Drunk driving

The fact is that drinking seriously impairs ability to drive safely in most if not all humans. Thus it should be illegal & should have serious consequences.
The fact is that drinking seriously impairs ability to drive safely in most if not all humans. Thus it should be illegal & should have serious consequences.

Putting on makeup or eating or drinking seriously impairs the ability to drive safely in most if not all humans. So ....why just pick on the drinkers?

Ahh, it's because of a bias and prejudice, right?! :D

Baron Max
Whether those should be illegal has no bearing on whether drunk driving should be illegal.
Any coaction which seriously impairs safe driving should be illegal & should have serious consequences.
Unfortunately, drunk driving wasn't taken seriously for much too long. That's finally changing, mostly for the better. Other impairments may come to be taken more seriously but nothing is helped by justifying drunk driving.
Whether those should be illegal has no bearing on whether drunk driving should be illegal.
Any coaction which seriously impairs safe driving should be illegal & should have serious consequences.
Unfortunately, drunk driving wasn't taken seriously for much too long. That's finally changing, mostly for the better. Other impairments may come to be taken more seriously but nothing is helped by justifying drunk driving.

You say that, yet your whole comment basically is an attempt to justify all those other impairments by not raising as much hell over them as over drinking.

Tens of thousands of accidents happen every year that involved no drinking at all. There much, much fewer accidents involving alcohol, yet you and people like you rant and rave about those few accidents, while ignoring all the others. Odd, don't you think?

Baron Max
You are FULL of it. This thread is about drunk driving.
If you want to start a thread about other aspects of safe & unsafe driving, do so & quit spewing BS here assuming things way beyond your ability to know. I'd probably participate at least until you pull enough crap like this to turn me off it. You might then have enough to make a halfway decent judgement on what my views are on driving in general. Then again, maybe not since here you ignore half my post and/or absurdly twist it to fit your notion of what I think.
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Is that to mean that we should all believe you without question, without comment?

He posted the exact evidence you asked for an you totally ignored it. Of course he knows you are a troll.

No one cares about your attempt at spurious logic either. So other things impair driving. They are addressed or not addressed based on their perceived threat to society. For example it is illegal in many states now to drive while using a cell phone for this very reason. Most of these other threats are covered by blanket laws like reckless driving and DUI which covers most intoxicants.

Alcohol however is so pernicious in its effect and so pervasive in society that is has specific statutes that address it. In part this is because drunks like you think they can drink and drive just because their luck hasn't yet run out. You can't and you are a menace to society.
He posted the exact evidence you asked for an you totally ignored it.

No, he didn't!!! He only posted the numbers of people found to be drunk. It says nothing, NOTHING, about hoiw many of those people "would have" been in an accident!!

There are thousands, tens of thousands, of drivers who drive under the influence of booze ....AND NEVER HAVE ACCIDENTS! Yet y'all seem to think that all people who drive drunk WILL have accidnets, and that's not only patently false, it just shows that you don't know how many drunks are actually on the road!

Alcohol however is so pernicious in its effect and so pervasive in society that is has specific statutes that address it.

So, ....is that to say that you think all laws are just, and that they're all applied equally to everyone?

Baron Max
BM, So I'm not sure what your position is.

You have agreed that drinking impairs your ability to drive. But it sounds like you are saying that since there are not laws addressing every action that can impair your driving, there shouldn't be laws against any of them. e.g. we should allow drunk driving because we don't specifically ban driving while eating a ham sandwich.
Is that correct?
BM, So I'm not sure what your position is.

You have agreed that drinking impairs your ability to drive. But it sounds like you are saying .......
Is that correct?

It's simple. Drivers who drink are being unfairly targetted for something that they have NOT done.
Tens of thousands of drivers who drink can drive home or around town and NEVER have an accident. Yet, when the cops find one driver who's been drinking, they throw the book at him .......FOR SOMETHING THAT HE MIGHT DO LATER.

If you back laws like that, then why do you not also back laws against any and all other people who MIGHT do something wrong later?

If we see an old fart hangin' around a child's playground, let's just arrest him for POSSIBLE pedophilia and throw the fucker in jail for the night, then fine the shit out of him the next day in court. Same thing, ain't it? But would you back such a tactic? If not, remember, ...you're backing the same thing with drivers who have been drinking.

Baron Max
No, he didn't!!!

You are just blowing smoke out your ass. Read it instead of skimming.

There are thousands, tens of thousands, of drivers who drive under the influence of booze ....AND NEVER HAVE ACCIDENTS!

Actually the point is their rate of having accidents is significantly increased and in particular their rate of having horrendous accidents with innocent bystanders is so great that society has gotten so pissed they are ready to fry your ass you stupid drunk.
Actually the point is their rate of having accidents is significantly increased and in particular their rate of having horrendous accidents .....

But, see, you can't know that "rate" unless you know the total number of drunks driving on the road!! Drunks may have the same "rate" of accidents, horrendous or not, as regular ol' sober drivers.

Ask yourself .... how do I calculate the rate of something?

Baron Max
No you are being fairly targeted for what you are doing - driving while drunk.

Are those who eat while driving targetted in the same way? Or putting on makeup? Or reading the newspaper? Or talking on the phone? Or any of hundreds of such distractions and impairments?

Baron Max
But, see, you can't know that "rate" unless you know the total number of drunks driving on the road!!

Those numbers were given to you and they are available for you to look up, as are the drops in fatalities when drunk driving is reduced.

But like most alcoholics you don't care.
Those numbers were given to you and they are available for you to look up, as are the drops in fatalities when drunk driving is reduced.

Those numbers did NOT show anything like rate of accidents for all drivers who drink!

rate = total number of drivers who drink / total number of accidents involving drunk drivers.

Neither you, nor those numbers showed anything even close that. And worse, they didn't even let those drivers continue driving to see if they'd have an accident or not!

You're simply biased about the issue and not willing to listen to reason.

But like most alcoholics you don't care.

So, don't get your way in an argument? ...so you go on the attack? :D

Sounds just like MADD folks, don't it?

Baron Max
If nothing is done against people who unfairly discriminate against Hispanics, nothing should be done against those who unfairly discriminate against blacks.
If schoolyard bullies aren't punished in the city bordering mine, it shouldn't be done here.
If surgeons aren't punished for being high during surgery, they shouldn't be punished for being drunk during surgery.
If some get away with rape, all should.
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.
Have another drink Baron.

Or eat another burger while I'm driving and reading the newspaper while I shave and balance a cup of hot coffee at the same time as I argue with my girlfriend about where to go drinking that evening.

But, oh, god, please, NO .....NO drinking and then driving! ..because I might have an accident. Oops, wait, I might have an accident even if don't do all those things. Hmm, there's just something wrong with all this.

Yep, I've decided, ....we should persecute drinkers and throw them in jail for what they MIGHT do. That's the American way ....get those bastards!! :D

Hell, let's do the same to gun owners, too! If there's on gun owner who has an accident with his gun, that means that all gun owners MIGHT have accidents with their guns, so ...persecute those bastards! That's the American way ....get those bastards!!

Baron Max
Or eat another burger while I'm driving and reading the newspaper while I shave and balance a cup of hot coffee at the same time as I argue with my girlfriend about where to go drinking that evening.

But, oh, god, please, NO .....NO drinking and then driving! ..because I might have an accident. Oops, wait, I might have an accident even if don't do all those things. Hmm, there's just something wrong with all this.

Yep, I've decided, ....we should persecute drinkers and throw them in jail for what they MIGHT do. That's the American way ....get those bastards!! :D

Hell, let's do the same to gun owners, too! If there's on gun owner who has an accident with his gun, that means that all gun owners MIGHT have accidents with their guns, so ...persecute those bastards! That's the American way ....get those bastards!!

Baron Max

You're right, we shouldn't outlaw anything that has the possibility of not hurting someone. I mean, doing target practice in your suburban backyard has a resonable possibility of not hurting anyone. So it should be legal. If someone does get hurt, then we'll deal with it.