

Registered Senior Member
Are there any connections between the Elohim and God(one of his many

names is Elohim)? Could he be some kind of e.t., and the reason why he made

Jesus come to earth is because he is of a different dimension, and maybe got

one of his angels or aliens to artificially inseminate Mary? Could the holy

trinity mean the three different dimensions, or forms of God?

Sorry if this thread is in the wrong place, I'm not sure if it should go here or

in the religion section. Please give me your opinions, facts, comments or

whatever you have to say.
elohim is a word that refers to a god with power and might etc. It is unusual because it is a plural word.
One way to analyse this is to first realise that religious texts aren't exactly accurate accounts of anything. Most of the religious texts are stories and fables, such stories we have now adays in the Cinema's where the script writers imaginations are allowed to run riot and developed plot turns and fictional realities to capture our attention.

In the days of old some people would act as story tellers or teachers and walk from place to place telling their stories (ones they had both made and learnt) in return for food and lodging. If you told a story 1000 time, would it be exactly the same each time? In reality it wouldn't, you would tire of the story and maybe alter it a little to be a bit more exciting to a new crowd.

Before you know it, your characters are performing miracles and the characters themselves might have been people that you met on your journey, however your story twists to make it more interesting and enjoyable as them performing feats they couldn't accomplish in reality.

I mention all this because so many people seem to think the world began with particular religions in this area, however the world existed with man for centuries before such religions existed. To say a god created everything from 0 AD onwards is ludicrous, since there was the rise and fall of the Greek states long before such times. (Not to forget Persia and Egypt)
Well thats the point, It's not that any created from 0 AD on it's just usually it's presumed that a number of religions that wrote their literature down after and during that point in time are the mainstream ones, but they are by no means that oldest.
There may be a God or the giant intelligence which is The Universe, but I doubt very much he/she speaks to us anymore than you speak to your red blood cells. Imagine one of your red blood cells declaring that it is the son of the self or the prophet that talks directly to you and rest are idiots and must obey that red blood cell....

Just a crazy thought....
One way to analyse this is to first realise that religious texts aren't exactly accurate accounts of anything. Most of the religious texts are stories and fables, such stories we have now adays in the Cinema's where the script writers imaginations are allowed to run riot and developed plot turns and fictional realities to capture our attention.

In the days of old some people would act as story tellers or teachers and walk from place to place telling their stories (ones they had both made and learnt) in return for food and lodging. If you told a story 1000 time, would it be exactly the same each time? In reality it wouldn't, you would tire of the story and maybe alter it a little to be a bit more exciting to a new crowd.

Before you know it, your characters are performing miracles and the characters themselves might have been people that you met on your journey, however your story twists to make it more interesting and enjoyable as them performing feats they couldn't accomplish in reality.

I mention all this because so many people seem to think the world began with particular religions in this area, however the world existed with man for centuries before such religions existed. To say a god created everything from 0 AD onwards is ludicrous, since there was the rise and fall of the Greek states long before such times. (Not to forget Persia and Egypt)

Quick question. What do you feel is the oldest and most accurate (ie: not a made up story) historical document? At what age did people start accurately recording their history as opposed to making everything up into stories. Should we only believe history as it began with the printing press and nothing beforehand due to them most likely being stories?

Even outrageous stories that may seem to us to be fables have their place as they don't just appear out of nowhere. While most of them can be explained in one way or another (so we think anyways, as we didn't live in those times to know for certain) as natural phenomenon and such, I highly doubt 90+% is all fiction. Us people of today are pretty cocky with our mere 100 years of this century. We seem to know it all. :rolleyes: Thank goodness we don’t still think the world is flat.

- N
<i>Even outrageous stories that may seem to us to be fables have their place as they don't just appear out of nowhere. </i>

You mean like StarTrek and Babylon 5?
The Native Tribes have their ancient stories pasted down from generation to generation without it being written down actually most are not written down.
it's really simple. jews before Mozus had many gods. Mozus was the one who (supposedly) developed the one god idea (egyptions were the first_).
before that Jahve was just one of the many gods and not particulary important.
thus it is from the most early jewish myths that the word elohim or gods has remained in legends/scriptures. The breath of the gods was roaring above waters (~~). Some say that means an alien spaceship :p who knows really? :D
anyways the jews weren't unique with dualistic religion or a one god religion, they just were the most popular ones.
I believe it was made more popular by the Romans who used monothesism as a way of dealing with the internal disputes of an otherwise Polythestic empire. Originally some of their self imposed states would war with one another just because their gods didn't get on, or they disagreed with each others religions. So the only way of bringing them all into check was to apply a singular god.

As I mentioned before Just because a story is old, doesn't make it accurate, in fact the likelihood is it makes it less accurate.

For instance you could look at the Roman, Greek, Egyptian and even the Dane Polythesism's, and you'll notice that all their gods are "similar" in some areas. As if the translation of a religion between different cultures evolved different religions from one another.
Mozus was the one who (supposedly) developed the one god idea (egyptions were the first_).

Egyptians believed in a bunch of gods. The Persians, more specifically Zoroaster (Zoroastrianism), were the first to develop the one god beliefs.

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Please get back to the topic. I understand we all have different beliefs, but there are some strange links with e.t.s and certain people/events in the bible.