Egypt-Bible history and Judeo-Christian disproofs

Trilairian said:
I did disprove Christianity, the religion taking those Horus attributes and attributing them to someone in the wrong time frame. The moral code is irrelevent. As for the nonchronological history explanation, my discounting of the prophesy conjecture is in the last couple of paragraphs. If the Christian premis itself was correct other than being out of the proper time frame, then the Nazarean Essenes were the true christian religion and all of Judaism including both the Isralites animal and Molech worshiping Israelites human sacrifices were a terrible apostasy ever after the time of Tutankhamun. The true Christians would all be vegetarians. None of them would expect the old testament to have any validity whatsoever. And preists would be required to marry instead of being required a life of abstenance.

Too bad only radical scholars believe this, it's not persuasive to most scholars ofcourse, the enclyclopedias are simply opinions right?
VitalOne said:
Too bad only radical scholars believe this, it's not persuasive to most scholars ofcourse, the enclyclopedias are simply opinions right?
I'm calling your bluff. You need to show your poll.
Trilairian said:
I'm calling your bluff. You need to show your poll.
I have no poll, I have sources that say that poll can be found, ofcourse anything contrary to Horus or Buddha being Jesus is wrong right?

You're ignorant for saying that the encyclopedic sources are simply opinions
VitalOne said:
I have no poll, I have sources that say that poll can be found, ofcourse anything contrary to Horus or Buddha being Jesus is wrong right?

You're ignorant for saying that the encyclopedic sources are simply opinions
M*W: Encyclopedic sources are simply unbiased opinions written for the masses. THEY ARE NOT FACTUAL.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Encyclopedic sources are simply unbiased opinions written for the masses. THEY ARE NOT FACTUAL.

Encyclopedias are reference books, to reference information, I bet if an Encyclopedia said that Jesus was a myth, you would praise it right? Then it would be factual right?

How do you account for the many similarities between other people in history? Just a coincidence? Or the "human race has many similarities"? Or what about the similarities between the sayings of many different philosophers? Just a coincidence?

It does not matter though, any fool can easily see the biased in these so called similarities, they are not really similarities
VitalOne said:
Encyclopedias are reference books, to reference information, I bet if an Encyclopedia said that Jesus was a myth, you would praise it right? Then it would be factual right?

How do you account for the many similarities between other people in history? Just a coincidence? Or the "human race has many similarities"? Or what about the similarities between the sayings of many different philosophers? Just a coincidence?

It does not matter though, any fool can easily see the biased in these so called similarities, they are not really similarities
M*W: Call it what you want. Jesus didn't exist. He was a fictional character. Why is it so important for you to believe that you have everlasting life?
Yes -TryliarIan - you are so right - all Jews believed in Baal and Moloch - doing human sacrifies every day - it is even mentioned in my books !!
Of course ALL christians have to be vegetarians - the worst christian rite is drinking the blood of Jesus at mass - a kind of cannibalism !!!!
Actually all jewish priests were allowed to marry - and did - Jesus married Mary Magdalene - but then again , Jesus was not christian untill Saul called Paul destroyed it all ..... that is IF he existed .....
You should all read my books and understand religion a little better !!
Hi James R !!!

You asked who Ahmed Osman is : he started as a lawstudent in Egypt but gave up, and became a journalist making up good stories for the newspapers, then Ahmed found a really good story : by reading the bible and ancient egyptian chronicles Ahmed discovered that Yuya could be Josef in the bible , who hold an office in ancient Egypt under the pharaoh (7 good years and 7 bad years) - ever since he has found names that could be the same person - anyone is the same if the name sounds a little like each other - Joshva,Yussuf,Joseph,Tutankamun,Balaam, Joseph from Exodus and Jesus and the Essenes are of course ALL Jesus - why not !! (The Essenes because the muslim calls Jesus for ISSA and that sound like Essenes ) - he has written quite a number of entertaining religious fiction books and has made more money on these than on journalism - when people in Egypt thought he was a bit too far out, he had to move to England (actually escape ).....

NO proof is ever given in Ahmeds books - but after all it is captivating to read that exodus never took place,Jesus and John the baptist never existed , Tutankamun is Jesus (though he never existed ) , Moses and his brother Aron were homosexual lovers,Buddha is invented in egyptian mythology and has also never existed and so on - the problem only arises when people like Try believes in it and tries hard to sell it as proof, though it is at best only a funny and entertaining theory !!!

Anyway this Ahmed Osman is actually NOT Nisus liondude .......
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Call it what you want. Jesus didn't exist. He was a fictional character. Why is it so important for you to believe that you have everlasting life?
Can you please provide proof of your "outlandish" (as Trilian says) claims. Any evidence I provide is simply an opinion right?

Haha, it isn't important, it's just funny how atheists come to believe that Jesus never existed. They seem to be so biased, just like Christian groups, that they will come to any conclusion in their favor.

Why is it so important for you to believe that you have limited life?
VitalOne said:
Can you please provide proof of your "outlandish" (as Trilian says) claims. Any evidence I provide is simply an opinion right?

Haha, it isn't important, it's just funny how atheists come to believe that Jesus never existed. They seem to be so biased, just like Christian groups, that they will come to any conclusion in their favor.

Why is it so important for you to believe that you have limited life?
M*W: You can't provide proof that Jesus existed. Why should I prove he didn't?

Atheists are more intelligent than people who believe in fantasies.

I'd be a fool to believe I'd be here forever. I've left my DNA with my children and grandchildren, therefore, my grandparents, parents and I, will probably live forever. It's a lot cheaper this way. Can you imagine how expensive xmas would be? And it would be almost impossible to remember all my grandkid's names, especially the ones who were cloned.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: You can't provide proof that Jesus existed. Why should I prove he didn't?

Atheists are more intelligent than people who believe in fantasies.

I'd be a fool to believe I'd be here forever. I've left my DNA with my children and grandchildren, therefore, my grandparents, parents and I, will probably live forever. It's a lot cheaper this way. Can you imagine how expensive xmas would be? And it would be almost impossible to remember all my grandkid's names, especially the ones who were cloned.

Uhm....I did provide proof, but encyclopedias are opinions to you, therefore you disregard them. The majority of historians believe that Jesus existed. It's only radical people like you who don't due to your ignorance.

Actually, with new science, it isn't unbelievable that the observer does indeed live forever. Ofcourse, foolish people believe only in what they can see, hear, touch, feel, and taste to be true, like a blindman who concludes there is no such thing as light.
If the Christian premis itself was correct other than being out of the proper time frame, then the Nazarean Essenes were the true christian religion and all of Judaism including both the Isralites animal and Molech worshiping Israelites human sacrifices were a terrible apostasy ever after the time of Tutankhamun. The true Christians would all be vegetarians. None of them would expect the old testament to have any validity whatsoever. And preists would be required to marry instead of being required a life of abstenance.
If your premise was correct, then there is no 'correct' time frame. Religious mythology has no 'historical' time. Who is to say that the Egyptian mythology wasn't recycled from Atlantis, or even recycled for the tenth time before the Egyptian dynasties?

The Nazarenes/Essenes ARE the true Christian religion, and animal/Molech worship was an apostacy, just as claimed by the prophets who opposed it on that basis.

True Christians ARE vegetarians. It may be permitted on the basis of the example of Noah under emergency conditions to allow killing and eating of animals, but there is no excuse for it in times of plenty, and especially nowadays with refridgerators, and crops available in every season. For basic humanitarian reasons based upon Christian teachings of love and good stewardship, most mature Christians become vegetarians. And they have the biblical support not only of John the Baptist and the Essenes, but also of DANIEL, the Vegetarian Hero (see 1st chapter! how could you miss the point of the story there?) as well as the NT author of Hebrews who claims that the sacrifice is finished along with the temple. No Sacrifice = no meat. duh.

Most Christians are well aware of the basic problems that surround the validity of the Old Testament. After all, a whole new religion (Christianity) came out of the inadequacies of the O.T. Duh.

Priests who marry ARE preferred, even in in the Anglican (Church of England) denomination which is essentially Catholicism without gay priests (or used to be). If even Anglicans agree with marriage for priests, along with Jews, who is holding out?

Most Christians with brains are essentially Essenes. QED.

Christianity remains NOT disproven.

Most Christians
VitalOne said:
I have no poll, I have sources that say that poll can be found, ofcourse anything contrary to Horus or Buddha being Jesus is wrong right?

You're ignorant for saying that the encyclopedic sources are simply opinions
Stop lying about what I said.
Ahmed Osman said:
All I do is defending the theories of Ahmed Osman - he certainly needs a champion !!!
You are not defenging him Nisus, you are trying to discredit him by misrepresenting him originally by pretending to be him. Loose the name.
VitalOne said:
Uhm....I did provide proof, but encyclopedias are opinions to you, therefore you disregard them. The majority of historians believe that Jesus existed. It's only radical people like you who don't due to your ignorance.

Actually, with new science, it isn't unbelievable that the observer does indeed live forever. Ofcourse, foolish people believe only in what they can see, hear, touch, feel, and taste to be true, like a blindman who concludes there is no such thing as light.
I did disprove it. It doesn't matter if the story predates Horus. If Jesus came even one million years ago and the religion has it that he came 2k ago it is still false.
Why so you can make it more retarded then it already sounds?
Medicine Woman said:
In fact, he was one of the foremost Egyptian scholars alive, but he recently passed away. It's sad to see that believers in fantasy bash those in academia.
Perhaps you would share his academic credentials.
Trilairian said:
You are not defenging him Nisus, you are trying to discredit him by misrepresenting him originally by pretending to be him. Loose the name.

BTW a little FYI, I'm not Ahmed Osman just to clarify again. I've no clue why you are still stuck on that. :bugeye: Does your family genepool have any history of Schizophrenia?