
It just seems to me that most people need some sort of beleif in something to make a successful society. Is it really necessary - no. But it does seem to be a wide spread phenomena. Even Chinese and Russian's are reverting back to beleif after years of atheism.

There must be something going on?!?!

I kind of like the Japanese way of things. They seem to think they will be reborn again, which alleviates their fear of total oblivion and with a combination of Buddhism and Shintoism they cover most type-II errors without disrupting their society too much.

Listen to this.
Again, anecdotal, but still it's true I was told this. My buddy from Iran was Muslim when he moved to Japan. Where he lived for ten years. He was a typical Iranian Muslim - I think. (I'm not Iranian so I really wouldn't know). He worried about not eating pork, which is everywhere, worried a little about being able to get around without touching all these non-Muslims, where is he supposed to pray, does he have to get cleaned for this and that before he prays etc... He went to the Mosques in Japan of course. He said every Japanese man that he met there, who had converted to Islam, wanted to go to the Middle East and kill the "invaders" they had a poor opinion on Jews (if not discust then outright hate) and wanted Japan to become an Islamic State.
Now, I am only passing on what I was told so I can not personally verify anything.
Maybe the type of Muslim that moves to Japan is fanatical and this rubs off on the Japanese converts. Maybe the type of Japanese that converts is looking for this.
Who knows.
Either way - while I was clearly shocked my Iranian buddy (now an athiest) was not at all. He said of course - that is Islam.

I hate to sound so typical but Christ Norsefire if the shoe fits. What the hell is going on here? I'm not saying Islam MUST be interpreted to motivate for violence but it sure has motived a lot of violent acts. Starting with the polytheists in Arabia and on through Persia through time and all the way over to a little Mosque in modern day Japan.

Somethings going on. Would you agree that it is easy to pick some verses in the Qur'an and use these to motive people towards prejudice, polygamy, slavery and dislike or distrust for non-believers? If so, is it really a good idea to have such a religion in the pluralistic modern era? Rememver I am not saying ALL and I am sure this Imam in Japan is an arsehole but Christ - it's shocking don't you think?


PS: YES YES Xainity is the same (OT) and the Torah is no better. I have heard of modern day Xians calling for the death of Muslims in America so yes they are no better. I don't think that Xian missionaries act as such. They are usaully on a converstion only scheme.

As for Jews - I don't even know of any Japanese converts.
Nope, not easy to use Islam as a motivation

But I would say it is easy to use the current political and world situation of the middle east to motivate

Islam is just the random religion. If Christianity were dominant in the ME, then it would be christian terrorists

But Islam is not any different than christianity

Like I said, please learn what an extremist is

It's not to do with Islam it's to do with the politics
I cannot pick a single verse and motivate:

Polygamy (wtf do you get this from? POLYGAMY IS WRONG!)
Slavery (wtf?)
The real question is, can a Christian society be Egalitarian? No.

Michael, the answer is YES. Coming from someone who was born, lived, and visits Syria nearly yearly, I can tell you that everyone is born equal. Yes, everyone is equal. There are no slaves, women are equals, Christians are equals, Jews are equals

Seriously, where you get this kind of stuff is above me........

You are Brain washed to the Max.


All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You are Brain washed to the Max.


All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Really? When you visit Syria and see, I'll respect your opinion

And what does that have to do with brainwashing? I do visit Syria, and I see nobody being discriminated

So which type of Religion is best suited to promote an egalitarian society?

Modern egalitarian societies include animist and ancestor worship as well as polytheistic societies. I don't know of any monotheistic cults that are egalitarian off the top of my head. There are Native American groups that are about as egalitarian as they came -not all have "chiefs."

Some Polynesian societies still have egalitarian lifeways as do some West African foraging societies.
Really? When you visit Syria and see, I'll respect your opinion

And what does that have to do with brainwashing? I do visit Syria, and I see nobody being discriminated


Anyone who thinks they live in or that there exists a truly Egalitarian society on planet earth and states it on an internet forum shows everyone that they are totally deceived.

Really.. how can anyone take what ever you say with any seriousness now that you have claimed that syria is an egalitarian society???

Come on...

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Anyone who thinks they live in or that there exists a truly Egalitarian society on planet earth and states it on an internet forum shows everyone that they are totally deceived.

Really.. how can anyone take what ever you say with any seriousness now that you have claimed that syria is an egalitarian society???

Come on...

All Praise The Ancient of Days

I did not say Syria was an egalitarian society

I said that in Syria, all people are born equal and all people have equal rights

But I did not say Syria was an egalitarian society
The real question is, can a Christian society be Egalitarian? No.

Michael, the answer is YES. Coming from someone who was born, lived, and visits Syria nearly yearly, I can tell you that everyone is born equal. Yes, everyone is equal. There are no slaves, women are equals, Christians are equals, Jews are equals

Seriously, where you get this kind of stuff is above me........

Here you are clearly claiming that syria is an Egalitarian society. You said:

"Yes, everyone is equal."

You are deceived. Either self deceived or you have been deceived by someone else.

I will stand by what i have said before:

There are No Egalitarian civilizations/ cultures/ societies on planet earth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
There are No Egalitarian civilizations/ cultures/ societies on planet earth.

The Fore of Papua New Guinea along with the many anthropologists that study them would disagree. There are many egalitarian societies that exist in Australia, North/South/Central America and in Africa despite Western and Islamic domination of the world.
The Fore of Papua New Guinea along with the many anthropologists that study them would disagree. There are many egalitarian societies that exist in Australia, North/South/Central America and in Africa despite Western and Islamic domination of the world.

LOL They can disagree all they want. But once again there are No Egalitarian societies in this world. The portrayal of some hunter gatherer societies as Egalitarian by romantic researchers is false. :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Please... enlighten me with your vast anthropological knowledge and reveal to me why it is false so that I might publish your findings as my own, refuting the research of hundreds of Ph.D.'s and grad students in the last 10 years alone!

Lest you are able to give a reason why these societies aren't egalitarian, I think its safe to accept the word of experts.

Do you think that an egalitarian society can develop from within a technologically advanced civilization?

It would have to be created out of necessity: i.e. a shipwreck or plane crash, etc. The resulting society might use all the classic features of egalitarianism such as redistribution of wealth; temporary assignment of a "big man" to solve problems; banishment from the group as punishment; etc.

Egalitarian groups are generally small and there simply isn't time and wealth for a chief or "big man" and they often rotate that responsibility when needed. Egalitarian societies often have some method of redistributing the wealth of the society, such as feasts or potlach.
Here you are clearly claiming that syria is an Egalitarian society. You said:

You are deceived. Either self deceived or you have been deceived by someone else.

I will stand by what i have said before:

There are No Egalitarian civilizations/ cultures/ societies on planet earth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Everyone is equal in the US of A. Is the USA an egalitarian society? No

So I was saying, in Syria all people are born equal, and that's it.
Well, as this thread is dwindling: I was thinking, what if, what if every person was tagged with some sort of chip and we had a computer that could calculate the productivity of each person. Now of course some people are more productive than others, some people are lazy, some people smart, some dumb, then we redistribute the wealth based on the productivity of the person as measured by this computre? I suppose I'm just thinking it would be great if wealth, as well as ill gotten gains, were not passed on from generation to generation. Each person was awarded according to their personal positive impact on society.

This is because I don't think an egalitarian society is all that great.
Egalitarianism: You 'mericans keepa using that word...I dunna think it means what you a' think it means...
Everyone is equal in the US of A. Is the USA an egalitarian society? No

So I was saying, in Syria all people are born equal, and that's it.

No you didn't. You said, and i quote:

"Yes, everyone is equal."

You said everyone IS EQUAL

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: And what has the US of A got to do with this discussion anyway???????????