Earn your soul

Originally posted by New Life
...the number is too big for us to comprehend ...
That is possible
Originally posted by New Life
... the number is too big for us to .. count too, ..
I don't understand?
Originally posted by New Life
.. that could also explain why there are so many people.
How many are so many?
who actually believes there is a little being of emphemeral quality floating in our head controlling our bodies? i don't believe in a soul per sea, but who really knows? though i still think the idea is rather wrong.
Some good thoughts! I too have toyed with ideas like this, but I would say, quite categorically, that each person is born with a new soul; I don't really beleive in that reincarnation crap (though I haven't ruled it out), and it also seems quite widely accepted when talking about the soul, that each person is responsible for their own. This sort of parallels with the free-will that is supposed to be responsible for the body. Whether we earn a soul, or are given one, one_raven, I am quite sure there is one. I did have more confidence in such a thing, but it wasn't long ago that I imagined how there could not be such a thing, i.e., I could see a way through. :(
The soul is finite

Originally posted by New Life
Maybe there is a finite number of souls in heaven, but the number is too big for us to comprehend or count too, that could also explain why there are so many people.
(As I sit here with my computer on a Friday night, I went back and read some of the earlier posts. This one deserved comment. There's no need to count the number of souls. There is only one spirit of which we all share. The idea of one body:eek:ne soul is inaccurate. There can be an infinite number of people sharing in the one spirit. When does the One Spirit of God come into a new body? Have you ever heard someone say a pregnant woman has "a glow?" When the fetus reaches a viable growth, the spirit moves through it, in and out of the body of the mother. Just thought I'd add this thought.)
Originally posted by Michael

I don't understand?
How many are so many?

What I meant with the too many to count to (error in grammar on my part) was that maybe the limit of souls in heaven is a number that we could never count to...........its like counting every grain of sand on earth...impossible for us.

I dont know how many are so many and I dont think any human ever could know the exact number.
Number of souls

Originally posted by New Life
What I meant with the too many to count to (error in grammar on my part) was that maybe the limit of souls in heaven is a number that we could never count to...........its like counting every grain of sand on earth...impossible for us. I dont know how many are so many and I dont think any human ever could know the exact number.
(God made it easy. There's only one soul.)
The soul concept was a mistake. It derives from the ignorant idea that the breath in a person is their soul.

This ancient error evolved into duality concepts which have even less basis, at least we could sense breath.

And modern science as it rapidly extends its understanding of the human brain has seen no evidence that a soul is either present or in any way necessary.

And you'd think that with 6 billion people currently alive and some more billions that have died that we might have found at least some tiny clue that a soul might exist, or even that it could exist. But there is zilch.

The concept of a soul is just a really dumb idea. There are no such things.
The soul concept was a mistake. It derives from the ignorant idea that the breath in a person is their soul
to true. and when one sneezes it was thought that the soul was trying to escape the body, hence "bless you" when someone sneezes.