Eagle or Beaver


Valued Senior Member
Okay, we're having a little argument down in the World events and politics forums about which is the better Animal, and country mascot.

Personally, I'd have to say beaver. They're intelligent, hardworking, strong creatures. Big spirited yet humble in nature.

Then you have your everyday eagle. Bald, almost extinct. eats too many chemicals such as DDT. etc.

Well......if you throw it it can!!!!

And what's flying if you fly straight into windows due to stupidity, and are almost exinct. :cool:
The beaver is what's right with society. Hard working. Contributes to the group. Works together. Never really bothers anyone. Just does what it wants to and minds it's own business.

Eagle is just a bird that kills things when it wants to then returns to more bettering of itself. Also, I really don't think the bald eagle is that cool looking. Other eagles look kind of cool though. Anyway, the eagle annoys me.

The beaver is one of the coolest animals. Right along with the sloth.
Whoa! we posted that at the exact same time!

And yeah, sloths are cool. Now, if only they were a bit more energetic................
A: Beavers are ugly.

B: Vulgar slang term for a woman's pubic hair. Would not want people snickering at MY country's national symbol.

C: Eagles are mentioned in "Thus Spake Zarathrusra", one of my favorite books.

D: Make nicer tattoos.

E: Eagles can fly. Flying is groovy. Ergo, eagles are groovy.

F: Eagles eat fish. Yum!

G: Eagles are pretty.

H: Eagles are smart.

I: Beavers look stupid.

J: Eagles are rare. Beavers are common. Familiarity breeds contempt.

K: Eagles are noble animals. Beavers just do, you know, stuff.

L: Eaglets are cuter than little beavers. :)

M: Beavers are boring.

N: Beavers are conformists.

O: Eagles are groovyier than beavers.

P: Eagles lay eggs. Eggs are cool.

Q: Eagles eat the equivalent of sushi. Sushi is groovy. Ergo, eagles are groovy.

R: Beavers have no personality.

S: "Eagle" is a groovier word.

T: How many "eagle pelts" have you heard of? None. Beavers are just walking coats, though.

U: PETA is annoying. PETA rants about fur. Eagles don't have fur.

V: PETA is annoying. PETA rants about fur. Beavers have fur.

W: Beavers are natural food. Eagles aren't.

X: Beavers cut down trees with their teeth. That's fucking sick.

Y: Eagles make prettier noises.

Z: Eagles have beaks. How cool is THAT?!
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Agreed the beaver has higher moralistic virtues than an eagle. However, that it from man's P.O.V - would a beaver defend it's young with the same passion and stealth that an eagle could, and, would?
A: Beavers are ugly.

Only if you beat one with an ugly stick. Otherwise, beavers are good looking (stop thinking that, I'm not physically attracted to beavers!)

B: Vulgar slang term for a woman's pubic hair. Would not want people snickering at MY country's national symbol.

You call your pubic hair "beaver' . Well, what if I call my pubic hair eagle. Were even. Haa.

C: Eagles are mentioned in "Thus Spake Zarathrusra", one of my favorite books.

Beavers are mentioned in many books, too. And some would mention that "Thus Spake Zarathrusra" isn't that great.

D: Make nicer tattoos.

I know a lot of people who'd rather have a beaver tatoo than an eagle tatoo. That includes me.

E: Eagles can fly. Flying is groovy. Ergo, eagles are groovy.

What's flying if your too stupid to fly into windows and are almost extinct!

F: Eagles eat fish. Yum!

Beavers eat fish too!

G: Eagles are pretty.

I thought the Eagle was supposed to be tough. To define Americans as Predatorial birds. So America isn't tough, it's pretty?!?!

J: Eagles are rare. Beavers are common. Familiarity breeds contempt.

Eagles were common. Therefore,we were more contempt with beavers in the past, and as such, beavers are still the better animal.

K: Eagles are noble animals. Beavers just do, you know, stuff.
A: Beavers are ugly.

Only if you beat one with an ugly stick. Otherwise, beavers are good looking (stop thinking that, I'm not physically attracted to beavers!)

B: Vulgar slang term for a woman's pubic hair. Would not want people snickering at MY country's national symbol.

You call your pubic hair "beaver' . Well, what if I call my pubic hair eagle. Were even. Haa.

C: Eagles are mentioned in "Thus Spake Zarathrusra", one of my favorite books.

Beavers are mentioned in many books, too. And some would mention that "Thus Spake Zarathrusra" isn't that great.

D: Make nicer tattoos.

I know a lot of people who'd rather have a beaver tatoo than an eagle tatoo. That includes me.

E: Eagles can fly. Flying is groovy. Ergo, eagles are groovy.

What's flying if your too stupid to fly into windows and are almost extinct!

F: Eagles eat fish. Yum!

Beavers eat fish too!

G: Eagles are pretty.

I thought the Eagle was supposed to be tough. To define Americans as Predatorial birds. So America isn't tough, it's pretty?!?!

J: Eagles are rare. Beavers are common. Familiarity breeds contempt.

Eagles were common. Therefore,we were more contempt with beavers in the past, and as such, beavers are still the better animal.

K: Eagles are noble animals. Beavers just do, you know, stuff.

Having or showing qualities of high moral character, such as courage, generosity, or honor: a noble spirit.

Eagles aren't generous. And please point me in the direction of one Bald eagle that has high moral charectar. If I'm not mistaken, beavers posses these qualities.

L: Eaglets are cuter than little beavers.

Cute? Eaglets eat regurgitated worms and sleep in their own excretes.

Ha! Take that you....Bald Eagle Loving Red Wings Fan!
A: Beavers are ugly.

- We are breaking up.

B: Vulgar slang term for a woman's pubic hair. Would not want people snickering at MY country's national symbol.

- People snicker at it? Why? Well, maybe American women are so ugly that you think sex is funny.....

C: Eagles are mentioned in "Thus Spake Zarathrusra", one of my favorite books.

- Can't debate this

D: Make nicer tattoos.

- Not really. Entirely a personal opinion and like I said I think the eagle just looks dumb

E: Eagles can fly. Flying is groovy. Ergo, eagles are groovy.

- Eagles can fly. And the only time they come down is to kill something

F: Eagles eat fish. Yum!

- Beavers don't need to kill to survive

G: Eagles are pretty.

- Nein!

H: Eagles are smart.

- Not really. Not compared to other birds

I: Beavers look stupid.

- Only to an idiot.

J: Eagles are rare. Beavers are common. Familiarity breeds contempt.

- Eagles are only rare in America, not Canada

K: Eagles are noble animals. Beavers just do, you know, stuff.

- How in god's name is an eagle nobel? Just answer me this one, because it's plain stupid.

L: Eaglets are cuter than little beavers.

- You obviously have not handled a baby beaver!

M: Beavers are boring.

- How so? Eagle just flys around then swopes down to kill something. Beaver is hardworking and constantly making amazing natural damns.

N: Beavers are conformists.

- No more than an eagle. Ever heard of a rebel eagle? a vegetarian eagle?

O: Eagles are groovyier than beavers.

- brilliant arguement

P: Eagles lay eggs. Eggs are cool.

- brilliant arguement

Q: Eagles eat the equivalent of sushi. Sushi is groovy. Ergo, eagles are groovy.

- Not the equivlant of sushi in any way

R: Beavers have no personality.

- You obviously have not handled a beaver. An eagle is just some dumb arse who flies around squacking and then kills something so it can survive. If this is your idea of personality - then you better stick to america.

S: "Eagle" is a groovier word.

- Hardly! Eagle just sounds like the name some self-conscience parent would give to her kid.

T: How many "eagle pelts" have you heard of? None. Beavers are just walking coats, though.

- no arguement. but I fail to see how ancient use of beaver's as pelts has any baring

U: PETA is annoying. PETA rants about fur. Eagles don't have fur.

V: PETA is annoying. PETA rants about fur. Beavers have fur.

W: Beavers are natural food. Eagles aren't.

- who eats beaver?

X: Beavers cut down trees with their teeth. That's fucking sick.

- Sure. Here's the difference. I think it's cool that an animal can be a hardworking, dedicated, strong and proud creature without having to be self-righteous and completely independant, not wanting to help another creature around it.

Y: Eagles make prettier noises.

- SQUACK. Eagles make annoying noise. Beavers make no noise.

Z: Eagles have beaks. How cool is THAT?!

- not cool in any way

"would a beaver defend it's young with the same passion and stealth that an eagle could, and, would?"

Yes. Beavers work more for this purpose than birds do.

"Beavers more moralistic? What the fuck have you people been smoking?"

And therein lies the difference between American and Canadian culture. We respect and praise a creature who works hard all his life, dedicates himself to the team effort and goes about his business in a manner that benefits those around him and his natural environemtn. You respect and praise a creature who is only interested in himself until he wants to kill something.

Nice little analogy.
Point of this entire thread??

What's the point?? :D You know you won't get anywhere except:

"I say this!"
"No, I say this!" :p
T: How many "eagle pelts" have you heard of? None. Beavers are just walking coats, though.

Perhaps that's due to the fact that Eagles aren't mammals! And I'd argue that mammals are better. Oh, and Natives wear eagle feathers!. I don't see any beavers being plucked of their feathers, do you?

X: Beavers cut down trees with their teeth. That's fucking sick.

How is wood sick? Isn't your house made of wood??

Y: Eagles make prettier noises.

Some would argue that beavers make even prettier noises. Ah well, I guess you have to be a Canadian to understand.

Z: Eagles have beaks. How cool is THAT?!

Beavers have a paddle for a tail, and teeth that never stop growing. How cool is That!!

This is subjective so I won't argue, just voicing my opinion

Tyler, Elbaz:

Chosen and I combined have slept with more women than the two of you combined, so we win!


Argument over.
I keep telling you I dont have a problem with beaver, id eat beaver if I could because it probably taste good. Beavers are hard working and they really know how to grind down the wood.

But sometimes I just feel like a bald eagle, I need something clean cut and smooth, something slick, thats what im about.

You think You've slept with more women than me?!?! haha. Didn't I hear you mention somewhere that you were a straight female (or something like that)

And it could be so, I haven't slept with many considering I'm not an old dinosaur like yourlselves!! :D :D :D :p

STill, how does the amount of people we've slept with, hold any say in the validity of my opinions (knowledge in this case)?