i act liek boss casue i am boss..... j/k, tell me why u think i act like boss???

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages!


OI to the punx!, OI to the skins!, and OI to the world and everybody in!!!

[This message has been edited by dexter (edited August 26, 2000).]
Posts: 313
Registered: Oct 1999
posted August 26, 2000 07:58 PM
If you don't want answer don't ask the question.

Well it just so happens, that I am "STILL" waiting for Oxygen to "answer" my last question on the other thread "Everything Montauk & all the links".......

It sure would be mighty big of you to reply!
but I won't hold my breath........

[This message has been edited by Time/02112 (edited August 27, 2000).]

I managed to get some free internet, and a moment here and there lately.

Way cool hey? I'm sorta back.



PS I miss your emails, good questions and a sharp mind.
I use freeinet.com
and if you wish to disable that annoying advertisemet bar, and enjoy a full open browser window, just hit the cntrl+alt+delete keys once you see the networking computer logo, confirming you are online, and highlight freeinet, excite, lycos, juno, or whatever free internet source that is attempting to complete 'loading" select "end task" and repeat this process rapidly, untill you get another window to open confirming that you wish to end task on the selected feature & wellah! it's gone and all that remains is an "Open" internet connection and it will stay online, untill you decide to execute the command to disconnect, by right clicking on the interlinked computer logo at the bottom right of your tray (next to the clock) and select "disconnect"

This gives you full control, and it acts & behaves like a regular "Paid" 56k internet connection service (ISP) and full view just the same without that annoying advertisement, and "auto-disconnect" feature

Haha, I'll bet they will hate me now!

[This message has been edited by Time/02112 (edited August 27, 2000).]
Tic Toc,

Thanks dude, I use them from OZ and manage to chew up the measly 30min free fairly quickly.

Say this is all above board isn't it?


Tony H2o
You get "Unlimited" free internet access with freeinternet.com, lycos, excite, or juno like I said before.
Sorry, Timeguy. I forgot all about that one. I'll track it down and check it out.
Okay, got it. The reason I asked stems from a first impression I got from your first post here which essentially came across to myself and a couple of others here as "Time machines! Time machines! Get your time machines here! Step right up! Got yer plans right here!"

Not all of your posts carry this undertone (to my perceptions, at least), but a few do, especially this one. You asked some bizarre little question which sounds for all the world like the start of a Dianetics commercial (no offense to any dianetics fans out here), offer no more explanation than a question mark which is supposed to hook the audience into the game...it all has the set up of a commercial. I studied advertising, and that's the pattern some of your posts take, which leads me to ask such questions.
Alrightey Then.......
I see now how you could have arrived at such a conclusion, now that you have explained it comming from one who is involved in "advertising" however the same would not necessarily apply to others, who do not have the same element of conditioning as youself Right? It is all a matter of "Perception" although you are 100% correct to conclude that "Time~Travel" is apparently my primary hobby of passion, which explains why I may come accross to be obsessed with it.

Just a reflection of being "One with the Matrix".......

What is the Matrix?
Among other things, it's the theoretical basis for just about everything we do here at T.A.P.-T.E.N. The Matrix is that vast area between what you know and what you don't; paradoxically, it's both universal and personal. (If you could make a circle around yourself to illustrate the limits of your perception, the area inside would represent your knowledge. Outside lies your ignorance. The circle itself is the Matrix -- the indeterminate state you use to account for the existence of things you can't see but "know" are there, like the person typing these words.)Sometimes people don't pay enough attention to the Matrix, and lose their sense of perspective; sometimes they pay too much attention, and lose their sense of humor.
:) :( :eek: :D ;)

T.A.P.-T.E.N. By the way is a "Non-Profit"
Organization that I initiated as founder, pertaining to the research & exploration of Time~Travel, using a myriad of combined technology from yesterday, and modern technology of today.

T.A.P.="Temporal Accelerator Project"
T.E.N.="Temporal Explorers Network"

also, I am the "Moderator" for the Time Travel Institute Forum.

(Touche' indeed)
I guess this leaves me with the question of why anyone would want to time travel, aside from curiosity's sake? Unless there was insurance against interaction, travelling into the past is too risky. One screw up and you could change the whole picture. And what good is going into the future? If you took advantage of any of the knowledge you gained, you would effectively change the outcome and render the trip null and void. being interested in ancient history, I can see the educational value of going to the past, but I'd still want insurance against interaction. (Just in case somebody is tempted to go to Dallas 1963, stand on a grassy knoll and shout "Duck!")

Hey this is getting interesting. As if I haven't noticed your right into the time travel thing, but according to some guys I know they are the only ones who can time jump? They claim many a thing and have set up a web site you may know of: Raulm Trust.

Have you heard of these guys?

I would be interested to get your opinion on them, seeing that your more of an expert on this stuff than I.


Tony H2o
Posts: 395
Registered: Jan 2000
posted August 28, 2000 04:38 PM
Tic Toc,
What do you think about Raulm Trust?

Do a search you'll find them.


IP: Logged

Posts: 60
Registered: Jun 2000
posted August 28, 2000 06:26 PM
Yes Tony, I have, and almost forgot to include them (Thanks)
So, I see that no one has been able to solve the riddle as of yet Hmmm? I dropped hints as big as bolders as to what "ELEHQERID" means....anyone else care to take a whack at it?