Easter is Coming...


Valued Senior Member
Here is a video that presents a nice illustration of how faith can change one's perspective. There is no getting around the fact God has declared in His Word that faith is the prerequistite to a relationship with Him leading to justification and eternal life. Not only is it the prerequisite, it is the means by which the relationship is maintained over the course of life on earth. There is a reason God has set things up this way. Trust is the basis of any relationship. Without trust, a meaningful relationship is impossible.

Blessings to each and every one of you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

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There is no getting around the fact God has declared in His Word that faith is the prerequistite to a relationship with Him

Illogical: in order to know what God declared takes more than faith. To say you know His declaration yet only have faith in His existence just doesn't work. You cannot know any God facts if you only have faith in His existence....back to the drawing board.
Illogical: in order to know what God declared takes more than faith. To say you know His declaration yet only have faith in His existence just doesn't work. You cannot know any God facts if you only have faith in His existence....back to the drawing board.

There is no going back.
Youtube videos...
Check out Edward Currents satires on Faith on youtube...

The problem with your claim is that you have faith in the bible because the bible told you to have faith in it. Full circle.

"Take my word without proof. In fact... you HAVE to take my word without proof or I'll damn you to eternity in hell!"

It's hard to argue with that... Well... Hard for a fundie. Easy for me. But then... I'm not a fundie.
The problem with your claim is that you have faith in the bible because the bible told you to have faith in it. Full circle.

I was a theist before I knew The Bible existed...

"Take my word without proof. In fact... you HAVE to take my word without proof or I'll damn you to eternity in hell!"

He gave you proof--by raising Jesus from the dead. If you don't believe/trust the testimonies of those who saw Him (and spoke with Him) afterwards--who have no reason to lie to you--well, that's your choice. Jesus says "be it done unto you according to thy faith"...and so it shall be.
Here is a video that presents a nice illustration of how faith can change one's perspective. There is no getting around the fact God has declared in His Word that faith is the prerequistite to a relationship with Him leading to justification and eternal life. Not only is it the prerequisite, it is the means by which the relationship is maintained over the course of life on earth. There is a reason God has set things up this way. Trust is the basis of any relationship. Without trust, a meaningful relationship is impossible.

Blessings to each and every one of you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

M*W: This is crap. It's what led us into the Dark Ages.
I was a theist before I knew The Bible existed...

He gave you proof--by raising Jesus from the dead. If you don't believe/trust the testimonies of those who saw Him (and spoke with Him) afterwards--who have no reason to lie to you--well, that's your choice. Jesus says "be it done unto you according to thy faith"...and so it shall be.
M*W: You are a blubbering fool who is uneducated about what you are trying to sell here in a science forum.

1. You were born an atheist. Then you became a theist because you were told to do so.

2. It was the sun who "died" and went beneath the earth only to rise again on "Sun" day. Doh!

3. No one "saw" him or spoke to "him." They didn't exist either. It was all just a big lie that you were taught to believe.

4. Well, let me tell you what. There's a big sale at the furniture store this Sunday, and I have faith that I'm going to get a big fat discount.

5. Go ahead. Enjoy your myth.
photizo said:
If you don't believe/trust the testimonies of those who saw Him (and spoke with Him) afterwards--who have no reason to lie to you--well, that's your choice
No such testimonies exist, AFAIK.

And if they were to appear, I would note that they do have reason to lie to me - and even more reason to have been misled themselves - in the same manner as the dozens and hundreds of similar accounts involving different incidents have apparently had their source in confusion, deception, ulterior motive, common human nature, and so forth.
2. It was the sun who "died" and went beneath the earth only to rise again on "Sun" day. Doh!

4. Well, let me tell you what. There's a big sale at the furniture store this Sunday, and I have faith that I'm going to get a big fat discount.

5. Go ahead. Enjoy your myth.

haha, lol, is that real, i mean, does it really exist in the bible, i mean, about, beneath the earth only...
(sorry, i just couldnt stop my self from laughin on this one, pelas, don't take it as an offence, :p sorry)
anyway; now i can see why you think all relegions are man-made..
haha, lol, is that real, i mean, does it really exist in the bible, i mean, about, beneath the earth only...
(sorry, i just couldnt stop my self from laughin on this one, pelas, don't take it as an offence, :p sorry)
anyway; now i can see why you think all relegions are man-made..
M*W: No, it doesn't say that in the bible. I said it. When is the bible supposed to be factual reference material? What I said refers to the astro-theological interpretation, a metaphor of the dying sun. A metaphor is a figure of speech. Astro-Theology is what I study. This is what my is to research, and those are my words. ha ha, lol, indeed.

Isn't Islam man-made?
Isn't Islam man-made?

i don't think so, it's harder to be written by men, also Mohamed didnt know how to wright, or to read, but later he learned how, after the quran, also he wasn't a poet. no, it' not man-made. and i don't know what do you think, if you think it's man-made or nor man-made, it's your opinion, actually i don't bother about what the others think :D ;)
No such testimonies exist, AFAIK.

And if they were to appear, I would note that they do have reason to lie to me - and even more reason to have been misled themselves - in the same manner as the dozens and hundreds of similar accounts involving different incidents have apparently had their source in confusion, deception, ulterior motive, common human nature, and so forth.

Um, what reason would/could there be for those who adhere to the moral and ethical teachings of Jesus (for example, His directive "let your 'yes' be yes and your 'no' be no") to lie to you?
i don't think so, it's harder to be written by men, also Mohamed didnt know how to wright, or to read, but later he learned how, after the quran, also he wasn't a poet. no, it' not man-made. and i don't know what do you think, if you think it's man-made or nor man-made, it's your opinion, actually i don't bother about what the others think :D ;)
M*W: I asked you in a previous post, "Isn't Islam man-made?"

You replied, "i don't think so," and you added, "it's harder to be written by men," that Mohammed "didn't know how to wright (sic), but later he learned how after the quran...." Then you finally said, "no, it's not man-made."

I'm not sure you understand what you are saying. You don't know, then you admit Mohammad was illiterate, then you say you are sure Islam was not man-made. Might I suggest that you consider becoming a politician. You seem to have the wavering ability for it. In other words, you can neither confirm nor deny that Mohammad wrote the Quran. I capitalize it it out of respect for the religion in which you believe. I don't give christians that courtesy.

To answer the question you were unable to, I have provided you the following Islamic-friendly website to read. Perhaps this link will educate you and give you the answer to my question, "Isn't Islam man-made?"

M*W: I asked you in a previous post, "Isn't Islam man-made?"

You replied, "i don't think so," and you added, "it's harder to be written by men," that Mohammed "didn't know how to wright (sic), but later he learned how after the quran...." Then you finally said, "no, it's not man-made."

I'm not sure you understand what you are saying. You don't know, then you admit Mohammad was illiterate, then you say you are sure Islam was not man-made. Might I suggest that you consider becoming a politician. You seem to have the wavering ability for it. In other words, you can neither confirm nor deny that Mohammad wrote the Quran. I capitalize it it out of respect for the religion in which you believe. I don't give christians that courtesy.

To answer the question you were unable to, I have provided you the following Islamic-friendly website to read. Perhaps this link will educate you and give you the answer to my question, "Isn't Islam man-made?"

i'm sure quran is not man-made, if it was man-made, don't you think that it will surve the rich people buisness and for them to controll people? but in fact, no, it did the cotrary, stoped slavery, stoped the right for rich people to rule poors, also called to make rich people and poor ecaul, none is better than the other, this doesnt surve rich people's buisness, also, juts now i knew about it, in christanity, god, is jesus, but in islam, no, in islam, god is who created everything, just an additioal info, anyway, i don't actually kare if you think it's man-made or not, but i'm sure it's not man made, if you think it is, ok, and ..., no problem, everybudy is free to think what to think, but i'm totally convinced with my relegion, if you even knew islam, and read about it's calls and basics, you will see that it's a terrorism relegion or something, it even calls to ecaulize between relegion and real life, you don't need to spen all your time at reading quran and praying, the worker guy, that work to suport his family and stuff, is better than who pray all the time, etc... anyway, whatever, i'm very convinced of my relegion, and it's not like you think in anyway... :)
mohamed, is a messenger from god, (not jesus, i mean allah, god, the creator, etc...) and mohamed is a normal human, that he got those messages, i mean, not like, he have been sent like a mail or something, there's a word that sounds like, inspiration, or, we call it "wahi" means, to get messages from god, in his mind, etc... like mary the virgin, when she runned away with her baby at first so they don't kill him, and etc... long story, anyway, ...
photizo said:
Um, what reason would/could there be for those who adhere to the moral and ethical teachings of Jesus (for example, His directive "let your 'yes' be yes and your 'no' be no") to lie to you?
Ambition, greed, sense of a higher purpose, rhetorical purposes, effective proselyzing of their religion, mental disturbances of various kinds, all the usual reasons. But we don't know whether the people who wrote down the second and third and fourth hand accounts we have were "adhering" to anything of the kind, so it doesn't matter anyway.
shadow said:
i'm sure quran is not man-made, if it was man-made, don't you think that it will surve the rich people buisness and for them to controll people? but in fact, no, it did the cotrary, stoped slavery, stoped the right for rich people to rule poors, also called to make rich people and poor ecaul, none is better than the other, this doesnt surve rich people's buisness,
Where would you get the idea that the Quran did any of those things?

It's a book. Books are written by people, in human languages, for human purposes. The actual influence of the Quran is visible all over the world.
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i'm sure quran is not man-made, if it was man-made, don't you think that it will surve the rich people buisness and for them to controll people? but in fact, no, it did the cotrary, stoped slavery, stoped the right for rich people to rule poors, also called to make rich people and poor ecaul, none is better than the other, this doesnt surve rich people's buisness, also, juts now i knew about it, in christanity, god, is jesus, but in islam, no, in islam, god is who created everything, just an additioal info, anyway, i don't actually kare if you think it's man-made or not, but i'm sure it's not man made, if you think it is, ok, and ..., no problem, everybudy is free to think what to think, but i'm totally convinced with my relegion, if you even knew islam, and read about it's calls and basics, you will see that it's a terrorism relegion or something, it even calls to ecaulize between relegion and real life, you don't need to spen all your time at reading quran and praying, the worker guy, that work to suport his family and stuff, is better than who pray all the time, etc... anyway, whatever, i'm very convinced of my relegion, and it's not like you think in anyway... :)
mohamed, is a messenger from god, (not jesus, i mean allah, god, the creator, etc...) and mohamed is a normal human, that he got those messages, i mean, not like, he have been sent like a mail or something, there's a word that sounds like, inspiration, or, we call it "wahi" means, to get messages from god, in his mind, etc... like mary the virgin, when she runned away with her baby at first so they don't kill him, and etc... long story, anyway, ...
M*W: Long story, short. All religions are man-made. Period.
i'm sure quran is not man-made, if it was man-made, don't you think that it will surve the rich people buisness and for them to controll people? but in fact, no, it did the cotrary, stoped slavery, stoped the right for rich people to rule poors, also called to make rich people and poor ecaul, none is better than the other, this doesnt surve rich people's buisness, also, juts now i knew about it, in christanity, god, is jesus, but in islam, no, in islam, god is who created everything, just an additioal info, anyway, i don't actually kare if you think it's man-made or not, but i'm sure it's not man made, if you think it is, ok, and ..., no problem, everybudy is free to think what to think, but i'm totally convinced with my relegion, if you even knew islam, and read about it's calls and basics, you will see that it's a terrorism relegion or something, it even calls to ecaulize between relegion and real life, you don't need to spen all your time at reading quran and praying, the worker guy, that work to suport his family and stuff, is better than who pray all the time, etc... anyway, whatever, i'm very convinced of my relegion, and it's not like you think in anyway... :)
mohamed, is a messenger from god, (not jesus, i mean allah, god, the creator, etc...) and mohamed is a normal human, that he got those messages, i mean, not like, he have been sent like a mail or something, there's a word that sounds like, inspiration, or, we call it "wahi" means, to get messages from god, in his mind, etc... like mary the virgin, when she runned away with her baby at first so they don't kill him, and etc... long story, anyway, ...
M*W: I'm not trying to keep you from your religion. Please, indulge yourself until you vomit. But, please, do not associate me ever with Jesus or christianity. I am farther removed from this piece-of-shit false belief than even you are. Just because I am a White American, does not mean I believe Jesus or his mother existed anywhere except in pulp fiction written by men who created those characters from the inner dark recesses of their perverted, sun-worshipping, minds.

Would you let Pope Benedict XVI babysit your children?
Ambition, greed, sense of a higher purpose, rhetorical purposes, effective proselyzing of their religion, mental disturbances of various kinds, all the usual reasons.

Jesus says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks...The New Testament is reflective of things wholly other than what you attribute to the writers. Writers possessing such attitudes and attributes would not produce the NT and all it contains. The effort would be far too painful.
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M*W: I'm not trying to keep you from your religion. Please, indulge yourself until you vomit. But, please, do not associate me ever with Jesus or christianity. I am farther removed from this piece-of-shit false belief than even you are. Just because I am a White American, does not mean I believe Jesus or his mother existed anywhere except in pulp fiction written by men who created those characters from the inner dark recesses of their perverted, sun-worshipping, minds.

uuuh...what ah*ll are you talking about?
okay... because of you're a white american you're what... hahaha, i'm also white... and... what's your point?

Would you let Pope Benedict XVI babysit your children?

uuh... what? , first, we don't have priests, or even popa or something... so... uuh... what? it seems you're like, i don't know, don't read much about relegion, ok, it's just an advice...
