a cycle where energy is produced by hemoglobin.
spuriousmonkey said:
Why not bring a battery then?
a fuel cell would be better. another possibility

what i am interested in is can humans concievably reach alpha centauri

seriously though, it was just a hair-brained idea on my part.
Both are examples of important closely related classes of molecules, the porphyrins and the chlorins.
I was thinking on too broad a scale. I suppose the porphyrin ring section of hemoglobin is quite similar to the chlorophyll molecule, but their functions are quite different.
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We talk about space travel but we should be trying to help the Earth so that we have a place to live always. If we keep polluting the Earth humans won't be going anywhere in space for the Earth will be devestated as well as human life.
We talk about space travel but we should be trying to help the Earth so that we have a place to live always. If we keep polluting the Earth humans won't be going anywhere in space for the Earth will be devestated as well as human life.

OLD post...somehow got here...I agree....

That is why I am doing something NOW with a document to the President. There may be a process to improve Earth. We shall know by March hope for the best....

Then we will worry about space....I found a group that have the energy management using electro-magnetics that I understand very