Eat and Drink Whatever You Like


In search of Immortality
Valued Senior Member
(A) The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer
heart attacks than the British or Americans.

(B) On the other hand, the French eat a lot of fat and
also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or

(C) The Japanese drink very little red wine and suffer
fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.

(D) The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine
and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British
or Americans

(E) Conclusion: Eat & drink what you like. It's
speaking English that kills you.
To avoid having heart attacks, the key is to die of something else really young. ;) (That's easier than learning another language.)
Well, Chris, You just reveal englismen an americans weakness. Genetically they're have weak heart. So... just scream suddenly behind their ear, they'll drop dead :bugeye: :D

At least we dont suffer the other problem of being small and brown and destroy our selves from the inside out.
another conclusion would be to eat diets low if fat and drink red wine to lower your chances of a heart attack. Both of those have been proven right.
Nah, that's no fun, I think I'll learn Spanish and see if that helps.

Have Bovril on your toast.
it might not help but it tastes nice.
Do they have it over there Chris??

Nope I have never seen Bovril over here.

But then they don't have -

Pickled onions.
Heinz baked beans.
Branston Pickle.
Salad Cream.
Squashes (as in drinks like Orange Squash).
Malt vinegar.

To list just a few. Although I can obtain all of these at specialist British Food stores, which are quite rare.

Maybe Americans and British enjoy life to the fullest. If that means eating whatever the hell you want fine, so be it. But lets face it, America's weight problem is ridiculous. Come on people, run or do something! But than again, don't, it makes me look better LOL:p

To list just a few. Although I can obtain all of these at specialist British Food stores, which are quite rare.
I was going to say how do you stay there,but then you said this.

Maybe Americans and British enjoy life to the fullest.
Well you would not need any of it living in your mind like you do!
Malt vinegar.

Ever been to Long John Silvers. Oh, I just drown my chicken in that stuff:D

But seriously folks, I believe it lies in our Fast Food intake. Pure and total fat ~

Groove on
McDonalds: Yes, may I take your order.
Big Willy: Yeah, I need 10 big macs, 7 large fries and a large coke.
McDonalds: Would you like a lyposuction with that?
Big Willy: Yeah sure, this cellulite is driving me nuts.
McDonalds: Ok Sir, that will come to $2000.00.
Eating fatty foods is only one contributer, people need to become more active and SHOOT THE TV!:D
But then where would everyone complain about their fat problems instead of DOING something about it:bugeye:

To list just a few. Although I can obtain all of these at specialist British Food stores, which are quite rare.
I was going to say how do you stay there,but then you said this.
Ah but there is a catch.

A 415g can of Baked beans would cost 33p in the UK, but I pay $1.70 here, that's the equivalent of 1.20GBP, or about 4 times the usual price.

And abottle of Robinsons Orange squash, usually 99p costs $4.50 (3.20 GBP). Heavy huh?


Is there a way to reduce some ounces,without eating less or jogging or walking more?;)
please tell me if there is.;)

oh yeah!please dont tell me to kill myself.
i have tried that Yogurt which reduces the appetite,but mine just didnt.:D:p


Can you get brown sauce like Hp out there! or is that specialist as well??
What I have done is to show that it is possible for the way the universe began to be determined by the laws of science. In that case, it would not be necessary to appeal to God to decide how the universe began. This doesn't prove that there is no God, only that God is not necessary. [Stephen W. Hawking, Der Spiegel, 1989]
Stephen Hawking proved nothing for or against God's existance as millions of people can read this and still form their own opinion. It was arrogant for him to assume he proved "me or for that matter anyone" anything when you think about it. He offered words of wisdom that only showed that diets high in fat can cause a heart attack and that diets with wine can help deter heart attacks.(the French drink a lot of red wine even though he omitted it) He taught me nothing I didn't already know *shrugs* And his perception that he proved God isn't needed is really strange as I could say something like trees and grass appear dead every winter but they pop back to life every spring and that proved God is needed and exist. But many could read that somple sentance and form their own opinion seperate from mine. No matter how hard I try to force someone to believe as I do, it will fail, and the same can be said for him. You can't prove "beliefs" and only facts.. But facts change as the world learns more as knowlegde and evolution keep on going and going like the ernegizer bunny. The earth was flat, the universe rotated around the earth are just two expamples.. What we assume we know today will be history 500 years from now and much of what we thought we knew will be laughed at.

My personal view on weight reduction –

If you are overweight and do not have any other medical problems then you probably have two problems –

1. Your metabolism is too low.
2. You may be eating too much of the wrong type of food.

Trying to eat less food won’t help reduce your weight, since your body will recognize a lower food intake and will slow down your metabolism even more and increase the signals that make you feel hungry. You can’t sustain such a war against yourself that way. All diets that try this all fail.

Increasing your metabolism will burn off excess fat. Combine that with the correct quantity and correct type of food should return most people to a healthy weight.

To determine the correct quantity of food: Your stomach is about the size of your fist. At each meal only select a quantity that is about the size of your fist.

Always eat when you feel hungry.

Avoid sugar and high carbohydrate foods, since these stimulate more insulin, which is the fat production hormone.

Eat high fiber foods. These produce bulk that improves bowel health and tends to make you feel satisfied.

Totally ignore calorie counts on foods. These are largely meaningless since these are scientific measurements of how much energy is produced when a precise quantity of the food is burnt in a furnace. The human body uses the molecules in different foodstuffs for different purposes and not just for energy. Why do you never see obese wild animals? Do they know how to count calories?

Increasing metabolism: There are drugs that do this but usually also have serious side effects, like increased blood pressure. I wouldn’t touch these.

Frequent physical exercise and resistance training improves heart and lung efficiency and increases muscle mass. Muscle burns energy faster than anything else. A 40-minute strenuous walk every day may be enough. Or three resistance-training sessions (30 minutes each) a week plus 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 3 times a week. Anything less then you are probably wasting your time. Increasing muscle mass results in a corresponding increase in metabolism.

Aim for only around 10% (slightly more for females) of your body being fat. Don’t eat low fat foods since fat is good for skin tone and healthy brains. Eat plenty of food to help maintain your muscle mass. Never feel hungry, and never take part in reducing diets.

I don’t believe there are any short cuts to a healthy body other than a healthy eating regime and frequent physical exercise. Sorry, probably not what you wanted to hear.

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