drug users!

Cocaine makes you numb. Sleeping pills make you sleep. Alcohol does both. It's that easy.
drugs are good. drugs save lives, drugs end pain, drugs kill, drugs are bad, drugs are abused, kids die from drugs.

parents should stop drug use, doctors should prescribe more drugs, they should make drugs for more problems people deal with, they should make less drugs people can abuse.

drug addicts should go to rehab, pharmaceutical goods should be sold more carefuly, drugs should be cheaper, drugs should last longer, and easier to get a hold of
No matter what drug you use, if your smart enough you can keep your sense about you.
Provided you don't do too much.

Some drugs like ketamine were originally developed as field anaesthetics, because they have a large effective dose range. Wack yourself full of enough K and you can, literally, be hit by a truck and you don't know it. Same goes for all the sedatics like valium, GHB, rohypnol etc. They are designed to make you unconcious when you're in pain. Pain killers like opiods and opiates might, might, leave you concious but will make you much more immune to pain. Again, you can have a broken arm and not mind.

I had morphine after my tonsils were taken out. I was aware it was uncomfortable but didn't seem to mind. It was 'comfortable'. Really weird feeling.

So if you're not drunk as hell or high as ****, you can have your wits about you. But by the very definition of 'doing too much', you can be so ****ed up you don't realise what state your body is in.
LA sleeping pills and achole are both seditives, both can make you fall temporaly unconcious. The difference between sleep and unconcious is the lack of the return to conciousness when a pain responce is introduced.

Im not sure of exactly what cocaine does but if its anything like morphine and heroin then it will dull the bodies ability to recognise pain as well and there for mean a larger pain stimulas is require under NORMAL circumstances (which being dosed with achole and seditives cirtanly isnt)

So yes its very concivable for a pt to badly injure themselves with no atempt to save themselves in these cirumstances
cocaine isnt anything like morphine or heroin. It does block pain, but it wires you also.