Don't need it all, Don't need but a small fraction of it actually, and as we become ever more efficient, the energy needs per-capita to maintain the same living standards continue to drop.
Given time renewable energy may easily turn out to be cheaper than any other source we have ever had. A combination of solar thermal and Solar PV (very long lasting, to the tune of 50 years or more), Wind, Nuclear, Geothermal and finally Biofuels made from bioengineered algae for instance, may be done not only in huge scales, in currently unproductive areas of the globe, but ultimately the combination of energy sources may be just as cheap as drilling for oil a mile deep in the ocean, or digging up a mountain top for coal.
Given time renewable energy may easily turn out to be cheaper than any other source we have ever had. A combination of solar thermal and Solar PV (very long lasting, to the tune of 50 years or more), Wind, Nuclear, Geothermal and finally Biofuels made from bioengineered algae for instance, may be done not only in huge scales, in currently unproductive areas of the globe, but ultimately the combination of energy sources may be just as cheap as drilling for oil a mile deep in the ocean, or digging up a mountain top for coal.