End-Time Prophecy?

Adstar: > "There is only one anti-christ but satan has many servants in high places on earth. Don't get them mixed up. when the anti-christ comes he will claim to be God i believe he will claim to be the returned Messiah and millions will believe it."

battig1370: > The Anti-christ and all those that are with him will reject the commandments of Jesus. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another." - (John 13:34) "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say unto you, "Love your enemies, ---" - ( Matt.5:43-48 )

Peace be with you, Paul
battig1370 said:
Nostradamus outlined three distinctly different and progressively worse Antichrist figures, the last one being the bloodiest of all. The first two Antichrists have already come and gone: Napoleon and Hitler. So we are really only waiting for the final Antichrist.
Peace be with you, Paul

And that would be George W Bush
battig1370 said:
Battig1370: > Do you want God to intervene, if the kings of this world and their armies are going to annihilate all of mankind on this planet?

Peace be with you, Paul

God is suppose to be working through us anyway, so on some levels he probably intervene. But to be honest and this my cynical side rearing here, if mankind are stupid enough to do it then let them get on with it and give everybody else some peace.
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"The Antichrist will be revealed at the beginning of the Day of the Lord" - pg. 40

"The identification of the Antichrist is at the beginning of the Day of the Lord" - pg. 71

"at the end of the first three and a half years, the Antichrist has reached such power that he proclaims himself dictator over the whole world." - pg. 40

"in the twentieth century are giant computers that have the capacity to control the financial transactions of the entire world, thereby enabling the Antichrist to control buying and selling (Rev. 13:16-17). The development of the atomic bomb and missiles capable of sending a bomb anywhere in the world places tremendous power in the hands of a potential world dictator". - pg. 130

battig1370: > Nominated by Pres. GW. Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, US deputy secretary of defence, has emerged as a leading candidate to replace James Wolfensohn as the president of the World Bank.

According to what John F. Walvoord wrote here, who in the world is the most likely candidate to be the Antichrist?

Peace be with you, Paul
The anti-christ will no be someone that the majority of the world looks upon as a half brained war monger who is in danger of sending the world into a World War 3 abyss. No it will not be bush or side kicks.

The Anti-christ will be a much loved leader one who will save the world from all the "madman" who will bring international peace good will and understanding.

Remember for the anti-Christ to successfully make people think he is the returned Christ. He must have his own battle of Armageddon and defeat a false Anti-christ, in a false battle of Armageddon.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Don't be deceived!

Adstar: > "Don't be deceived. George bush is a very cunning man he plays his role to perfection and he knows the mindset of the bulk of his people and reflects it back to them. You think he makes those talking blunders by accident??? No mate. He is a very smart cookie surrounded by very smart cookies who know what image to project to disarm the concerns of the populace. The american people where burnt bad by richard nixon and they do not trust smart men in the white house. So they vote for someone who seems harmless enough, Someone who is a "regular guy" , just like them, Nice and simple who is not smart enough to pull a cunning stunt like richard nixion did on them, Someone like Bush. LOL"

battig: > The Antichrist will be a church going Christian Fundamentalist, who pretends to be a friend of Jesus, who is very cunning man, a very smart cookie, someone who seems harmless enough, a "regular guy", who has been given the position of being the most powerful man in the world.

The Antichrist will be revealed at the beginning of the Day of the Lord. When the Day of the Lord comes do you think Pres. GW. Bush would surrender to the Lamb, who had a name written that no one knew except Himself, and His name is called 'The Word of God'?

Is Pres. GW. Bush going to allow 'The Word of God' be his King when the Day of the Lord comes? YES, or NO

Peace be with you, Paul
battig1370: Don't be deceived! The Antichrist will be a church going Christian Fundamentalist, who pretends to be a friend of Jesus, who is very cunning man, a very smart cookie, someone who seems harmless enough, a "regular guy", who has been given the position of being the most powerful man in the world.
M*W: The first mention of the Antichrist came about in the first century AD written in the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John was written very late in the first century AD, long after Jesus was gone from the scene. Current scholarly thought is that Mary Magdalen wrote the Gospel of John, possibly with Jesus's help. Whether this means Jesus assisted in its writing as the real live Jesus in the flesh or the spiritual Jesus envisioned by MM is not certain.

The Gospel of John refers to the Antichrist as the "beast" and the "dragon." Other symbols used were called "the whore of Bablyon," etc. I don't have a bible in front of me so I can't cite these references, but during the timeframe when the GoJ was written, Paul's christianity was considered to be lies spread about the living and dying demigod savior Jesus. The references to the "Antichrist" refer to Paul's christianity which was being persecuted by the Romans. The writing of the GoJ was finalized around 50-60 AD, but work had been done on it for a few decades prior to its completion. The actual writing of the GoJ was written during the time of Paul's Epistles and the other Gospels. Revelations was also being written during the same timeframe. Even Jesus's close associate, Peter, was an Antichrist.

The Jews didn't believe in a personified version of the Antichrist like the Christians did. Christians were always looking for an Antichrist among them during their time. They believed the arrival of the Antichrist would signal Jesus' second coming.

The Roman Empire was considered by Jesus's followers to be the evil "beast" in their time. Although the Antichrist is not named in Revelations, the author of Revelations, be it John, MM, or even Jesus, dared not reveal the name of Paul of Tarsus, so they simply left the code number "666." Many early scholars believed the code number "666" to be the number of the Emperor Nero, although Nero was already dead by the time of the writing of Revelations. The Roman Emperor Domitian was another likely suspect, but his official Roman name doesn't apply to the code number "666."

The early persecuted Christians were seeing Antichrists everywhere, but the Antichrist mentioned by the Beloved Disciple in the GoJ and in Revelations was none other than Sha'ul from Tarsus, or more familiarly to Christians, Paul.
To M*W. I understand there have been many Antichrists since time of Jesus, but we are disscussing 'End-Time Prophecy' when the Day of the Lord comes, to reveal The Antichrist who has been given the position of being the most powerful man in the world.

Peace be with you, Paul
battig1370: To M*W. I understand there have been many Antichrists since time of Jesus, but we are disscussing 'End-Time Prophecy' when the Day of the Lord comes, to reveal The Antichrist who has been given the position of being the most powerful man in the world.
M*W: True. There will be many who are called the Antichrist, but there is truly only one -- Sha'ul of Tarsus. We really need fear no other one but Paul who was responsible for inventing Christianity.
hey battig1370,

Nostradamus outlined three distinctly different and progressively worse Antichrist figures, the last one being the bloodiest of all. The first two Antichrists have already come and gone: Napoleon and Hitler. So we are really only waiting for the final Antichrist.

Hello, Stalin? He was worse than both those two combined. How can you forget to put him in that grouping, or not before both of them. Sheese.

And to the speculation that George W Bush will be the anti christ, no, he is just a chump. A chump who happens to be in control of the worlds only super power, of which half the population are chumps.

Hi Adstar,

Good old Nostradamus hey lol that brings back memories for me. Before i became a Christian. I was a prophesy nut then also.

Seems to me classic transferal of belief systems, probably made easier by the fact that you grew up in a Christian based society.

he thing with the quatrains of Nostradamus is that he put them down in such a well descized way that they can be interpreted in many different ways, making them useless even if they where all true.

Not unlike the bible?

I rely on the prophesies of the bible not on a man who's source was suspect and rightings confused.

And you believe the bible to be written by god? Which in my mind would mean that the bible has to be interpreted literally, as your god doesn't seem one for ambiguities even if he was capable of them?

The Antichrist will be revealed at the beginning of the Day of the Lord.

You keep on saying this but you give no biblical backing for it? Please tell me how you came to that conclusion?

When the Day of the Lord comes do you think Pres. GW. Bush would surrender to the Lamb, who had a name written that no one knew except Himself, and His name is called 'The Word of God'?

When the Day of The Lord comes no prisoners will be taken. There will be no option for surrender for the army of the beast. They will simply be slaughtered every single one of them.

Is Pres. GW. Bush going to allow 'The Word of God' be his King when the Day of the Lord comes? YES, or NO

You are assuming:
1) That he will still have that option.
2) That he will still be alive.
For point 1 i do not think an option like that will exist. And for point 2 i doubt he will still be alive. In fact i doubt that the USA will still exist.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Pres. George W. Bush's nominee, US deputy secretary of defence Paul Wolfowitz, is in as the president of the World Bank. This combination is what you call supreme world power.

"He will have supreme power, although he is described as wielding it for only 'a time, times, and half a time' This 'phrase' is commonly interpreted to mean three and a half years, that is, one plus two plus a half.", pg. 14, by - John F. Walvoord

In April 2005 there will be three and a half years left until the next election.

Peace be with you, Paul
President Bush, a member of the Apostale United Methodists, has often publically stated, "ISLAM IS A PEACEFUL AND CARING GREAT RELIGION" and "THE CHRISTIAN GOD AND THE GOD OF ISLAM IS THE SAME GOD."

I agree with President Bush's statement, " --- is the same God." These two religion's God is Satan the Devil.

Peace be with you, Paul
I have found an interesting article on End-Time Prophecy.

The Harlot and the Beast
Posted: July 16, 2003 - Revised: February 9, 2004

"And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" (Revelation 17:1 & 5).

In the verses above, Satan's unfaithful church is characterized as a whore; THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS (ROMAN CATHOLICISM). What is it that makes a woman a mother? Yes, she has offspring; and her daughters are also harlots, as they too, are unfaithful to Jesus Christ. Not a few Baptist "Churches" have also become harlot daughters and many "Christians" in the near future will eagerly accept their hero's mark in their right hand or forehead. PLEASE DON'T BE DECEIVED!

Also, we learn from Revelation 17 that the harlot woman is seated upon the antichrist beast. The Bible says:

"....and I saw a woman SIT UPON a scarlet coloured beast..."
(Revelation 17:3).

"....I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of THE BEAST THAT CARRIETH HER..." (Revelation 17:7).

In the year 2000, G.W. Bush "carried" the political-religious-right (harlot church) to victory in the presidential election. The beast will also "carry" his harlot bride right on into the seven-year tribulation! Please, dear reader, don't be "taken for a ride" by any high ranking politician; especially by anyone having a "Road Map to Peace" for Israel and the Mideast! No one other than Jesus Christ can bring peace to Israel and the world! "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived" (II Tim 3:13). PLEASE DON'T BE DECEIVED!
God made a covenant with Abram (Abraham) giving his descendants the land from the Nile River in Egypt to the Euphrates River, which runs through Iraq. The Bible says: "In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates" (Genesis 15:18).

Now, President Bush thinks he has a better idea. President Bush endeavors to supersede God and divide and share Israel's Promised Land and Jerusalem, the city of God, with the Palestinian/Muslims. The Bible says:
"They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate" (Titus 1:16).
Therefore, President Bush is a blasphemer and the enemy of God and Israel! Remember, there will be no peace in Israel and Jerusalem until "THE PRINCE OF PEACE;" the Lord Jesus Christ, returns to Israel to establish His kingdom on earth for 1,000 years.
Nevertheless, President Bush believes he is going to bring peace to Israel and the Mideast via the devilish "Road Map to Peace" which divides Israel's God given Promised Land. The Bible says: "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" (Proverbs 14:12).
In the near future there will be a peace treaty involving Israel and Jerusalem:
"And he (the antichrist beast) shall confirm (guarantee) the covenant with many for one week" (seven years). [Daniel 9:27]
"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes" (Psalm 118:9).

There will NEVER be a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital in the Promised Land! Shortly after the confirmation ceremony of Israel's "covenant with many" (Dan. 9:27), the feathers will again hit the fan in the "Promised Land" and the Jews will have the beast's protection as they rebuild their temple in Jerusalem. Thus, Jerusalem will remain "a burdensome stone for all people" throughout the entire seven-year tribulation. Zechariah, God's prophet to Israel, wrote:

"And in that day will I make JERUSALEM A BURDENSOME STONE FOR ALL PEOPLE: all that burden themselves with it (Jerusalem) shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it" (Zechariah 12:3).

President Bush is leading the parade in burdening himself with Jerusalem, the "burdensome stone." Consequently, President Bush is in deep trouble with God and is getting in deeper.

"And he shall confirm (guarantee) the covenant with
many for one week [7 yrs.]" (Daniel 9:27)

Many "Christians" believe President Bush is such a godly Christian. However, contrary to New Testament doctrine, "Christian" President Bush tries to kill his enemies; Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, etc., with bombs and bullets. Jesus said, "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" (Matt. 5:44). Paul wrote, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE ARE NOT CARNAL...." (II Cor.10:3 & 4).

WE DO NOT WAR AFTER THE FLESH! THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE ARE NOT CARNAL! Also Paul wrote, "Dearly beloved, AVENGE NOT YOURSELVES, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, VENGEANCE IS MINE; I WILL REPAY, saith the LORD" (Romans 12:19). "WE WRESTLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD" (Eph. 6:12). Also, the New Testament commands separation of the true Church of Jesus Christ from the secular political state, which is the world. I repeat; the New Testament commands:
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? Wherefore COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, AND BE YE SEPARATE, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty" (I Cor. 6:14, 17 & 18).
Just as a Christian is forbidden to marry an unbeliever, we also are not to be yoked together with unbelievers in the world's political parties, labor unions, etc., etc.
We as Christians, are soldiers of Jesus Christ! "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier" (II Tim. 2:3 & 4).

Who, may I ask, is more entangled with the affairs of this life than the president of the U.S.A.? Christians should not be involved in the world's politics, nor the world's wars! Christians are told to PRAY for our secular political leaders that we may live peaceful lives (I Timothy 2:1 & 2). We are to PRAY for them; not campaign for them, nor vote for them. Above all, we are not to kill for them with carnal weapons (bombs and bullets) in the name of Jesus Christ, which is exactly what we would be doing as Christians. President Bush's profession of faith in Jesus Christ is widely known throughout all Christendom, but he is very careful since his election not to mention the name of Jesus publically. As President of the United States he is commander in chief of the most powerful military in the history of the world. (The world's secular governments are to be left to the people of the world.) Due to his profession of faith, he is therefore killing people on behalf of Jesus Christ, which is forbidden by the teaching of Christ Jesus. The Christian's only weapon is the Word of God! "And take the helmet of salvation, and THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD" (Eph. 6:17).
Are the countries of this world the Christian's home, or is heaven the Christian's home? We Christians are in the world, but not of the world! Is the Christian's primary allegiance to his country, or to GOD? Yes, we are to honor the king and obey his laws; but when our country (king) calls us to kill with carnal weapons (bombs and bullets), we should say, as did the apostle Peter:
"We ought to obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). However, if one is already in the military when he is called to salvation, he should remain until his enlistment is finished. See Acts chapter 10; Matthew 8:5-10 and Luke 3:14. Jesus told the soldiers in in Luke 3:14, "Do violence to no man."
Satan has much of Christendom in the U.S. believing the U.S. is some kind of theocracy, or client-nation of God. It is neither! Satan is the god of this world (II Cor. 4:4) and all the kingdoms of the world are his domain, including the U.S. When Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world (Matt. 4:8 & 9); that was a legitimate offer; as all the kingdoms of the world are his.
Nevertheless, I am truly grateful that I was born in, and have lived in, the U.S. for over 65 years. I do pray for our secular leaders; military, and law enforcement officers; from the White House, to the state, city and county, that we as Christians will live peacefully. I do not campaign, nor vote for them. This world is not my home! The Bible says:
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" (I John 2:15).

President Bush, a member of the Apostate United Methodists, has often publically stated, "ISLAM IS A PEACEFUL AND CARING GREAT RELIGION" and "THE CHRISTIAN GOD AND THE GOD OF ISLAM IS THE SAME GOD." Those are more of his blasphemous lies!


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Peace be with you, Paul