It and other farm subsidies make food exports more competitive with those of other countries like Brazil - compensate for Brazil's longer growing seasons and lower labor cost. If they did not exist, more US crops would be sold in the US and the greater supply would make price of food in the store less. So Joe Tax payer has higher taxes to pay with net effect of making his grocery bill higher.
More discussion in my old thread "How DUMB can US voters be?" - More illustration that the rich have lobbied Congress to get richer. The US has a government "Of the rich, by their lobbyist, and for their corporations."
These are the total subsidies:
$261.9 billion in subsidies 1995-2010.
And only $167.3 billion was in commodity subsidies though.
$39.2 billion was in crop insurance subsidies. (Farmers take out insurance on crops)
$35.0 billion in conservation subsidies. (Farmers are paid to put land aside for conservation reasons)
$20.5 billion in disaster subsidies. (Farmers are compensated for losses due to Federally declared disasters (such as having to kill 36 million Turkeys to possibly prevent the spread of Avian Flu))
But ignore those legitimate other subsidies and still the total is only $15 Billion per year which is almost nothing compared to the total Farm output per year over that time frame of ~$250 Billion per year
Now let's compare that to taxes for "Joe Tax Payer"
The top 25% of the households pay 87% of the income tax.
So "Joe Tax Payer", the bottom 75%, pays 13% of the taxes.
Or 13% of that $15 billion or ~$2 Billion per year.
There are ~130 million households in the US, which means the "Joe Tax Payer" share is ~100 million of them and so spreading that $2 Billion per year across 100 million households comes to the OUTRAGEOUS cost of $1.60 per month.
Joe Taxpayer has been SCREWED AGAIN.