effect of coffee?

Positive Effects:
Consumption can lower risks of certain cancers, can aid with certain breathing disorders, lower risk of gallstones, some research shows that caffeine can help protect brain cells, can reduce headaches.

Negative Effects:
Excessive consumption can lead to bladder cancer, extreme overdose can lead to death (as with any drug), loss of sleep sometimes, decreases bone mineral density (connection to osteoporosis).
Next to your link is this one saying tea is helpful, and I am sure coffee is also said to be helpful, because that is why I started drinking more of it. I swear a person could go mad, trying figure want to consume and want to avoid.


I found the answer to question about decaf being any better and the problem is not caffeine but tannins. Tannins is in a lot of food, berries, coffee and tea, and is used in processing wine and beer. It is good for making leather, and treating burns and stopping diarrhea, but is not so good on the liver and can lead to dehydration.


Rita, quite a few people I know have had similar problems to mine with coffee, and also with too much tea, viz. a feeling of faint nausea and some dizziness. I suspect it is common. All the people I know who have reported this have been over 50 - I found my tolerance going down when I reached about 55. I find if I keep my intake of tea and coffee below 3 cups/day I am generally OK but if I overdo it it can take 3-4 days to get back to normal. I've just added it to the increasing list of things I can no longer do as well as could when I was 30. C'est la vie. Caffeine is strong stuff, evidently.