Dutch HIV Sex Party (HIV used as a bioweapon)


Registered Senior Member
What do you all think of this article about a gang of guys who deliberately were spreading HIV?

It seems to be a new trend, that individuals who have HIV are using it as a weapon. I'm not gay or anything, but come on, injecting people with HIV?

The fact that it was used on homosexuals allows for the perfect cover because there is no way to know whether they got it having gay sex or from the injection. Finally if you look at how conservatives might view this situation, it's not going to be viewed in a fair way.

Prosecutors have sought eight- to 15-year jail terms for three people accused of being part of a gay gang whose alleged victims have told a Dutch court about attempts to infect them with the AIDS virus at sex orgies.

"I feel fear, anger, sadness and anxiety," one of the trio's alleged victims, an HIV-positive student, told the district court in Groningen Wednesday.

Hans Jurgens, 39, Peter Mulder, 50, and Wim Dekker, 49, all HIV-positive, are charged with drugging gay men, raping them and injecting them with HIV-contaminated blood.

They stand accused of intentionally spreading the deadly virus at sex parties to which they invited people via the internet, and are charged with aggravated assault, rape and illegal possession of drugs.

So according to the information in the article, they lured homosexuals to a house with the promise of a sex party, and when they arrived their drinks were drugged with something to make them not remember anything which happened. It sounds like they planned it thoroughly.

and the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuYAYnkP4v8
TimeTraveler 15 years is rediculas low for drink spiking with the intention of rape and atempted murder
wait. If they sawed off their own limbs? Hard to operate the blender. Sawed off their victims limbs? Be complicated. Need to have an acetylene torch handy for cauterization, else they might bleed to death. Then it would require butchering each limb and bone into very small pieces to fit into the blender. It seems to me if you want to accomplish this, it would be simpler to toss them into a wood chipper, then feed them to the victims.
mr Ham do you honestly think this wont effect the quality of life for whatever they have left? you dont think its going to shorten there lives?
you dont think spiking there drinks ALONE for the purpose of RAPE deserves 15 years each offence BY ITSELF
I should have addressed that, you're right. Rapists of any sort should be killed. Slowly. Preferably with some kind of strong acid bath. Rape victims should be sent to a lovely government run facility so that they can overcome their pain. They should first be allowed to be in control of the dunking lever for their rapist's acid bath.
Heh, you have to be gay to be against injecting people with HIV?

A lot of people think being gay is a sin. That "God hates fags", and that gay individuals who are having sex parties/orgies deserve what they get. They will cite stories from the bible about how God would send down angels to kill off the people who have unnatural sex. They could say this is simply God's will.

I'm not one of these people, I can see that AIDs hurts us all, but a lot of people are FOR AIDS and think God made AIDs to wipe out homosexuality.

Want to see who I'm talking about?



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Wolters said investigators had found a letter signed by Jurgens, addressed to Mulder, in which he talked about deliberately infecting people with HIV.

"I drugged guests and later gave them an injection with my own seropositive blood," reads the letter produced by the prosecutor.

Jurgens' letter said he had had more "randy and dirty" sex since his HIV infection than ever before.

Looks like they will have letters which can be used as evidence. Thats probably the only reason there is a case at all.
You know you can contract AIDS from gurlz too right?

Yeah but they haven't caught a gang of girls going around infecting "players" with aids. I'm not saying it doesn't or couldn't happen, in fact the girl gangs would probably be even more dangerous. But the subject this time is homosexual men who are using AIDs as a bioweapon, and the political consequences of this.
What the hell? Girl gangs more dangerous than gangs of men? What does the sexual orientation of the men who committed the crime have anything to do with anything?
Isn't 12 years the absolute most you can be sentenced to in some of the more "liberal" European countries? I believe I recall hearing of terrorists sentenced to 200 years who would only actually do 12 as that was the max. Once the death penalty is gone, the liberal bleeding hearts next go after "life in prison" as cruel and unusual.

Where did this take place? Maybe they did recieve the max.
i was just reading my pathophysology book on HIV, it looks like the adverage life span (admitedly im not sure if this is WITH treatment or without) is 11-15 years or so with the disease.

I was wrong, it shouldnt be atempted murder, it should be MURDER charges
I was wrong, it shouldnt be atempted murder, it should be MURDER charges
Of course. If they had only subjected their victims to gang rape by a bunch of HIV positive men, that would be bad enough. But, as though having multiple HIV positive men ejaculate into your, no doubt, bloody and torn rectum didn't do enough to ensure that their victims contracted AIDS, they went the extra step in actually injecting their rape victims with their tainted blood.

That syringe might just as well have been a gun. Except, of course, that rather than the quick death by gunshot, these men will endure the slow, painful death of HIV infection.

These criminals should be put to death. To minimize the chance of these animals infecting anyone else, I'd suggest they be burned at the stake. Even more appropriate, considering their crime, they should be impaled upon the stake before being set on fire. If there is a hell, I'd imagine they have an eternity of that sort of punishment in their futures.:mufc: