Drug can reverse Alzheimer's symptoms in minutes


A drug used for arthritis can reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's "in minutes". It appears to tackle one of the main features of the disease - inflammation in the brain. Enbrel is injected into the spine where it blocks a chemical responsible for damaging the brain and other organs.

A pilot study carried out by U.S. researchers found one patient had his symptoms reversed "in minutes"....:)

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/...e Alzheimer's symptoms in minutes'/article.do

I love science. :)
A drug used for arthritis can reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's "in minutes". It appears to tackle one of the main features of the disease - inflammation in the brain. Enbrel is injected into the spine where it blocks a chemical responsible for damaging the brain and other organs.

A pilot study carried out by U.S. researchers found one patient had his symptoms reversed "in minutes"....:)

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/...e Alzheimer's symptoms in minutes'/article.do

I love science. :)

Great !
But isn't this just dumb luck ?
Let's see how the smack daddy pharmaceutical companies discredit this drug.

???? Why should they? Currently, there's NOTHING that can cure it so they won't be loosing ANY money. But if it does work, several will be trying to get their version of it to market.

Care to explain just why you said that? :bugeye:
sandy, that was a very small sample and it is also only treating on aspect of the disease. Its not treating the atropy of the brain (although it maybe proposing that this is caused by the swelling) and its not treating the plaques. Maybe this in combination with a blood thinning medication and a derivitive of THC may work though. But it is still a VERY small sample
sandy, that was a very small sample and it is also only treating on aspect of the disease. Its not treating the atropy of the brain (although it maybe proposing that this is caused by the swelling) and its not treating the plaques. Maybe this in combination with a blood thinning medication and a derivitive of THC may work though. But it is still a VERY small sample

Neither Sandy nor anyone else has claimed it was more than a small sample. At this point it's just news and a LOT more testing WILL be done. The main thing, though, is that it was a completely unexpected result of threatment with that particular drug AND it appears to hold some degree of promise at this point. Give it time!!

Also, there is NO swelling with Alzheimer's - I don't know where you got that from. :shrug:
"inflammation in the brain" what do you think inflammation is?

Even though that was mentioned in the lead-off of the article, that had to be something the non-medically trained reporter inserted. While it could be termed "inflammation" in a non-specific sense, it does NOT refer to swelling. I suggest you do a little research on your own -you will find there is no swelling of the brain associated with the condition.
sure if it was just a reporter mestake then fine because your right everything i have herd about Alzheimers refers to A) plaque build up, B) brain atopine and C) denigration of the myline sheaths although b and c maybe the samething

Have read that THC has the ability to break up the plaque build ups though they are still reacherching that
sure if it was just a reporter mestake then fine because your right everything i have herd about Alzheimers refers to A) plaque build up, B) brain atopine and C) denigration of the myline sheaths although b and c maybe the samething

Exactly right - and that's why I said the reporter was just that - a reporter, not a medical person.

Have read that THC has the ability to break up the plaque build ups though they are still reacherching that

I haven't come acrosr that one, do you have a link?
no i dont sorry, it was reported in the health report on ABC radio. I will try to find an artical on it though
It seems to me that this is not a cure but a treatment, but hey its an improvement. I just wish they would allow the use of marijuana to the patients.
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its a spelling error, unfortuantly i cant find the correct spelling.
It basically refers to shrinking because of wasting away, like if you suddenly stop using your mussles. It can also happen to the brain but with old age and especially with someone with Alzheimers
hey that IS how i spelt it so now i am confused as to the question
were you refering to this?

"[edit] Resuscitation
Injections of atropine are used in the treatment of bradycardia (an extremely low heart rate), asystole and pulseless electrical activity (PEA) in cardiac arrest. This works because the main action of the vagus nerve of the parasympathetic system on the heart is to slow it down. Atropine blocks that action and therefore may speed up the heart rate. The usual dose of atropine is 0.5 to 1 mg every three to five minutes, up to a maximum dose of 3 mg.

Atropine is also useful in treating first degree heart block, second degree heart block Mobitz Type 1 (Wenckebach block), and also third degree heart block with a high Purkinje or AV-nodal escape rhythm. It is usually not effective in second degree heart block Mobitz type 2, and in third degree heart block with a low Purkinje or ventricular escape rhythm. Atropine is contraindicated in ischemia-induced conduction block, because the drug increases oxygen demand of the AV nodal tissue, thereby aggravating ischemia and the resulting heart block.

One of the main actions of the parasympathetic nervous system is to stimulate the M2 muscarinic receptor in the heart, but atropine inhibits this action."