E.S.P Due To Magnetism In Blood Flow

true, but science has yet to explain why certain people can score a consistent 70% or better for determining what the next random card will be from a shuffled deck.

Except that doesn't happen. A person might get lucky a few times, but repeat the experiment often enough, you'll see that figure tend towards 50%.
true, but science has yet to explain why certain people can score a consistent 70% or better for determining what the next random card will be from a shuffled deck.

Really, show me this example, because my best guess (also about 70% right) is that this is BS.
i have been looking for examples of this but so far i haven't been able to find any. no, it isn't BS but it also isn't reproducible in a controlled environment.
i have been looking for examples of this but so far i haven't been able to find any. no, it isn't BS but it also isn't reproducible in a controlled environment.

LOL, sorry but not being reproducible means it is BS.
i have been looking for examples of this but so far i haven't been able to find any. no, it isn't BS but it also isn't reproducible in a controlled environment.

LOL. Do you have any idea how silly that is. So you believe ESP is shy!:shrug:
It's usually implied that various ESP results that people usually imply exist are just reactions caused by Synesthesia, a condition that those people happen to have.
use your head for something other than a hat rack.
-my mother.

i will indeed throw these quotes right back at you in the appropriate thread.

Is this supposed to be an answer?

Or just your standard line of bullshit?
Dogs Likely Born with 'Canine Telepathy', Jun 2011

Dogs are so in tune with us that they can read our minds, according to a new Learning & Behavior study that also determined canines are probably born with the ability.

Practice makes perfect, however, so the more a dog hangs around humans, the better he or she becomes at "canine telepathy," which actually relies upon hyperawareness of the senses.

Those of us who have owned or been around dogs for any period of time know how well they often "get" us, sensing tiredness, depression, headaches or other maladies before we consciously exhibit any major outward signs of distress. Dogs can even detect when a person has cancer. They also seem to sense our joy and good health.

Originally posted by leopold99

true, but science has yet to explain why certain people can score a consistent 70% or better for determining what the next random card will be from a shuffled deck.

And yet not a single result like this can ever be reproduced in the presence of a skeptic, and the psychic's powers seem to further decline in the presence of stage magicians and scientists. This evidence leads me to believe that claims of this sort have about as much worth as a sneeze in a spacesuit and are about as useful when it comes to determining the veracity of "paranormal" abilities.

Oh, and the dog mind reading thing was funny. The better explanation is that we have shaped their evolution for some twenty thousand years and that has given them, through artificial selection, a very good understanding(even if it's "only" instinctual) of human behavior. Those who were good at reading the mood and basic well being of their masters bred more and thus the genes for doing so spread. In fact it's even been shown that dogs tend to use humans to manipulate their environment, and such a detailed understanding of human behavior would obviously be advantageous in that respect.

As always, science produces the best results by following Ockham's Razor and not making unnecessary assumptions, such as the existence of psychic powers.
Thinking about it, James Randi should be apologising to that Russian girl who could 'invisibly see' a patients blowflow.