Drug can reverse Alzheimer's symptoms in minutes

Why Alzheimer- many hypothesis

1. Plaques and Tangles noted by German Psychiatrist Alois Alzhemer
2. Amyloid cascade hypotheis based on Amyloid Precursor protein causing Beta-Amyloid Plaque
3. Tau protein in association with phosphate metabolism
3. Antioxidant hypothesis
4. Inflammatory hypothesis
5. Excitatory Cell Death (ECD) hypothesis
6. Viral infection such as herpes hypothesis
7. Vascular hypothesis (poor blood flow?)
8. Diabetes Hypothesis (this is a strong one)
9. Vitamin deficiency like B12
10. Hypercalcemia
11. Syphilis
12. Pesticides that pass blood-brain barrier

Hey, if they found an easy solution, that is fantastic!
Some other ideas since Enabrel has a lot of side effects:

According to the news:

The experiment showed that Enbrel can deactivate TNF (tumour necrosis factor) - a chemical in the fluid surrounding the brain that is found in Alzheimer's sufferers.

My references show:

Is there a role for melatonin in the treatment of neoplastic cachexia?

It is known that neoplastic cachexia shows metabolic characteristics different from other common causes of malnutrition, and that it is mainly due to an abnormal secretion of TNF, whose levels are often high in patients with advanced neoplasia. Previous clinical studies have suggested that the pineal hormone melatonin (MLT), which plays an essential role in the neuroendocrine regulation of biological systems, may improve the clinical status of advanced cancer patients and inhibit TNF secretion. To investigate the relationship between MLT, TNF and cancer-related weight loss, 100 untreatable metastatic solid tumor patients entered this study to receive either supportive care alone, or supportive care plus MLT (20 mg/day orally in the evening). Patients were observed for 3 months, and were considered evaluable when they were observed for at least 2 months. There were 86 evaluable patients, the other 14 patients having died from rapid progression of disease. The per cent of weight loss greater than 10% was significantly higher in patients treated by supportive care alone than in those concomitantly treated by MLT, with no difference in food intake (P < 0.01). Mean serum levels of TNF progressively increased in the supportive care group, but to levels that were not significantly different from pretreatment values. In contrast, TNF mean concentrations significantly decreased (P < 0.05) in patients concomitantly treated by MLT. These results suggest that the pineal hormone MLT may be effective in the treatment of the neoplastic cachexia by decreasing TNF blood concentrations.

Eur J Cancer 1996 Jul;32A(8):1340-3
I bet you, some Pharmaceutical company will make THC in a pill form like Loretab and sell it at high price.
I didn't see that in the OP. I saw a list of hypotheses.

No, you’re missing my point. Your addition of “genetics” to a list of biochemical causes is erroneous. Genes code for the production of proteins. It’s the proteins that do the biochemical work in cells. Of course genetic predisposition can be an underlying risk factor of AD, but genetic predisposition acts through one or more of the physiological mechanisms on that list.