Earth Changes...Message


Registered Senior Member
The following message was in my Outlook at Dec. 5. I have been waiting to long with posting this, but I think it belongs with the ruling mentality in the world and its destructive behaviour which is going on during the war on terrorim and other wars who are terrorizing Earth right now.

Not in the least to speak of the rudeness which is going on amongst the inhabitants of America now a days by acting from the security services and the government in particular. Racism and hatred are ruling the Land.

It is written down by Wayne Moody and the message is coming from Tawatnaw, a chief who gets his messages from the Spheres.

Shakeup Coming

The changes in your world are in the process of accelerating. The forces of darkness and light are polarizing and becoming more separated and clearly defined. It will be difficult to avoid making choices between the two clear options as the stresses of separation increase.

During this final intensification, your world will shake as has not been experienced but in far distant memories of previous continental destructions. You are entering into a period where the earth will shake in many places almost simultaneously. This is now beginning its buildup and will continue increasing so that a clear pattern will be recognized within the next few months. Many will be afraid and will fear that the predictions for massive earth changes, including the sinking of lands, massive inundation, and rising of new lands in the oceans, are upon you. There will be new eruptions as the pressures building beneath the Earth's surface are released.

This shaking is both a result of the inability of your leadership and your governance mechanisms to change in response to the many warnings that have been given, as well as our way to shake many more into a new awareness that major changes are necessary if your world is to survive its many assaults.

In the beginning, the quakes will not be massive in terms of creating great destruction. However, they will be many and will tend to increase in magnitude in those areas that are accustomed to quakes, and will also occur in greater numbers in places that do not normally experience quaking. As we say, the quaking will increase in numbers and will only begin to increase slightly in magnitude. However, this quaking will gradually increase in magnitude until there is sufficient attention given to its threats and until there is significant change in the methods of honoring the Earth. Many will feel the shaking, even in areas that are far distant from the actual quake epicenters.

We do not wish to create panic, nor do we wish to cause pain and destruction. However, a shakeup is necessary in order to change the relationships that many Earth inhabitants have with each other, with the sacredness of the land itself, and with the ways of governance. We are entering into a time where the people themselves must assume more responsibility for creating their own safety and their own communities, and to take control of their governance out of the hands of those who have only self-interest and who seek to control the minds and the economies of the masses for personal benefit. We tell those who are secure in their understanding and honoring of community and Earth not to fear these changes, but to embrace them with compassion and joy, for they will result in a new unity, a new peace, and a new harmony. We ask that those who are practiced in the ways of honoring the ground upon which they stand and honoring the Earth spirit step up their efforts to educate others and make their philosophies known.

We ask those to speak out to make their governments and their leaders accountable for their actions. We ask that they take even greater responsibility to speak their truths and to not fear what others might think or say. There is power in numbers; there is power in truth; there is power in a single individual speaking his or her truth, even to small groups. We tell you unequivocally that, as those of you who have an understanding of the sacredness of the Earth, and a passion for your cause speak out and be heard, and spread the word of truth to those close to you, the Earth will settle back down and become like a refreshing garden, nurturing and comforting you and providing a new level of safety and security.

At the same time, we will tell you that amazing new announcements, discoveries, and revelations will continue to be made that will help shift public opinion and awareness of new possibilities. These will be related to Earth history, energy sources, cosmic relationships, and previously hidden documents. These discoveries and announcements are designed to open eyes that have been refusing to see. The pressure has been building in intensity to reveal previously-guarded secret information. As more of these announcements are made, it will help to relieve the need for geologic shakeups.

We know that Wayne has been getting urges over the past several days to write something about the coming shakeups, as he has been seeing small hints, but has been reluctant to do so, for fear that it may not be accurate. We ask him to have the courage to share this information with others and to not fear that it might not be totally accurate, for it may encourage others to speak that may not otherwise be heard.

One word, proper noun: Psychobabble.

So many words, so little substance.

Run in place, go somewhere.

Planet X...

The following report about Planet X came in by a mailinglist I am subscribed to.

Russias largest observatory has observed a 'new planet' approaching Earth.

The next message is from an alarmed human in San Diego who contacted NASA about this Planet X and he spoke with a scientist there at NASA:

Two things are certain, they told him (scientist at NASA): 1) Planet X
exists. 2) It is coming between May 15 and May 30 of 2003. The rest
is speculation. But, if its good enough for the NASA scientists, its
good enough for me( San Diego). The earth will stand still for about three days
and then, in one hour, rotate a full 90 degrees (the pole shift)
during which time winds will be an average of 200 miles per hour.
Every volcano on earth will erupt and of
course there will be many earthquakes, so two thirds of
earths population will die in that one hour surprise.
Then another 20% will starve to death during the next six months
because the volcanic ash will cover the earth and keep out sunlight
for six months. About 10% of the population (about 600 million) will
survive. He said NASAs top scientists wanted to go to Mars and
survive but that didnt work out. So they are making a space station
which will be able to maneuver itself on the other side of earth,
using earth as a shield between the space station and Planet X. This
way the top scientists will live. He said it is already affecting
Neptunes gravitational pole and once it gets close to Pluto, it will
take only three months to get here. He confirmed what Mark said
(although he never heard of this book), which is that Planet X goes
very slowly and then very, very fast all of a sudden. But, once near
Pluto it will be a red dot in the sky which will gradually get bigger
during several months, and can be seen with the naked eye six weeks
before the pole shift. He confirmed that the northern inland part of
the States is good; it is where the scientists are going. This will
be near the equator after the shift. After hearing all this, I wonder
whether I want to survive. I don't relish the idea of seeing starving
people. I haven't made up my mind, but it is definitely shifting me
into an altered state just knowing this. I am living my life fully
appreciating everything, which began after reading Mark's book and is
now intenisfied. For those of you who are having second thoughts
about survival, I cannot recommend highly enough Dr. Michael Newtons
research on the afterlife: Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls.
Read those if you have any fear of death. If you want to survive
those 200 mile per hour winds, though, you need a dome house and lots
of food stockpiled! Another thing: I have known about the secret
elite government for about three years. But after finding out the
truth, I feel that even if we had a benevolent government, they are
wise not to publicize this. They are powerless to find the resources
to save everyone. Besides, it is wise to let the masses enjoy their
lives till the last. I am now working on forgiving
them for all they have done to mess up this planet; how
this all plays out may actually make their doings a moot point.
Hopefully, as this man quoted his friends, Planet X will be the great
equalizer, dethroning the powers that be.

Zecharia Sitchin is a world renowned scholar, author, and
acheologist. I've heard enough reports to understand that Zacharia
Sitchin occasionally says that X is very close to passing. He will
not elaborate on why he says this or give an exact date. This is
hearsay and is not something he does regularly or will admit to on
the record. So with this in mind take it anyway you see fit.

Insiders in Nasa & the military privately confirm that many are
quietly building dome-homes (strongest structure know to man) in the
upper USA (one of the safest areas). Make a few calls about domes &
confirm this for yourself.

Trusting the Pentagon/gov't to guard itself & relay needed
information to protect you is clearly illogical.

Planet X is Nibiru, Wormwood, or THE MOST REVERED HEAVENLY BODY IN
ALL ANTIQUITY. After 3600 years on its regular orbit it will pass
ARCHEOLOGY shows its effect on Earth with each passage. Yes, some
conspiracies are without merit, ignoring history and science is
another matter. The faint red cross to the left of this red object in
the middle may be X.

In July, 2001 the red object "2001 KX76" was disclosed, it's NOT X.
This was the original attempt at misdirection. By August 2001 the
disinformation had changed to the "LARGEST ASTERIOD EVER" and it's
now shown as blue. All speculation about a large DULL RED inbound
brown-dwarf coming in from that direction was to be avoided. It's the
same label on a different object.

Nasa will continue to identify objects ahead and around X to
misdirect attention. The normal helpful & professional Nasa employees
are being evasive & condescending when asked about it. As many know
Nasa has covered-up evidence of ufos, ET's, & structures on the moon
and mars for quite some time. How Nasa has chosen to handle their
knowledge of Planet X fits into this same pattern. Over 600+ current
and X gov't employees are currently working to change this gov't
deceit within "The Disclosure Project," working on capitol hill.

Here's where to find the real X coordinates:

several reasons. One of which is to avoid causing panic among the
world's population. Many websites and articles continue to be written
about Planet X that spread lies. They say it only MAY exist and comes
around only once every few million years IF it does. This
disinformation is widespread.

X orbits between our sun and its dark twin. A diagram from the 1987
NEW SCIENCE & INVENTION ENCYCLOPEDIA shows our dead twin sun & the
10th planet.

X's MASS, MAGNETISM & DENSITY is such that it DISRUPTS the surface of
EVERY PLANET IT PASSES. In fact, history shows approximately 7 YEARS
PRIOR to its passage its far reaching eletromagnetic/gravitational
influence changes Earths core flows TRIGGERING WEATHER, VOLCANIC &
SEISMIC ACTIVITY. Since early 1996 traditional WEATHER has CHANGED
DRAMATICALLY, breaking all time records regularly. The up-tick of
kept out of the media as much as possible. Weather alone can falsely
be blamed on global warming & sun cycles but not earths rumblings at
the same time.

Research the advent of PLANET X and the cataclysms it will trigger by
passing EARTH. Being prepared and FOREWARNED gives one an EXCELLENT


Even the majority of the earthchange intuitives prophecies are tied
into or name Planet X.


Stephanie, an appreciative reader, posted 22 pages from
Blindsided Planet X Earthchanges here:

Nexus Magazine Nov/Dec issue; scrool down to "Twilight
Zone" and click 2nd underlined url/sentence. It leads to
2 donated websites.
The next message is from an alarmed human in San Diego who contacted NASA about this Planet X and he spoke with a scientist there at NASA:

Sounds and reads more like that alarmed human in San Diego spoke with a NASA janitor and couldn't tell the difference.

Re: Planet X...

Really, Banshee, you need to install some kind of bullsh*t-o-meter in your brain to filter some of this rubbish. Is there <i>anything</i> you don't believe in?

<i>Russias largest observatory has observed a 'new planet' approaching Earth.</i>

Oh? Please provide a link to the announcement by that observatory, or to a reputable new source with the story.

<i>Two things are certain, they told him (scientist at NASA): 1) Planet X exists.</i>

Which scientist? Name please.

<i> 2) It is coming between May 15 and May 30 of 2003. The rest
is speculation.</i>

What? They can't do any better than the date? No more information? Really?

<i>The earth will stand still for about three days
and then, in one hour, rotate a full 90 degrees (the pole shift)
during which time winds will be an average of 200 miles per hour.</i>

Why? How? What's the physical mechanism for this? Do you have any idea of how much energy would be required to do that? What's the source?

<i>Every volcano on earth will erupt and of
course there will be many earthquakes, so two thirds of
earths population will die in that one hour surprise.</i>

2/3 eh? Wow. But that's just speculation, right?

<i>He said NASAs top scientists wanted to go to Mars and
survive but that didnt work out. So they are making a space station which will be able to maneuver itself on the other side of earth, using earth as a shield between the space station and Planet X. This way the top scientists will live.</i>

Even if this was true, what good would it do?

<i>Planet X goes very slowly and then very, very fast all of a sudden.</i>

What's the mechanism for this? Do you realise how much energy would be required to do that? What's the source?

<i>For those of you who are having second thoughts
about survival, I cannot recommend highly enough Dr. Michael Newtons research on the afterlife: Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls.</i>

Oh, come on... one thing at a time, please!

<i>Another thing: I have known about the secret
elite government for about three years.</i>

Dare I ask?

<i>Zecharia Sitchin is a world renowned scholar, author, and

I've never heard of him.

<i>Planet X is Nibiru, Wormwood, or THE MOST REVERED HEAVENLY BODY IN ALL ANTIQUITY.</i>

But this is all speculation, isn't it, since all we know is the date, right?

<i>Nasa will continue to identify objects ahead and around X to
misdirect attention.</i>

Why would they do that? Nasty NASA! Bad NASA!

<i>The normal helpful & professional Nasa employees
are being evasive & condescending when asked about it.</i>

Let me guess. They call you a nutter then hang up on you. Can't see why, myself.

<i>X orbits between our sun and its dark twin.</i>

Dark twin? Oh dear...

<i>X's MASS, MAGNETISM & DENSITY is such that it DISRUPTS the surface of EVERY PLANET IT PASSES. In fact, history shows approximately 7 YEARS PRIOR to its passage its far reaching eletromagnetic/gravitational influence changes Earths core flows TRIGGERING WEATHER, VOLCANIC & SEISMIC ACTIVITY. Since early 1996 traditional WEATHER has CHANGED DRAMATICALLY, breaking all time records regularly.</i>

Ooh...lots of capital letters there, so it MUST be important!

etc. etc.

Banshee this is way, way too much. If planet X passes us every thirty six hundred years then mankind would definitely not be what it is today. I heard about another planet being discovered but it's way out in the Oort cloud. I cannot accept this because true scientific thought supersides such b.s. Shouldn't this hurt planet Earth too?

Plus you're forgetting jupiter and saturn-two gravity wells that have probably saved Earth more times than we could count from huge comet impacts. Remember shoemaker levy 9? I bet sooner or later without jupiter those 'babies' would hit Earth.

Plus if we launched all the nukes on Earth towards it (it sounds crazy but so does this statement) I think that it's trajectory would noticeably change. I haven't seen or heard of any dome houses, and don't you think that NASA and the government would want to inform us of such a momentous event? Shouldn't more private organizations across the world also be observing this? There are way, way too many holes.

Banshee do you really believe this? Honestly?
Shrike, did you read the links which are given with this?:)

Lots of information to be found there.

Guess it is much harder for you humans to read all of it in this Topic then it is to read about it at the Science Forum. Isn't it? Bet the reactions would be different there,

Read the links please. They are not mentioned with it for nothing.;)

It is easy to do, just klick on it and read.

By the way, I didn't say it was so. I am just passing information. You can look at it in any way you want. But then be serious and read the links with it...
I have glanced through each site NOW-I had no time before, but since it takes ~3660 years for an orbit that would mean that a sh*tload of people died in 1660 b.c. Is there any record of that? NOO. The Roman Empire existed until the early A.D's, they never recorded any apocolypse and they would definitely be the ones to read through to find if there really was one. I don't know how old that empire is but I believe that it did extend well beyond 1660 b.c

This is just totally ludicrous. Did you know that since humans could speak to each other and form religions they've been saying that the apocolypse was coming? I saw on the today show about two fellas who predicted a massive storm that would ravage america in the year 2000, but unless I've been living up on the ISS with no windows or radio antennae then I don't believe anything remotely like that occured. The fact is that if armaggedon happened before than there would be some record of it. I have never, ever seen so much b.s in my life, when it comes to armaggedon theories.

Oh, wait, let me form a similar theory to this one:mad:
Five and a half years from now a man in a large yellow hat with a pet monkey will fly off in a rocket and hurl pluto at Earth, which will kill EVERYONE before ANYONE knows ANYTHING about it. We'll all be gone. Poof. We're all dead.

here's a link:
and another one:

There is no factual evidence in my theory, and there is no factual evidence in the planet x one.

Phew, I'm sorry for getting so flustered :)
Shrike, I have had the news from Ananova. Nothing new under the Sun. A vulcano erupted a little in Mexico and no evacuation was necessarry. Lucky for the humans living there. :)

I don't say it is so, I pass information. It are no facts, just theories. Like the following, but worth taking notice of it.

With regards to Krsanna Duran:

Earthquakes and volcanoes will not destroy the existing civilization, but the effects of major earth events will trigger devastating effects by way of existing corruption within the society. Nuclear, biological and chemical contamination released through earthquake damage is potentially catastrophic to the genetic integrity of all life on this planet.

The contemporary devastation of nuclear, biological and chemical agents in the modern society obviously differ from conditions of the ancient societies, but weak social structures could have been radically impacted by earthquakes anciently.

SENT by Bill Hamilton:

Dec. 14 - Killer earthquakes may have caused the collapse of numerous civilizations through human history, scientists said on Thursday, offering fresh theories for the sudden disappearance of urban cultures ranging from ancient Troy to the Maya of Central America.

"The key question is: why were these places physically destroyed?" said Amos Nur, a professor of geophysics at Stanford University. "We believe that natural disasters, and especially earthquakes, played a major role."
Nur, one of a number of scientists briefing this week's meeting of the American Geophysical Union, developed his theory looking at the end of the Bronze Age in the eastern Mediterranean, where cities including Troy, Mycenae and Knossos were literally wiped from the map around 1200 B.C.

Nur has suggested that an "earthquake storm" may be responsible for the disappearance of so many large urban centers between 1225 and 1175 B.C. Other scientists at the meeting have taken the theory further, suggesting that historical earthquakes may have caused the collapse of other civilizations ranging from the Harappan of India's Indus River valley in 1900 BC. to the Mayan Classic Period in central America in the 9th century A.D.

The Harappan, after thriving in the Indus River area for some 2,000 years, disappeared around 1900 B.C. - a vanishing act some scholars have blamed on everything from changing trade patterns to Aryan invaders from the North. Nur and Prasad, however, looked at the region's seismic history - and noted that numerous catastrophic earthquakes have periodically struck the coastal region near the border between India and Pakistan.

According to their theory, one or more such seismic events could have moved enough earth to effectively dam one of the area's major rivers, disrupting agriculture and leading to floods which eventually covered some of their cities in silt. Stanford geophysicist Robert Kovach is applying the same theory to the Mayan Civilization of Central America, one phase of which ended abruptly when the cities of Quirigua and Benque Viejo were suddenly abandoned in the late 9th century.

Kovach's research postulates that both cities - cultural centers of the Mayan Classic Period - could have been leveled by a single earthquake on the Chixoy-Polochic and Motagua fault zones.

Nur conceded that the earthquake hypothesis has its critics, at least one of whom has dubbed it the "Godzilla Attacks Babylon" theory of human cultural decline.

Major problems in identifying specific faults responsible for past earthquakes, as well as more theoretical challenges to the notion that a brief disaster could wipe out a thriving civilization, have all raised as reasons to doubt the theory. But Nur said that growing seismic evidence, when coupled with the human historical record, may eventually prove that earthquakes have been major factors in numerous incidents of cultural collapse.

"What really gets destroyed by these earthquakes are the monumental structures, it's not the farmers in the field," Nur said,- suggesting that small ruling elites in strictly hierarchical civilizations may find themselves defenseless in the chaos following a major quake.

"The evidence is all patchy. It's the ultimate detective work," Nur said. "But when you have a really big earthquake, and weakness in the center of society, then the quake can be the trigger - it can be the thing that pushes civilization over the edge."

Remeber...No facts...just information.;)
Banshee , do you know how many acopolipse theories I have heard. The last 3 years have been extremely full of them
According to them I should have been died in summer of 1999, 31 12 1999, 1 1 2000, 6 2000, 2001. etc etc.
the same happened in 1000s, check the history records. everyone in christian world panicked then. And about planet x, don't you think tht private observers would have had noticed smth so big as a whole planet.]
and eve if it is a planet the gravitational force of saturn and jupiter is more than enough to pull the planet to them not us.
'planet x' or asteroid?

Orbit Simulation of an in August discovered asteroid reaching Earth in 2003.

This one is coming real close to Earth.

And what about the weather which is behaving rather strange at the least, looking at what happened in Australia during the last week. Twisters, heavy rain, Lightning and even very low temperatures (2-6C), during the Summer time.

First things first. The asteroid simulation:

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<i>And what about the weather which is behaving rather strange at the least, looking at what happened in Australia during the last week. Twisters, heavy rain, Lightning and even very low temperatures (2-6C), during the Summer time.</i>

Where in Australia, Banshee?

There was a twister out at sea seen by the boats in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, but that would not be too uncommon. Neither is heavy rain or lightning, which we've had in Victoria. As for the low temperatures, we had a couple of days at about 20 degrees C, which is low for this time of year (but not 2-6 degrees). But a couple of days ago we had a day over 30 degrees. Nothing odd, as far as I can see.
A special reply for James R., WITH evidence

I knew you were coming at the Forums today James R. So I've been waiting for you. There you go, with pictures.;)

There sure has been some serious weather happening over there in Australia. The temperatures quoted are in Celsius.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Bath" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: aus-wx: Sydney to Hobart Waterspout

I've put a few video stills for those few that may have missed the TV news

The tornado was filmed off Jervis Bay, not sure of the time, but looks about 7.30pm 26/12?

Certainly seems to be a nice circular base of a large thunderstorm, and on the NW flank.

regards, Michael

Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 6:52 AM
Subject: aus-wx: Temp extremes.

Thursday morning and it's 2 degrees in Canberra - their lowest in
December for 37 years and light frosts are about. Canberra's record low of 1.1 on 18-12-1964 still stands as the lowest
summer temp in an Ausssie cap city. Anyone ever seen frost and fire together?? (No - not at same place obviously but in the vicinity of each other. Cooma -3 appears to be a December record.
And with records possible in Qld and NE NSW (what about 45 at Evans Head on 24th), where's Blair when you need him? On hols ??

Don White
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 7:35 PM
Subject: aus-wx: Victoria - Christmas & Boxing Day

Evening all,

Images from the last couple of days in Victoria

Summer?? 9.8C in the CBD at times this afternoon!! Storms - yes -hail, lightning, thunder, heavy rain, flash flooding....!!


Jane ONeill - Melbourne

Melbourne Storm Chasers
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 2:22 PM
Subject: aus-wx: Hot and Cold

Gympie's 40+ for the 3rd day in a row... Brisbane city is +38 similarly and at 2pm on Boxing Day afternoon, Melbourne is 9.8 degrees....and people live there.
Any records?

Don White

And there is nothing in it about the deliberatily lit fires. I can go on with that if you want.
Without a television.:)
Ok, so we have a few record temperatures <i>for this time of year in certain specific locations</i>. So what? On any given day, I'd say somewhere around the world is having a record low or high temperature for that particular day (or month) of the year.

What are you trying to get at with this? Why do you think these things are significant? What do they signify, in your opinion?

Nice info, by the way. Good to see some cold hard facts for a change. Keep it up. :)
I'm a firm believer in global warming, but there's a small part of me that thinks that maybe what's going on is no more than what the conservative republicans are saying. I BELIEVE they think that it's just a natural time in the Earth's 'life' for it to be warming up, like El Nino, that it's just something we haven't discovered.

As minute as this possibilty is you should probably keep your mind open. Banshee, if the world really is warming up and cooling down way more than it should when do think that it'll become unbearable for humans? Are there any websites out there with and predictions?
Calm down Banshee. I admit that there is a period of uncertainity coming same way we had the 9/11 situation, wars and so on. From time to time, instability in human society will occur but we will pull through because it does not wipe us out. Those who are worried about their safety should track these events and can take preventive action to stay out of the harms way.

On the otherhand, extinction level events can not be prevented and hence no point in shouting "sky is falling". In between, USA and NASA has plans in place to prevent medium meteor strikes as soon as we are ready. So, relax and have a pina colada and enjoy yourself.

Let the governance board take care of the major events...
hey all :)

hey Banshee..
greeat topic! ... Great research :D
you seem to have upset James R. :(
oh well... :rolleyes:

since james professes to be a man of science he will undoubtably realise the fragile protected nature of the theory of basic phisics!
james please expand a little on your personal view of the theory of light speed travel in lamens terms so some (well me actualy)
may have a better understanding of whos porch your rocking on?


groove on all :)
light spheres

Have you ever seen these light spheres? I know of a location in Colorado where the light spheres have appeared to groups of people. I'm hoping to visit it with my husband this summer. It is near where Christopher O'Brien lives.
weird happenings

I just read the rest of the postings above and in defense of Banshee, I read yesterday that the National Audubon Society has reported that sightings of birds normally located hundreds of miles away are showing up in odd locations. I wonder why. This involves various different species of birds.

My theory of light speed travel is the same as Einstein's - no object with mass can travel at the speed of light.

Did you want to know anything else?