Eagle or Beaver

Originally posted by Xev

Tyler, Elbaz:

Chosen and I combined have slept with more women than the two of you combined, so we win!


Argument over.

Wow, Miss Imalwaysrightandihavetomakesureyoufeelthatwaytoo, you've really won this arguement, especially in the minds of Tyler and I! :rolleyes:

Also, I must say this: Bald eagles are ugly. Ever look at their EYES? Eaglets are CUTE though. ^^;; (however I like widdle baby beavers as well... cute ickle beavies!)

And about eagles having more morals than beavers? Pure bullshit. Beavers are hard-working and work for the team, whereas eagles just go around killing things when they want to eat. Sounds sort of like DOG-EAT-DOG... like AMERICA! "we dont like this country therefore we will kill them." *manic laughter*
stuff bald eagles

look at the wedge tail

what a beautiful bird

i would LOVE to be a wedge tail eagle
I'd go for the Peregrine Falcon, those things are really gorgeous birds. The creature has been clocked at 200mph I think, it makes this really cool sound, and when it's protecting it's young it dives from above and clunks you on the head going the speed of a podracer (from star wars). Plus, they nest on bridges.

I used to live in a place where eagles hunted fish in a nearby pond, I'm pretty sure they were eagles. Once you see those things dive for some fish they aren't quite so majestic. They jump in the water and thrash around for a few minutes before chasing this fish and then wheeling into the sky with all their feathers puffed out. They're also really fricken loud when they do that, enough to wake you up from a wet dream.
Ok, i have the absolute best point about why the Beaver is the better animal!

Have you guys ever seen that Molsons commercial where the American says "Where's your pet beaver!?!" and the Canadian goes "Right here.... get him" and this little beaver jumps off the floor right onto the American's neck and bites him.

Either way, I think that each animal represents its country well.

The Beavers (Canadians) don't really harm anyone and go about their own business while the Eagles (Americans) are much more aggressive and like to swoop down from the sky (fire cruise missiles) and kill their prey (insert explosion).
Beaver=symbol of Canada
Eagle=symbol of the U.S.

I like Canada more than the U.S., so I like the beaver. :D