Edgar Cayce


Science = Ecclesisates 1 V 18
Registered Senior Member
Im curious of any of you guys have heard of him....

He was a telepathetic, who while in a severe coma, somehow knew how to fix him and ordered others to give him certain medications.... That cured him..

He was a farmer and had no medical training..
However later, he was actually allowed to help others and he cured them too.

He claimed he could read the peoples unconscious mind, and see what was wrong with thier bodies.. Then he would search through the planet to see other individuals minds knew about the certain ailment, and then he would know how to cure it.

Anybody know any more about this??!?

I don't recall him being a farmer. He was a 'sleep reader' who would go into sleep/trance and predict things. He's most known for his predictions on Atlantis (his son wrote books about Atlantis and his predictions).

He predicted that Atlantis would be found and Death Ray would be discovered. This was actually put into the videogame 'Masters of Orion II'.... you find the lost city and get a Death Ray.

Problem being that many of his predictions were false or just didn't come true.
Such as? He and his son wrote several books... that's probably your best bet.
Most notable, Atlantis was supposed to have been found by now, and their technology used.
tablariddim said:
If he were in a coma, how did he 'tell' others how to cure him? Were the doctors telepathic also?

He would talk still even though he was in a coma.
Dude, read about him i cant desribe it.. He was so sick that he was near death, in a coma like trance.

Im asking for additional info, not supposed to be giving it!! :)
Persol said:
Most notable, Atlantis was supposed to have been found by now, and their technology used.

Atlantis may very well been found already. However, it may not have been identified as being Atlantis.

From the little I have read on Cayce, he appears to be quite credible.
edgar cayce is what was known as a "christian mystic". he went into meditative trances, and would offer cures for ailments like tumors and such.
he never accepted money for his treatment, and was a rare "pure christian" much like mother theresa.

who is to say that some government or another hasnt found atlantis, and is using atlantean technology secretly? governments keep secrets, people!!!

all said, he was a good man. a widely misunderstood but good man.
The Devil Inside said:
who is to say that some government or another hasnt found atlantis, and is using atlantean technology secretly? governments keep secrets, people!!!
That's not really possible considering Atlantis was made up by Plato.
atlantean myths have been around for a bit longer than plato, my friend.....but that isnt what this thread is about...

if you want to talk about atlantis, then start a thread about atlantis. i dont have A.D.D. like some people.

thanks for the input!!
atlantean myths have been around for a bit longer than plato, my friend.....but that isnt what this thread is about...
Well, considering that was his most blantantly incorrect claim... yeah... it is about Atlantis.
actually, the thread was for information about edgar cayce, not the validity of his claims. and you cant say it hasnt been found. dont be a "flat worlder"!!
who is to say it hasnt been found, and concealed from maps by governments?? i dont necessarily believe that it has been, but i leave the possibility open.
I'll mention a few other things which are simply incorrect:
He incorrectly diagnosed his own wife. Not the only person he misdiagnosed, just the most obvious.
He suggested laetrile as a cure for cancer.
Atlantis was powered by a huge crystal prism. Atlanstis was destroyed because the power was turned up to high on the prism. Atlantis had a death ray which would be found.
Said China would be converted to Christianity by 1968
"1933 would be a good year" (great depression)
Went looking for buried treasure, dug a hole, and found sand.
He claimed psoriasis was caused by thinning of the walls of the intestines.
People wrote letters asking for his help. He wrote letters back saying how they could be cured. Some of them were dead before he responded, but he stil prescribed a 'cure'.
He incorrectly provided information for the Lindbergh kidnapping
Japan, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, New York City would be destroyed within a generation due to natural events (ending 1998).
Russia would become the spiritual hope of the world.
China convert to Christianity by 1968.

His powers were tested by Dr. JB Rhine and his 'readings' did not match reality.
Cayce did NOT work his 'cures' alone. He had several advisors and assistants with actual medical backgrounds and suggested realistic cures. Tales of Cayce's powers ignore this and the fact that it was not psychic power which healed these people. More over, books and articles about Cayce have created myths which are simply wrong.

The Devil Inside said:
actually, the thread was for information about edgar cayce, not the validity of his claims. and you cant say it hasnt been found. dont be a "flat worlder"!!
Have you seen a death ray used lately? According to Cayce it would be found by 1958. His exact words were that the discovery of Atlantis and it's weapons "will have a profound effect upon the world" and "re-write our history books." Odd that neither have happened.
who is to say it hasnt been found, and concealed from maps by governments?? i dont necessarily believe that it has been, but i leave the possibility open.
You 'leave the possibility open'? Cayce's prediction doesn't leave the option open. From his statements, we'd know if it was found.
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I am assume that you are more interested in the medical predictions since you referred to the coma. Try William A McGarey's The Edgar Cayce Remedies. It was published in the 80's so a library should be able to get it for you.