Education by force?

Should children be forced to go to school?

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Should children be brainwashed into going to school? Why send them to school before they are old enough to decide if they want to go there?
Who decides which school? Where? What subjects? In which language? What emphasis? What input does the child have in these decisions?
it goes by what is available and a countries willingness to educate the masses. as the U.S is, for example.
Should children be brainwashed into going to school? Why send them to school before they are old enough to decide if they want to go there?

I think society should force the little bastards to go to school, and the school system should force the little bastards to learn, too!

We can't have people deciding for themselves what's good for them or not. Geez, that's freedom ...we can't have any of the damned commie concepts in modern society!!

Force is the only way to gain the freedoms that we enjoy! :D

Baron Max
Who decides which school? Where? What subjects? In which language? What emphasis? What input does the child have in these decisions?

Liberal, doo-gooder, mamby-pamby atheists, that's who! And they, of course, were forced to learn liberal, doo-gooder, mamby-pamby atheistic ways in the modern liberal, doo-gooder, mamby-pamby colleges of education.

Baron Max
Who decides which school? Where? What subjects? In which language? What emphasis? What input does the child have in these decisions?
Children have very little to no say, because they probably would prefer not to go to school, ever.
I think children should be forced into schooling when they are young, they should learn a broad range of subjects, but as they get older I think they should be allowed to choose what interests them and take classes they think are interesting or beneficial to them. I learned things in high school that I didn't care about and I will never pull on that knowledge again because they were not subjects that interested me and the career path I have chosen doesn't require that I know about those certain subjects, it's just fluff in the back of my brain, only thing it's good for now is playing Trivial Pursuit. Point is I could have used that time taking a class more valuable to my interests and career path.
Why? Because otherwise they wouldn't go and the literacy rate would sharply decrease. Today even manual labor jobs still require one to be able to read and do simple math.
Why? Because otherwise they wouldn't go and the literacy rate would sharply decrease. Today even manual labor jobs still require one to be able to read and do simple math.

Sure, but they can grow up and decide for themselves, can they not? Like you said much of the school education is pointless anyway. Why waste so many years that they could be playing or working on a farm [preferably the latter]?
Children like working on farms? You must hang around strange children. I would want my children to know how to read and write, but as they got older and if they decided that for some reason they didn't want to know how to read or write anymore they could move to another country where they no longer understand how to read or write or speak the language. You're right that is their prerogative. I would think they were weird, but I wouldn't stop them.
Of course children like working on farms. Compared to sitting in school, its heaven. Haven't you ever done it?

They can learn to read and write when they decide they want to.
Of course children like working on farms. Compared to sitting in school, its heaven. Haven't you ever done it?

They can learn to read and write when they decide they want to.

Sure did. Hated it. I had to wake up to early, it smelled bad, it got too hot, I thought the baby animals were cute, but cleaning up after them was not, the part I enjoyed most was not working, but playing around afterward. If I had to be that miserable all day everyday I would have chosen school over farm work. I won't even weed my own garden now, because I hate it so much.
So you don't think children should be forced to do farm work? But its okay to force them to go to school?
Children should never be forced to go to school if they don't want to. Or, any particular class.
From my window I have a view of England's oldest primary school building. 1830. The world survived very well for thousands of years before this form of imprisonment was introduced. I hated school. The rest of my life has been much better.

I cannot think of a worse way of learning. It is contrary to Nature. River Apes (i.e. humans) possess a natural inquisitiveness. The force feeding of facts is a violation of psychological good health. Teachers are almost universally nasty people who think they know best. In the tribal riverside environment to which we are fashioned by evolution, River Apes learn naturally, sometimes by parental guidance, and most commonly by example from elder siblings or cousins.

High rates of literacy make life increasingly intolerable for those who lack the facility to read, and who are regarded as stupid. I happen to lack the facility to read music or to draw a likeness of a face, but I know "stupid" illiterate people who can do both. We should make the world a more agreeable place for the illiterate, who are made to feel inferior and often drawn into crime.
Who decides which school? Where? What subjects? In which language? What emphasis? What input does the child have in these decisions?

Parents decide. The child has whatever input the parents allow him or her.

Children are considered to be under the guardianship of parents until they reach a certain age.
they should be required to go to school and if they do not cooperate they will be forced to cooperate.

Our society does need more homeless junkies.
From what I've read it would seem that young children have a far better ability to absorb, to learn, to aquire skills and knowledge than when we're older. Most language learning is done very early. By that premise alone it makes sense to school people when they are young.
Also they have a greater ability to do as they are told than later!:p Less disruptive, less likely to answer back, less likely to question whats on offer...all that makes them better students, in a more efficient classroom